Epizodai 5


Episodio 1

2015 rugsėjo 954m

Brilliant, vivacious GP Gemma Foster has her life torn apart when she investigates whether her husband is harbouring a dark secret. The truth will shock her to the core.


Filmavimo grupė 0

Režisavo: Režisierius nėra pridėtas.

Parašyta: Scenaristas nebuvo pridėtas.

Kviestinė kino žvaigždė 0 Visa aktorių ir filmavimo grupės sudėtis

Kviestinė kino žvaigždė nepridėta.

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Episodio 2

2015 rugsėjo 1654m

Reeling from the secrets she has uncovered, Gemma has a decision to make - but a visit from a surprise patient means she also faces an acute professional dilemma.


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Episodio 3

2015 rugsėjo 2354m

In public Gemma plays the perfect wife, while secretly concocting a plan to ensure she comes out on top - only to make new discoveries about the full extent of the secrets that those around her are holding on to.


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Episodio 4

2015 rugsėjo 3054m

Gemma decides on a new start with Simon, but her medical career begins to fall apart.


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Episodio 5

Season Finale
2015 spalio 754m

Gemma is determined to expose Simon at last. But how far will she go to achieve her goal?


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