Über Narcos diskutieren

Okay, I wondered if it would hold my interest once Pablo Escobar was gone. Well, I've seen 2 of the new episodes (I'm not really a binge person, I like to stretch it out) and I'm happy to say it does. I have high hopes for this season.

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Oops, sorry ... Narcos (damn autocorrect). ;-)

Yeah. I agree. Im taking my time with this one to savor it. I watched 4 episodes so far. While it is definitely missing the bad villain that Pablo was first two seasons, Im liking what I see so far with the Cali partners and all they bring. Also good to see a couple recurring characters from first two seasons. Like Navagante....that dude is Scary AF

I loved this season. I couldn't stop watching it on Sunday and had to swtich off on the very last episode as my eyes were getting too heavy grin (it was 1:30am and I had work the next day).

I watched the last episode yesterday and still want more.

What a great show. Wished there were more episodes. At least there will be a season 4.

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