Discuss Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma

Item: Episode 20

Language: en

Type of Problem: Duplicate

Extra Details: Duplicate of 4x4 (seasson 4 episode 4). This episode does not exists in seasson 3.

7 replies (on page 1 of 1)

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Maybe resolve on a single Report.

Delete the following episodes of Season 3.
All of them are already in Season 4.

s03 e13 It's already in s04 e01
s03 e14 It's already in s04 e02
s03 e15 It's already in s04 e03
s03 e16 It's already in s04 e04
s03 e17 It's already in s04 e05
s03 e18 It's already in s04 e06
s03 e19 It's already in s04 e07
s03 e20 It's already in s04 e08 or e04 ?

Expert Moderator
I do not know how to delete a post.
All previous 7 need to be deleted

Actually season 4 should probably be deleted. A split cour is much like a season break in western shows. I am on my phone now. But can check it out later. Just posting this so the second part of season 3 doesn’t get removed! http://shokugekinosoma.com/story/13.html

We cant delete Posts. Only kindly request the poster to do so.

Yes, it's a split cour... that's why the other order exists... https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/62273/episode_group/5ad3a4b60e0a2628c50041e1

We cant delete Posts. Only kindly request the poster to do so.

And how do you delete a post? Clicking on the Gear and Hide?

Yeah I don’t know. We could also do that but we prefer to just ask the posters. Its more friendly that way ;-)

Problems with translation. I'll try to be more precise.

How, any user, can delete a post made by himself?
Clicking on the Gear and Hide?
There is no Delete option? The option is Hide?

I just removed Season 4. I'm relieved to read we're all on the same page about this. grin

Clicking on the Gear and Hide?

Yup, Hide is basically a soft, reversible delete. The post disappear from the discussion lists and we (mods) can only see it if we have a direct link.

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