Über Blindspot diskutieren

I am watching the latest season where the team go to Iceland to restore power to the entire US and succeed of course - but bad guys in the FBI are framing them as terrorists. What is the matter with writers these days - do they not have any original ideas any more - they just rehash old plot lines and situations ad infinitum. All this is done at breakneck speed and crazy camera work that makes it almost impossible to follow - even if you wanted to - and the new guy - Weiss - he is simply awful. You can almost read the stage directions as "the team break apart with distrust" - "Madeleine gets the upper hand" - "traitorous elements seek to destroy the FBI - I got so bored with it I just stopped watching - if it keeps on like this I wont return to it.

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For some reason I'm still watching. I can't quit cold turkey yet. I really wanna see how this ends.

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