Jaksot 25


Remote Control

10 marraskuu 20201h 21m

In the midst of a worldwide pandemic, Rick, Marty and the team return to Oak Island. Armed with evidence of possible tunnels leading to the Money Pit, the fellowship is convinced they have the tools to solve the Oak Island mystery once and for all.

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The Boys Are Back

17 marraskuu 202041m

Out of quarantine and ready for action, Rick, Marty and the team unearth hard evidence of a centuries old tar kiln, suggesting significant industry happened on Oak Island long before the discovery of the Money Pit.

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If the Ox Shoes Fit

24 marraskuu 202041m

Gary and Jack unearth new evidence suggesting industry between Lot 15 and the mysterious swamp. The fellowship makes the aggressive and expensive decision to excavate the mysterious bog entirely, once and for all.

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1 joulukuu 202041m

The team is amazed when an evolving theory accurately identifies two man-made anomalies that they believe may be landmarks created to pinpoint the Money Pit.

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The Master Plan

8 joulukuu 202041m

Excitement abounds when new research shines light on a possible master plan created with strategically placed boulders that could point the team directly to the Money Pit vault.

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Seaing is Believing

15 joulukuu 202041m

The discovery of an expanding stone roadway under the muck of the swamp sends the team out to sea to investigate exactly how far it reaches.

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Mounding Evidence

22 joulukuu 202041m

While powerful currents threaten Alex and Tony's dangerous dive in the Northern Atlantic, Rick and Marty investigate a mysterious earthen anomaly.

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High on the Bog

29 joulukuu 202041m

While the discovery of a possible slipway in the swamp reinforces the team's eagerness to excavate further, the fellowship is shocked when they learn Zena's map may have been pointing to the elusive Treasure Vault the entire time.

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Rock, Paper, Serpents

5 tammikuu 202140m

Further excavation uncovers more evidence that the stone structure in the swamp could be a roadway, and analysis of the serpent mound has it dating back to the Templars, suggesting it may be one of the most important features discovered in North America.

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Connecting the Lots

12 tammikuu 202141m

Rick, Marty and the team are astonished when they realize the mysterious stone roadway in the swamp may be heading directly towards the Money Pit.

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Rocky Road

19 tammikuu 202141m

Digging deeper than ever before, the Laginas and their team find evidence of previously unknown structures in the Money Pit. While in the swamp, Gary strikes gold.

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Digging Their Heels In

26 tammikuu 202141m

While searching the spoils excavated from the Money Pit area, Alex Lagina discovers evidence of human activity deep underground, dating back to 1492.

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The Fellowship Of The Ringbolt

9 helmikuu 202141m

As the team follows the trajectory of the mysterious stone pathway in the swamp, they discover an elusive piece of Oak Island lore. And Gary uncovers evidence suggesting a treasure was, or is, nearby.

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A Bend in the Road

16 helmikuu 202141m

As the team meticulously uncovers the swamp’s stone roadway, they hit on the first signs that it could be heading toward the Money Pit.

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Cask and You Shall Receive

23 helmikuu 202141m

Excitement grows when the team discovers evidence of wooden casks on the mysterious stone roadway, while new research may have them closer than ever to locating the original Money Pit.

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Leather Bound

2 maaliskuu 202140m

With further excavation of the ever-expanding stone roadway, the team uncovers more evidence of a possible maritime connection.

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Staking Their Claim

9 maaliskuu 202141m

Marty and Gary discover that Samuel Ball may have ties to British royalty.

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Cannon Fodder

16 maaliskuu 202141m

As the team chases the trajectory of the stone pathway in the swamp, they discover pieces of an English cannon dating back to nearly a century before the Money Pit, suggesting that whatever may have been buried there, was worth fighting for.

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A Loose Cannonball

23 maaliskuu 202141m

With cold weather approaching and time running out, another discovery in the swamp stuns the fellowship.

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Fire in the Hole

30 maaliskuu 202141m

Evidence of a continuous burn event in the swamp energizes the team, supporting the theory that a ship was burned and buried there centuries ago.

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Off the Railing

6 huhtikuu 202141m

With winter quickly approaching and time running out, the fellowship unearths the most compelling evidence yet that a ship may have been buried deep in the swamp.

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Be There or T-Square

13 huhtikuu 202140m

The team uncovers what appears to be a wooden doorway under Samuel Ball's property and a new Templar connection is made when an ancient tool is discovered in the swamp.

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Old Wharfs Tale

20 huhtikuu 202141m

When an Oak Island local leads the team to a previously-unknown giant wharf, the mystery of Samuel Ball deepens.

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Silver Lining

27 huhtikuu 202140m

As winter descends on Oak Island, leaving only days left of the year's search, the team is euphoric when scientific data suggests there is a massive amount of silver in the money pit.

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The Silver Spooner

Season Finale
4 toukokuu 202141m

Just as the team receives scientific evidence that there is a massive amount of silver is the Money Pit, the first snow of the harsh winter falls on Oak Island.

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