بحث Fear the Walking Dead

it will be interesting to see how this will play out.

9 پاسخ (در صفحه 1 از 1)

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Yes, it was. VERY entertaining... I'd say this is the best season of FtWD, period. There was no Ruben (other than in Ofelia's head), but otherwise, I saw the ep as flawless.

Anyone care to explain to me, the significance of the box in the shed? Must have missed something...

i think that was jeremiah.

Yeah, I figured when Maddy walked over to the box, it was Jeremiah inside of it and she was going to do something to his body.

Yeah, that makes sense. Even though, I thought we saw them drive away with his body before that. Maybe just the way it was cut.

I think it was the remains of the Indian leaders father. I think it was his skull she handed over.

Think it was zombie-Travis lying there waiting to make his entrance ;-)

@GreatLordAnt said:

I think it was the remains of the Indian leaders father. I think it was his skull she handed over.

Another possibility. But I think she tried to hand the skull over earlier... And then we saw her delivering Jeremiah's head.

Madison contemplated what she had to do : cut off Jeremiah's head.

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