Debate Kolchak: The Night Stalker

Well, since there seems to be the disposition for that, I think we can start choosing another show. If there's anybody new reading this, I'll explain how we usually do things, which doesn't mean the system can't be changed. I just would like to remind you guys that this system has been perfected for years, and each change was incorporated to solve a problem we were having. So, if you have any ideas which have already been tried, I'll let you how it went.

First we nominate a few shows. It used to be two, but since we increased the number of votes, now you nominate three. They have to be shows under 30 episodes (the standard having been established with the first show, The Time Tunnel) spread in one or two seasons. Preferably, choose even shorter shows, as they provide a more rewarding experience.

Once every participant has nominated three shows, it's time to pick our preferences. We used to nominate two and select three. Then, because of our reduced number of participants, many ties were happening. So, we increased the votes to five. The reason you should vote for more shows than you nominate is precisely because that will compel you to consider the shows your friends nominated a an option. If you nominated three and chose only two or three, probably everybody would only vote for the shows they nominated.

From what I have observed, however, although it was quite esy for someone to pick three good shows, it's considerably harder to pick five, and often the votes for fourth and fifth shows became more of an afterthought. That could be an argument in favor of returning to the "2 nominated/3 voted" system. But if nobody complains, we'll keep the 3N/5V system. Just make sure you remember: your lesser votes do count a lot. They might even play a decisive role when selecting the winner. So, consider these shows carefully as well.

When it's time to vote you choose your preferences. Your top choice gets 5 points,and your last, 1. The show with the most points wins. If there's a tie, the show with more votes in general wins. because it's preferable to choose a show that interests more people, even if mildly instead of a show one or two people love to death, but the others hate it like hell. That never ends well.

You'll have a deadline to nominate and vote, though nominations and votes can be finalized earlier if everyone has voted and are happy with their choices, and nobody else is going to vote anyway. Now something that could be a point of contention: while the deadline doesn't run out, you can change your vote any time you like. So, if you realize your favorite show has no more chances because nobody else has picked it, and now the dispute is between a show you're mildly interested in and one you really hate, then you can alter your vote and boost the OK show to beat the unbearable one. If votes couldn't be changed, then most people would wait for the last moment to vote in the hopes of being the last, so casting the deciding vote. If you can't change your vote, the early votes are slight possibilities, while late votes are almost a realistic certainty.

Well, I guess that's it. Nominate three shows in no particular order. Don't nominate fractions of long shows, like a season or a story arc, not even if they are standalone stories in an anthology. or the show underwent major changes between seasons. We can use imdb as a reference. If the show has its own page, different from the original show, then it's a separate one and can be voted.

Oh, I almost forgot this. I suggest that you choose popular shows, as well known as possible. It'll be easier to find fan sites and invite people to join. If we pick lost, obscure series, then we're mort likely to be alone in this endeavor.

Nominate three. I'll check the final suggestions and compile a list Monday morning. In case any clarification is needed, of if there's any disagreement, manifest yourselves! Good luck and choose wisely.

12 respuestas (en la página 1 de 1)

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Ok. If I can go first. My nominations:

  1. Dead Like Me. (2003) 29 total episodes over 2 seasons, unless you count the 2-part pilot as 2 in which case it meets 30, but is an awesome show.
  2. FlashForward. (2009) 22 episodes in one season.
  3. Defying Gravity. (2009) 13 episodes in one season.

@BobPeters61 said:

Ok. If I can go first. My nominations:

  1. Dead Like Me. (2003) 29 total episodes over 2 seasons, unless you count the 2-part pilot as 2 in which case it meets 30, but is an awesome show.
  2. FlashForward. (2009) 22 episodes in one season.
  3. Defying Gravity. (2009) 13 episodes in one season.

Please indicate on all nominations where the show is available to be viewed or if a DVD set must be purchased to see it.

@brimfin said:

@BobPeters61 said:

Ok. If I can go first. My nominations:

  1. Dead Like Me. (2003) 29 total episodes over 2 seasons, unless you count the 2-part pilot as 2 in which case it meets 30, but is an awesome show.
  2. FlashForward. (2009) 22 episodes in one season.
  3. Defying Gravity. (2009) 13 episodes in one season.

Please indicate on all nominations where the show is available to be viewed or if a DVD set must be purchased to see it.

In that case, I got nothing. Partly because there is no way of knowing what Netflix does or does not carry short of actually signing up for them. I was looking to cheap out and nominate shows I already have on iTunes so I can appreciate your point, but in the past, I just investigated availability of shows before voting, and I think one once did win that was unavailable by any source I found, but someone found a place to stream it on IMDB.

@BobPeters61 said:

@brimfin said:

@BobPeters61 said:

Ok. If I can go first. My nominations:

  1. Dead Like Me. (2003) 29 total episodes over 2 seasons, unless you count the 2-part pilot as 2 in which case it meets 30, but is an awesome show.
  2. FlashForward. (2009) 22 episodes in one season.
  3. Defying Gravity. (2009) 13 episodes in one season.

