Über Fear the Walking Dead diskutieren

This one did the impossible: It made me actually care for little Charlie, who shot and killed Nick, and (I believe) caused the death of Madison. Whenever she mentioned not remembering what her parents looked like, I came close to tears.

Also, it was a very atmospheric episode, with the manufactured hurricane. I liked that a lot.

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I liked it a lot too, even if it was a tad claustrophobic and only featured two characters. Similar to what TWD does far too often. At east some ploty movement occured (at the end). But now we're faced with eps without the whole cast, each trying to find the other, etc etc.

I never hated Charlie. I always felt she was a victim of, as well as reacting to, her circumstance. She must be, what? 12? Her whole world fell to pieces and the ones who rescued her happened to be not so nice people. But they were surviving, even thriving, so? What did she know?

Killing Nick was in revenge for him killing whom might as well have been her surrogate bother. Reaction to action. And did she know they planned to burn down the stadium (which seemed off for a group who wanted to have what was in it)?? I doubt it.

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