Über Preacher diskutieren

No wonder the Jews were so eager to turn this into a tv series.

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As a Christian I can shelve it in most cases when watching supernatural or fantasy show for I take them for what they are. Have to admit the bit about Jesus fathering a child was a bit much, though.

Originally written by an atheist and produced and written for TV by Jews. So of course they're going to show Christianity in the most negative way possible.

@mitsuko_soma said:

Originally written by an atheist and produced and written for TV by Jews. So of course they're going to show Christianity in the most negative way possible.

Also inbreeding resulting in an idiot would not have happened. Only if someone has children with a blood relative like a sister would that have happened over the course of time. Unless "Jesus" had a sister and continually had sisters etc down the generations what we saw would not have happened since the mothers were not related to him. Sure funny scene, but not possible even if one bought the "Jesus had a child" scenario.

Just nonsense all around. This season has sucked all the fun out of the show.

You mean this show wasn't made for believers in christianity? The Bible is full of outrageous fanciful whacky stuff, this show is as well. At least the show is entertaining.

@Oldnewbie said:

@mitsuko_soma said:

Originally written by an atheist and produced and written for TV by Jews. So of course they're going to show Christianity in the most negative way possible.

Also inbreeding resulting in an idiot would not have happened. Only if someone has children with a blood relative like a sister would that have happened over the course of time. Unless "Jesus" had a sister and continually had sisters etc down the generations what we saw would not have happened since the mothers were not related to him. Sure funny scene, but not possible even if one bought the "Jesus had a child" scenario.

Just nonsense all around. This season has sucked all the fun out of the show.

Actually, inbreeding must have happen further down the line. You remember how the zealots were crazy with keeping Jesus' bloodline as pure as possible? Jesus' son could have had 2 children a boy and a girl, which were wed together. Then more and more ancestors were incesting for 25 generations. Trying to keep the bloodline pure was stupid in retrospect, considering how genetic anomalies affect the offsprings.

@komrad said:

@Oldnewbie said:

@mitsuko_soma said:

Originally written by an atheist and produced and written for TV by Jews. So of course they're going to show Christianity in the most negative way possible.

Also inbreeding resulting in an idiot would not have happened. Only if someone has children with a blood relative like a sister would that have happened over the course of time. Unless "Jesus" had a sister and continually had sisters etc down the generations what we saw would not have happened since the mothers were not related to him. Sure funny scene, but not possible even if one bought the "Jesus had a child" scenario.

Just nonsense all around. This season has sucked all the fun out of the show.

Actually, inbreeding must have happen further down the line. You remember how the zealots were crazy with keeping Jesus' bloodline as pure as possible? Jesus' son could have had 2 children a boy and a girl, which were wed together. Then more and more ancestors were incesting for 25 generations. Trying to keep the bloodline pure was stupid in retrospect, considering how genetic anomalies affect the offsprings.

You're right. Assuming there was always an only child is erroneous.

@Oldnewbie said:

Have to admit the bit about Jesus fathering a child was a bit much, though.

Really? Its one of the most common tropes in "biblical fan-fic." For example, it was the big secret in SPOILER. It did cause a bunch of catholic extremists to fire-bomb some theaters in France when Scorsese used it in his movie The Last Temptation of Christ though.

On the other hand, the "mentally handicapped messiah" seems rare. At least I've only seen it once before, in an old science-fiction book Behold the Man where the protagonist goes back in time to find Jesus and seek redemption but discovers that Jesus, Joseph and Mary aren't anything close to how they are portrayed in the bible. So he decides that for the sake of humanity, that he will have to assume the role of Jesus instead.

The Jesus thing is an old story (that he fathered children, was gay, etc). What cherry topped the cake was GOD playing a human who plays a DOG engaging in perverse sex fantasies! And yeah, God spelled backwards is dog! Preacher should have figured that one out immediately.

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