Please indicate on all nominations where the show is available to be viewed or if a DVD set must be purchased to see it.

In that case, I got nothing. Partly because there is no way of knowing what Netflix does or does not carry short of actually signing up for them. I was looking to cheap out and nominate shows I already have on iTunes so I can appreciate your point, but in the past, I just investigated availability of shows before voting, and I think one once did win that was unavailable by any source I found, but someone found a place to stream it on IMDB.

I did a quick check on and and Netflix:

Dead Like Me (2003)

Available as a complete box set on DVD
Also available digitally from both sites.

Only the film is available on UK Netflix
Does not appear to be available on US Netflix according to this website

Flashforward (2009)

Available as complete series box set on DVD
Also available digitally from both sites

Not on UK or US Netflix

Also appears to be on youtube but in a smaller viewing box form

Defying Gravity (2009)

Available as complete series box set on DVD
Also available digitally on the US site.

Not on UK or US Netflix

Some interesting picks, I would be happy with the availability of all 3 of these series.

OK, here are my nominations:

Alien Nation(1989) Mad-pac said in a review back in week 4 "I just hope next time we pick a show that is good. Just that, good. I mean, not "good, considering how old it is" or "good for its time" or "good compared to other shows of that time." And not a show that is only interesting if seen through the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia, or because folks remember it from childhood. I hope we pick a show we all enjoy for what it still is now, like we did with Firefly, Journeyman or Day Break.” In my opinion, this is a show like that – gritty yet sophisticated, imaginative and thought-provoking – a show that was ahead of its time. 22 episodes, plus 5 2-hr follow-up movies (the latter optional) I have the DVD set, but it’s also available on Youtube.

Ascension (2014) 3 2-hr episodes, but packaged as 6 1 hr episodes on Netflix US

Awake (2012) – 13 episodes, available on Netflix US

Regarding BobPeters61’s nominations, I have Netflix US so I can say for sure none of them are on it. Flashforward is on, which I think you can watch for free, but with commercials.

Well, nominations have never been officially conditioned to sources. I believe we can vote and check the sources for the top shows only. But it is convenient to list the sources, and if none is found, the show ultimately cannot be picked after all. I'd have problems finding sources for you, since I don't live in the USA or the UK. Anyway, I've always managed to find the show I want somehow...

That being said, here are my nominations, but I'd need help to clarify the availability issue.


I'm still conflicted. At this point, after so many years, I think I've already considered every single-season show in existence...

I've been thinking we could think of an out-of-the box solution and solve part of the availability issue. For instance, if somebody has a show which is hard or impossible to find, but the person has the videos in his computer, this person could upload it, we'd watch it and delete it. that's an idea, though some people might have reservations about the whole idea. But I had to mention that. With that in mind, I'll suggest two shows you probably won't find anywhere, but I have the episodes and can upload them gradually to my google drive and send you the link in private. If that generates a wave of protests and a crowd with torches and pitchforks at my doorstep, then I have two other shows which must be easier to find.

  • Twin Peaks (1990 - 1991) - 2 seasons, 8 + 22 episodes - We passed on that last time, but this time I hope it sticks. Of course, it depends on availability and whether we consider the current iteration a spin-off show, a reboot or remake instead of a belated third season. Anyway, I have the episodes and can upload them just for you.

  • Welcome to Paradox (1998) - 13 episodes - This is simply the coolest and strangest science fiction anthology show I've ever seen. Even if we don't ever pick it, I seriously recommend you check it out. And to add to the mystery, it's almost impossible to find, since it was only released as a DVD in Australia. Don't even try finding it. But I have the episodes and, again, I can upload them.

  • Max Headroom (1987-1988) - 2 seasons, 6 + 8 episodes - I remember when I caught the beginning of the Max Headroom fever when I lived in California back in '86. At that time I bought the "Max Headroom - 20 Minutes Into the Future" VHS tape pilot, and curiously, it was populated with British actors. Apparently they made two versions of the pilot, one for the UK and one for the US, which made the whole thing look even stranger. Anyway, you probably won't find it, but, again, I believe I have the series episodes (somewhere).


Without further ado, in case any of the shows above, and only then, are not approved as options, I wish to indicate the replacements right now. If you don't like my suggestions, feel free to say so, as I'm not going to make an issue over some TV show. The replacements should be much easier to find, though I cannot guarantee that.

Here are the alternatives to the alternatives, in this order:

  • Invasion (2005) - 22 episodes - When I read "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" I really felt like watching this one again. I'd say the twist is that the "pod people" are interesting and complex characters, and go beyond the classic zombie-like "pod person."

  • Surface (2005) - 15 episodes - Another curiosity from the same year. I really wish they had continued it, but suddenly it was cancelled.

