Über Better Call Saul diskutieren

I do. Lets face it, the stuff leading up to Walter Whites appearance on the show is way more interesting than Jimmy. When becomes full on Saul Goodman as we know him from BB, and gets in the mix completely only then will his storyline be worth watching. At this point I don't care about Chuck or Kim or Howard or any of those characters.

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At first I felt like you did until I became so engrossed in the trials and tribulations of Jimmy as he faces off with his brother Chuck and HHM.

No. I really enjoy the Chuck stuff. Michael McKean is brilliant in this, and I think it balances out the cartel stuff. Rhea Seehorn is great too.

Personally, I like the Jimmy/Kim/Francesca stuff much more. I got all the violent drug stuff in BB. I don't mind some of it, except for the long backstory stuff involving Mike when he is just driving around forever. Still, I'm more interested in Saul/Jimmy and Kim, and how things take a turn. We already know what will happen to Gus, Mike and Hector from BB.

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