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A vampire having tattoos is preposterous! A tattoo is an injury to every layer of skin. A vampire's tattoos would heal and disappear immediately. Unless he got them before turning into one...but isn't he from the 19th century? Even sailors would have MAYBE 2 or 3 tattoos, but the full tattoo sleeve look wasn't in style in western Europe until late in the 20th century. Sorry, it's just one of those little things that bugs me. Don't get me wrong though, he's still an interesting caricature of a vampire.

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Right, that is very anachronistic, but when did that "full tattoo sleeve look" ever come into style? They're not only dangerous, but also totally icky and horrid.

Don't know how it works on a vampire because I'd be holding the cross and the garlic and the mirror even if the vampire didn't have the tattoo.

Maybe what they're trying to do here is to debut a breakthrough cuckoo bamboo see-through shampoo statue voodoo tattoo review?

It's not tried and true, but, Who knew? Who knew?

When you get a tattoo, ink is inserted in the dermis layer of the skin with special needles. The ink remains in the layer and after the skin heals, the tattoo can be clearly seen.

With humans it can take up to six months for the skin to heal completely. Vampires heal much faster, so they can get a tattoo and after the fast healing, it will look as if it has always been there.

But if you get a tattoo as a vamp, wouldn’t the body treat the injected ink as a foreign object and want to expel it, the same as a bullet or something? That’s my theory of vamps getting tattoos. I’m just theorizing about something ridiculous, so no offense taken if you think my theory is ABSOLUTELY WRONG! Cheers to all of us concerned about vampire health and bodily functions. ;-)

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