  • Better Off Ted(2009 - 2010) - 2 seasons, 13 + 13 episodes - I don't usually nominate comedies, but this one is worth it. And there's a curiosity. If you've seen Pushing Daisies, you might notice some "echoes" of that show in this one. Both were made on ABC, and Daisies had been cancelled in the year Ted started. But that could be just my impression, as at that time I kept looking for a P.D. replacement and never found it, unfortunately. If there's a lot of enthusiasm around it, I could bump it up to the top of the list.

Well, well. The ball is on your court now, fellow Sages. Share your thoughts. I'll make the final list tomorrow morning, but we can still discuss the ideas I presented along the week and change the list accordingly. There are so few of us at the moment and we're adapting to a new situation, so we can be flexible.

@mad-pac said:

Well, nominations have never been officially conditioned to sources. I believe we can vote and check the sources for the top shows only. But it is convenient to list the sources, and if none is found, the show ultimately cannot be picked after all. I'd have problems finding sources for you, since I don't live in the USA or the UK. Anyway, I've always managed to find the show I want somehow...

Very well, then. All three of mine are still available on US iTunes downloads as well as on DVD from Amazon. FlashForward is also available on Amazon Video stream.

In the US, Twin Peaks is also available on DVD from Amazon, though rather pricey and is also available for download in US iTunes.

Ok here are mine:

The Favourite I have seen:
The Omega Factor (1979).
10 Episodes. Spooky goings on and psychic mischief. A real classic.
Available on DVD from UK and US Amazon (region 2 DVD is much cheaper)

The Fun One:
Harpers Island (2009) .
13 episodes. Basically a tv series of a slasher movie. Thought it would be a fun one to watch and take the piss out of.
Available on DVD and digitally at Amazon UK and US.

The Could be good one:
Camelot (2011) 10 Episodes. Tried to be the next Game of Thrones, did it succeed? (Note this has some nudity I hope that's ok) Available on DVD and digitally at Amazon UK and US

Like everyone else I had a boatload of shows (especially 70's UK SciFi) that I think are awesome and would love you all to share but tried to go for a range of things.

Thought I would add so far all shows nominated I either already have access to or are easily available here in the UK.
Lots of really good choices, nothing so far I am dreading winning. grinning

I have updated my nominations list in my original post. (Yay! 🙌) But I need your final approval, as I bring up some issues and suggest a new approach. Love it or hate it? 🎭٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ I really want to know what you think about that. 😒

@mad-pac said:

I have updated my nominations list in my original post. (Yay! 🙌) But I need your final approval, as I bring up some issues and suggest a new approach. Love it or hate it? 🎭٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ I really want to know what you think about that. 😒

OK. First off regarding TWIN PEAKS, I actually do believe this new season is intended as a belated third season for the show - albeit, taking into account that 25 years has passed. Nonetheless, I think the original two seasons still qualify for our group; this is truly a unique situation in TV history. I sort of wish we'd done TWIN PEAKS last time around so that I could appreciate these new episodes better. I never made it past the first season of the original show.

As to the idea of you passing along episodes of those unique shows you have, since the shows are not available to purchase you would be doing nothing more than being a lending library to us. You are not discouraging us from buying them since they're not around to be bought. And at least one of those titles intrigues me already. By the way, I share your frustration about trying to find new shows to watch. I would have submitted BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, but NETFLIX just pulled the show apparently because ME-TV started running it. Even if it is available online, I just couldn't bring myself to watch it there now after I could have watched it on my HDTV just a couple of months ago.

@brimfin said:

@mad-pac said:

I have updated my nominations list in my original post. (Yay! 🙌) But I need your final approval, as I bring up some issues and suggest a new approach. Love it or hate it? 🎭٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ I really want to know what you think about that. 😒

OK. First off regarding TWIN PEAKS, I actually do believe this new season is intended as a belated third season for the show - albeit, taking into account that 25 years has passed. Nonetheless, I think the original two seasons still qualify for our group; this is truly a unique situation in TV history. I sort of wish we'd done TWIN PEAKS last time around so that I could appreciate these new episodes better. I never made it past the first season of the original show.

As to the idea of you passing along episodes of those unique shows you have, since the shows are not available to purchase you would be doing nothing more than being a lending library to us. You are not discouraging us from buying them since they're not around to be bought. And at least one of those titles intrigues me already. By the way, I share your frustration about trying to find new shows to watch. I would have submitted BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, but NETFLIX just pulled the show apparently because ME-TV started running it. Even if it is available online, I just couldn't bring myself to watch it there now after I could have watched it on my HDTV just a couple of months ago.

Good. I just want to make things simpler, actually, not more complicated. And whenever we start a new show it's always the same suspense story... Is it available???? Really, we should have put some of these troubles behind us already.

Lots of good suggestions this time. I'll make the final (for the time being) list tomorrow morning.

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