Über Better Call Saul diskutieren

What is your best moment so far in Better Call Saul?

Mine would be Chuck's courtroom meltdown. Chuck discovers that a fully charged battery was planted on him and he didn't experience any symptoms at all. Seeing Chuck just completely lose it and finally confessing his hatred of Jimmy, his desire of getting him disbarred and begging the panel to stop Jimmy's career as a lawyer was very satisfying to watch. The expression on his face when he realized that Jimmy wanted this reaction out of him was the icing on the cake. Jimmy beat Chuck at his own game.

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When Gus got into car and Lydia was in the driver's seat.


The Los Pollos Hermanos introduction of Gus.

Seeing Krazy 8 get the piss beat out of him by Nacho.

I'd have to say Jimmy conning the old lady. Best moment because it brings us back to who Jimmy really is - always has been Saul.

The skater brothers trying to con Jimmy. Mike taking a beating and turning the tables.

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