Jaksot 20


See Dad Run Home

6 lokakuu 2012

David ends his role as a beloved TV-sitcom dad and transitions into being a stay-at-home parent in the pilot episode of this comedy.

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See Dad Lose Janie

14 lokakuu 2012

David has to take Emily and Joe to school and take Janie to Mommy and Me class and get everybody home in time for a much-anticipated piano lesson. Meanwhile, Emily has ruined Amy's favorite sweater and asks David to pay for it in exchange for finding Janie.

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See Dad Play Coach

21 lokakuu 2012

David tries to rein in his aggressive coaching style while working with Joe’s baseball team. Meanwhile, Emily uses her parents as subjects in an experiment for a school assignment.

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See Dad Rise from the Dead

28 lokakuu 2012

A paranoid Joe thinks David has been turned into a zombie after watching too many scary movies. Emily tries to get Janie to be dependent on David and Amy, so she can go out to parties and no longer have to babysit.

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See Dad Get Wah-Wah'd

4 marraskuu 2012

Marcus asks David to help him recruit a young actor to star in his next project.

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See Dad Meet Matthew Pearson

11 marraskuu 2012

Emily brings a boy home to meet her parents; Joe and Janie compete to ask David the best question at a panel for his old sitcom.

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See Dad One Night Only

18 marraskuu 2012

David and Amy learn that Emily will be an extra in the school play. But after the director learns that Emily is David's daughter, she is then given the lead role, despite the fact that she is a terrible actress. Joe and Janie try to make a viral video.

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See Dad Catch a Rat

25 marraskuu 2012

Amy is upset when a rat scurries out from under an old recliner that David brought home; David attempts to handle the rat problem on his own.

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David promises to take care of the holiday preparations when Amy has to work on Christmas Eve.

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See Dad Campaign

17 helmikuu 2013

David tries to help Emily win a class election when she competes against the son of his enemy, and Emily and Amy surprise him with a tactic they use.

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See Dad Get Schooled

24 helmikuu 2013

David is terrified about taking part in the History Bowl at Joe's school, due to him not knowing anything about American history and not wanting to let Joe down.

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See Dad Assist Kevin

3 maaliskuu 2013

The Hobbs family takes care of Kevin when he injures his back.

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See Dad Run, But He Can't Hide

10 maaliskuu 2013

The Hobbs family gets mad and embarrassed when the paparazzi keeps taking embarrassing photos of them and posting them online. Mitch (Bryan Callen), a TV show host keeps reporting false stories about them and David and Amy try to get revenge on him.

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See Dad Get Married and Married

17 maaliskuu 2013

Amy becomes jealous after finding out that David had an exotic wedding with his first wife Nicole (Elaine Hendrix). David and the children set out to give Amy the wedding she deserves. Joe catches up with old friend of his, reuniting through Facebook.

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David installs a surveillance system in the house that monitors everything downstairs. David and Amy get angry when noticing that the kids are saying bad comments about them. Emily throws a party, David and Amy use the surveillance system to spy on her. At the party, Joe tries to impress Mary and Matthew asks Emily to the junior prom.

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See Dad Play Hard to Get

7 huhtikuu 201330m

David gives Emily advice on her relationship with Matthew. David plays hard to get while having his contract renewed to continue to endorse an orange juice brand.

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David tries to get Janie into kindergarten. Marcus and Kevin audition for a globe-trotting reality show, with help from Emily.

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See Dad Host a Playgroup

21 huhtikuu 201330m

David hosts a playgroup, where he meets other mothers and their different parenting styles. David then decides to have his own parenting style, by taking away Dr. Monkey Chunks from Janie, makes Joe eat healthy muffins, and makes Emily study for more French.

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See Dad Get Attacked by Promzilla

28 huhtikuu 201330m

With Amy off to a soap opera fan convention, David is left helping Emily get ready for the junior prom. David and Marcus accompany their daughters to find the perfect prom dresses. Emily and Mary then fight over the same dress. Joe and Janie trick Kevin into taking care of their every need.

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See Dad See Through Grandma

Season Finale
12 toukokuu 201330m

David's special Mother's Day plans for Amy get derailed when his self-centered mom, Maggie (Michele Lee) shows up.

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