Apspriediet The Vow

Item: The Vow

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: this is listed as both a television series and a returning series, despite it being a miniseries by two extremely prolific documentary filmmakers. this should be filed as a film imo, to allow it to imported to letterboxd.

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this is listed as both a television series and a returning series

It's not really "both", its just a miniseries that is currently airing. Returning Series is the status of all series that are currently airing episodes. The last episode of this miniseries has not broadcast on HBO yet. After the last episode airs, the status will be changed to Ended.

this should be filed as a film imo, to allow it to imported to letterboxd.

At one point we did allow miniseries in both sections, but the staff discussed it and determined that the amount of duplicate data is just too much to handle. So, any film page for this title will be removed, because we do not want duplicate data. Letterboxd will manually import the title from the tv section, if you ask them (and if it hasn't already been imported).

@rfl0216 said:

The last episode of this miniseries has not broadcast on HBO yet. After the last episode airs, the status will be changed to Ended.

The last episode of Season 1 aired, and status did indeed change to Ended. However press for the show reports renewal for Season 2, and HBO's press page states "coming soon". The Vow Season 2: HBO. I have to admit, I'm not finding further documentation or reporting on Season 2 status—it's gone way past anticipated air date. Nevertheless The Vow has not yet been officially cancelled.

Btw I'm hesitant to edit status myself, as getting any official pronouncement has been elusive. However would a mod have more insight or know where to dig further, to make a determination in editing the status to Returning Series?

Until there is a definite announcement of a release for part 2/season 2, I think the status can stay as it is now. It can always be changed in the future.

I got you and thank you for the reply. However wouldn't "PART 2 COMING SOON" on HBO's page for The Vow count as an announcement? I mean just so that the status isn't "Ended."

I'm being a little rhetorical of course, cuz ALL the deadlines have past with no updates. I even reached out on Twitter and heard back from one of the participants (and filmmakers) who kinda just shrugged and said they have no idea. I'm annoyed with HBO, et al. who's just leaving this in limbo. This was an important story with a definitive outcome (jail sentences!!!!!)—so are the filmmakers moving forward or not?

The same thing happened with The Way Down production—which is somewhat an even weirder outcome to a similar tale. And yet I'm noticing the final episodes are finally airing this week!

Vai nevarat atrast filmu vai TV pārraidi? Piesakieties, lai to izveidotu.


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