Keskustele nimikkeestä The Flash

Well I'm sure everyone knows about the musical crossover episode happening tomorrow (March 21) and from what I've seen on the official CW Facebook page, many fans are not happy with it. Yes I know it's going to be one of those typical filler episodes but still I'm excited to see it. I knew it was inevitable down the road that there'd be a musical episode, once Supergirl became a part of Arrowverse and reunited Melissa and Grant from Glee. Plus I do like how character-wise things are coming full for Darren Criss and Grant Gustin, Darren's character of Music Meister in a sense "bullying" Barry; exactly what Sebastian did to Blaine on Glee.

6 vastausta (sivulla 1, sivuja yhteensä 1)

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I'm pretty excited too honestly. I welcome a break from Barry&Iris drama and musical episodes can be fun if done properly.

@kupari said:

I'm pretty excited too honestly. I welcome a break from Barry&Iris drama and musical episodes can be fun if done properly.

I agree. When Buffy cast came out with their musical episode, people were just as skeptical and it ended up being the highest rating episode ever for the series.

Tonight is gonna be a complete cheese ball ep, and it's gonna be awesome!

@torockchick said:

@kupari said:

I'm pretty excited too honestly. I welcome a break from Barry&Iris drama and musical episodes can be fun if done properly.

I agree. When Buffy cast came out with their musical episode, people were just as skeptical and it ended up being the highest rating episode ever for the series.

I doubt it's going to be as epic but I'm sure it's going to be great fun anyway :) I'm excited for Rachel Bloom's song since I love Crazy Ex-girlfriend.

@kupari Yeah I doubt it's going to be as epic as "Once More With Feeling", but will still be fun to watch nonetheless.

I'm looking forward to it also, especially since I am a fan of musical theater. What would be really cool is if they make some kind of reference or nod to the Music Meister episode from "Batman Brave and the Bold."

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