Über Gotham diskutieren

In fact it felt more like Fan Service than a finale with the Penguin, Riddler, Cat Women and Joker in their familiar incarnations. I think it would have worked better if they had a few episodes devoted to Bruce Wayne after the ten year gap. It was missing the duality of Bruce Wayne and Batman and maybe that was due to not finding an adult actor that resembled David Mazouz. It felt rushed and missing the Bruce Wayne elements, if they devoted a couple episodes to adult Bruce Wayne and ended the destruction on Gotham early, it would have made more sense. Having Alfred and Lucius talking about him, was not the same. Bruce Wayne needed to make an appearance in the finale to strike home his Bat Man persona.

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It was a happy ending... relaxed frowning_face

@wonder2wonder said:

It was a happy ending... relaxed frowning_face


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