Über The 100 diskutieren

The Ship with marking of Prisoner only means they were from some sort of penal colony ,but after a 100 yr they are the descendant of the former prisoner or Prison Guard.

They haven't done anything yet. The Skaikru are descendant of astronaut , they done plenty of bad thing in just a few yr .

The Mountain men ( Mount Weather ) were descendant of politician and US military , they committed even worse crime against humanity .

But base on what Clark's own people did , i guess Clark has agood reason to be afraid of them.

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You know, at first I thought Clarke was gonna die. Then I totally freaked out when the " 6 years later" flashed on my screen. I was like. OMFG they didn't just do a time skip!!!! spasszzz But just when i thought the series couldn't throw something out at me, here it is. The Prisoner arc. Woo hooo. gonna be awesome! I bet anyone here dollars to donuts, someone is going to be coming down from space with a kid or two.

It could also mean that there are more 'clans' out there and that somebody decided to send their criminals to earth. Earth will then, in time, become the new Australia.

But I do agree with you that Clarke has every reason to be afraid. Wankru, and Bellamy and co. probably all survived. I just hope with the 'prisoners' they won't repeat the Skaikru vs. grounders story arc.

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