讨论 Better Call Saul

I wasn't real thrilled with last night's episode. I think this episode was just filler.

I got interested in something else so I watched the replay that came on later. It got to the scene where Kim had just gotten chewed out by that judge for "observing" in his courtroom and she had went back in. For some reason, it cut to commercial right when it showed Kim back in the courtroom after getting chewed out. I don't know what happened after that. When it came back from commercial it went to showing something else.

Only thing the episode last night showed was what's his name getting in even deeper with Gus and that Mike can have a nasty attitude.

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Depends on maybe what looking for? The deeper we get the closer we get into BB. Nacho is guy your referring to. And he had a very astute take, correct also, to Gus regarding the take out of the drug cartel set up in ABQ. Gus is systematically setting up his empire and that's what is great for BB fans. The back story more or less. Mike has seen it all, so not a surprise since again we know from BB, Mike is one of Gus's top guys eventually.

As for Jimmy & Kim, I think it's leading to how Jimmy gets to SAUL (the Cell Phone Job), to me sets up nicely to BB of how we see so many cell phones being used and destroyed. Saul has 5-10 phones in BB last season easily. So I'm expecting Jimmy to create a huge spike in cell phone sales (recall, this could be at our time in history when cell phones hadn't quite taken over everyones daily lives). So I expect all the bad guys to flood Jimmy's new marketing paint job to buy phones or attract the bad guys.

As for Kim, her attitude seems one trying to maybe get out of being a lawyer, while Jimmy bides his time from suspension to become one again. 2 ships in a sense passing by from a career standpoint. Kim sick of law and Jimmy waiting to become SAUL. I again think Kim is gone from show at some point, matter of time, so did next weeks preview show us a glimpse of her bolting pr closer to gone? From BB, we do know she never appears ever, so easy to assume something gonna happen with Kim.

The build up or 'FILLER' is very enjoyable and gives some the carrot for the next episode.

Yes, it's obvious Kim is leaving at some point because she was not part of Breaking Bad. If memory serves she was never even mentioned in Breaking Bad.

I had forgotten about all the cell phones Saul had.......and I do agree with your theory on that.

It seems this season is focusing a lot on Mike's and Nacho's dissent into Gus' drug world.........and less on Jimmy's transformation into Saul Goodman. I guess I'm missing a lot or perhaps need to rewatch Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad was one the of first things I watched when I got Netflix.

I, too, thought this episode was a bit more "filler" in nature, but still necessary background information to show how things ended up as they did. I also like friscokid's theory about the cell phones.

Kim's behavior is baffling me a bit. I know she's worried about Jimmy, and I know she seems disengaged from practicing law, but I'm still not 100% sure why she's hanging out at the courthouse. Is it to try to rekindle her love for the law as the judge suspected, or is there another angle? Just for the sake of discussion, could there be another reason? Could she be studying the criminal mind? Either for her own purposes or to better understand Jimmy? Is her absence from BB because she was killed? Moved home? Or maybe...in jail? We know she was willing to con people for money with Jimmy at that bar, and there is something she digs about Jimmy, knowing that he's always had naughty tendencies. Are we going to see Kim go bad, too?

Crazy? Maybe. Just a thought anyway.

If she went bad, then wouldn't we have seen her in Breaking Bad? I kinda don't think she would have crossed the line and committed a serious crime.

I like the other theory that Kim is the one that wrote the letter she gave Jimmy that was supposed to be from Chuck. I think that's a strong possibility because Chuck would have never said nice things to Jimmy.

Here's another theory, and perhaps a more plausible one. Kim got really quiet and distant when she was walking through that room of Mesa Verde building models two shows ago. Perhaps she just saw herself getting sucked further and further into Mesa Verde as the company expanded, and never being able to get out of it. And maybe she just finds representing a bank to be boring. We know she's one to seek thrills to some extent- I mean she is dating Jimmy. smiley

So maybe she's at the courthouse watching criminal cases because those are more interesting to her, and to sharpen her criminal law skills, and who knows- maybe someday she'll end up representing a Salamanca. Or Nacho!

I have two thoughts on how this will play out. Kim ends up getting killed and that completely pushes Jimmy over the edge or Kim finds out that Jimmy is on the take and she tells him goodbye and she never wants to see him again. If that happens, I hope she returns while he is working at the Cinnabon. She sees him in the Mall or Jimmy sees her and has to decide whether to connect with her or to stay underground. I know it would be corny and cliche', but I think that would be a good way to end the series

and I do agree, I thought some of it was filler. The whole scene in the group session. 5-10 minutes of being bored in the cellphone store. The best part of the show was the attack at the motel, which I did think helps Gus, in building his empire.

@tvinsomniac said:

I have two thoughts on how this will play out. Kim ends up getting killed and that completely pushes Jimmy over the edge or Kim finds out that Jimmy is on the take and she tells him goodbye and she never wants to see him again. If that happens, I hope she returns while he is working at the Cinnabon. She sees him in the Mall or Jimmy sees her and has to decide whether to connect with her or to stay underground. I know it would be corny and cliche', but I think that would be a good way to end the series

I think Kim just up and leaving would be too clique' . I know she wasn't part of Breaking Bad but how or why would she be killed? Her dealings with Mesa Verde?? She starts taking more cases with a criminal element??

Maybe Jimmy connects with some bad element and Kim is in the wrong place at the wrong time....I think how this plays out is the most interesting for me, since we know for the most part what happens to the other characters..They end up on breaking bad :)

Indeed, that's the main thing people are interested in is what happens to Kim. That and what really made Jimmy evolve into Saul Goodman.

@terriecoleman said:

I wasn't real thrilled with last night's episode. I think this episode was just filler.

I got interested in something else so I watched the replay that came on later. It got to the scene where Kim had just gotten chewed out by that judge for "observing" in his courtroom and she had went back in. For some reason, it cut to commercial right when it showed Kim back in the courtroom after getting chewed out. I don't know what happened after that. When it came back from commercial it went to showing something else.

Only thing the episode last night showed was what's his name getting in even deeper with Gus and that Mike can have a nasty attitude.

I noticed that too, It was getting dramatic between Kim and Judge Neelix, Ethan Phillips played Neelix on Voyager, after their meeting, it shows that Kim is still in the Court Room and Judge Neelix notices that she is still there and then it cuts to a commercial and then the next scene is Nacho and his gang, Kim was gone for the rest of the episode. I hope they pickup or mention what happened to Kim in this episode. It was a weird edit, maybe done on purpose to keep the audience guessing on what happened to Kim.

@terriecoleman said:

If she went bad, then wouldn't we have seen her in Breaking Bad? I kinda don't think she would have crossed the line and committed a serious crime.

I like the other theory that Kim is the one that wrote the letter she gave Jimmy that was supposed to be from Chuck. I think that's a strong possibility because Chuck would have never said nice things to Jimmy.

Interesting theory, I must say. See, that never even crossed my mind. I kind of felt like this episode was just there, (not great, not terrible) but I enjoyed certain parts of it, like at the end with Mike saying, "If you're gonna make a move, you better do it quick. " LOL. Kim seems to be losing a bit of herself. She hasn't been totally there since the accident last season, I feel. I don't think she turns bad or anything, but I can kind of sense something major coming soon that will cause a rift.



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