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Anyone else excited this show is finally returning?

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Yes, I am definitely excited this show is finally set to return.

Yes!!! Cannot wait!

Of course! it's been way too long for the next season poop

I remember reading somewhere that Quinn isn't dead and will be back in season 2. I hope so, he could be despicable but I loved his character.

@Pandora78 said:

I remember reading somewhere that Quinn isn't dead and will be back in season 2. I hope so, he could be despicable but I loved his character.

How could he have survived? And remember, he was in the late stages of brain cancer. He had a few months left to live. Probably less. I don't see what they could do with the character except kill him off again.

@chrisjdel said:

@Pandora78 said:

I remember reading somewhere that Quinn isn't dead and will be back in season 2. I hope so, he could be despicable but I loved his character.

How could he have survived? And remember, he was in the late stages of brain cancer. He had a few months left to live. Probably less. I don't see what they could do with the character except kill him off again.

I'm not sure if you can do spoilers but spoiler alert: Quinn is, in fact alive.

At the end of the premiere, it showed Veil just having given birth to she and Sunny's child with Quinn, I'm assuming, having delivered it. I was actually happy because despite him being a royal douchebag, and having killed Veil's parents, I can't help but like him. I think that's in large part due to the actor, who has done a phenomenal job. I actually yelled "QUINN!" when he turned around holding the baby, because I honestly didn't expect him to have survived...or maybe Sunny knew vital points to hit that would kill him and intentionally left him alive? I'm very interested in seeing how this bodes for his son, who I never remember his name but I can't stand that little weasel, since he thinks Quinn is dead.

Side note: it was a great premiere and I got a bit giddy when Ed (Shaun of the Dead) was in this episode because it's one of my favorite movies. I'm also excited to see the Widow, one of my favorite characters, in action again because she is just that awesome.

@Drayvin said:

@chrisjdel said:

@Pandora78 said:

I remember reading somewhere that Quinn isn't dead and will be back in season 2. I hope so, he could be despicable but I loved his character.

How could he have survived? And remember, he was in the late stages of brain cancer. He had a few months left to live. Probably less. I don't see what they could do with the character except kill him off again.

I'm not sure if you can do spoilers but spoiler alert: Quinn is, in fact alive.

At the end of the premiere, it showed Veil just having given birth to she and Sunny's child with Quinn, I'm assuming, having delivered it. I was actually happy because despite him being a royal douchebag, and having killed Veil's parents, I can't help but like him. I think that's in large part due to the actor, who has done a phenomenal job. I actually yelled "QUINN!" when he turned around holding the baby, because I honestly didn't expect him to have survived...or maybe Sunny knew vital points to hit that would kill him and intentionally left him alive? I'm very interested in seeing how this bodes for his son, who I never remember his name but I can't stand that little weasel, since he thinks Quinn is dead.

Side note: it was a great premiere and I got a bit giddy when Ed (Shaun of the Dead) was in this episode because it's one of my favorite movies. I'm also excited to see the Widow, one of my favorite characters, in action again because she is just that awesome.

Well what do you know, he really is alive! Obviously Veil found him and nursed him back to health ... but why? This is the guy who killed her parents. You'd think Sunny would know a lethal strike from a nonlethal one, so maybe he did want him to live (but suffer a great deal). Again though ... why? What possible advantage could there be in leaving alive an enemy who will get payback if he can? Quinn's son Ryder is indeed a little weasel as you say; only six months on the job, and he's already losing control of the situation. At some point Quinn himself is going to feel obligated to return from the dead and step in. Maybe he's hoping the kid grows into his role as baron and that's why he hasn't so far. Or maybe it's a simple matter of recuperation. Being run through with a sword is one of those injuries you can't just walk off. But how long does he have left? Didn't Veil's father give him six months to live at most, six months ago?

The Widow said she was originally like M.K. - does that mean she somehow burned out her abilities without dying from it, that she still has them but chooses not to use them, or that she can use them without any outward visible signs (i.e. she has total control)? She and Sunny appear to both have at least a little of whatever it is the monastery people have. Which explains their superhuman fighting skills. The Widow may have gone through some of the same training as M.K. before escaping. Sunny was found as an infant with the pendant, which could mean he was a monastery reject or that whoever was transporting here there as a baby got ambushed and then the robbers left Sunny to die.

First episode was pretty amazing and yet entertaining as usual. The show is definitely back in a big way. The Widow isn't playing around.

Only thing that worries is the slightly different start times from show to show due to the Walking Dead sometimes going a few minutes over 1 hour. My DVR missed an episode last year because of it.

@chrisjdel said:

@Drayvin said:

@chrisjdel said:

@Pandora78 said:

I remember reading somewhere that Quinn isn't dead and will be back in season 2. I hope so, he could be despicable but I loved his character.

How could he have survived? And remember, he was in the late stages of brain cancer. He had a few months left to live. Probably less. I don't see what they could do with the character except kill him off again.

I'm not sure if you can do spoilers but spoiler alert: Quinn is, in fact alive.

At the end of the premiere, it showed Veil just having given birth to she and Sunny's child with Quinn, I'm assuming, having delivered it. I was actually happy because despite him being a royal douchebag, and having killed Veil's parents, I can't help but like him. I think that's in large part due to the actor, who has done a phenomenal job. I actually yelled "QUINN!" when he turned around holding the baby, because I honestly didn't expect him to have survived...or maybe Sunny knew vital points to hit that would kill him and intentionally left him alive? I'm very interested in seeing how this bodes for his son, who I never remember his name but I can't stand that little weasel, since he thinks Quinn is dead.

Side note: it was a great premiere and I got a bit giddy when Ed (Shaun of the Dead) was in this episode because it's one of my favorite movies. I'm also excited to see the Widow, one of my favorite characters, in action again because she is just that awesome.

Well what do you know, he really is alive! Obviously Veil found him and nursed him back to health ... but why? This is the guy who killed her parents. You'd think Sunny would know a lethal strike from a nonlethal one, so maybe he did want him to live (but suffer a great deal). Again though ... why? What possible advantage could there be in leaving alive an enemy who will get payback if he can? Quinn's son Ryder is indeed a little weasel as you say; only six months on the job, and he's already losing control of the situation. At some point Quinn himself is going to feel obligated to return from the dead and step in. Maybe he's hoping the kid grows into his role as baron and that's why he hasn't so far. Or maybe it's a simple matter of recuperation. Being run through with a sword is one of those injuries you can't just walk off. But how long does he have left? Didn't Veil's father give him six months to live at most, six months ago?

The Widow said she was originally like M.K. - does that mean she somehow burned out her abilities without dying from it, that she still has them but chooses not to use them, or that she can use them without any outward visible signs (i.e. she has total control)? She and Sunny appear to both have at least a little of whatever it is the monastery people have. Which explains their superhuman fighting skills. The Widow may have gone through some of the same training as M.K. before escaping. Sunny was found as an infant with the pendant, which could mean he was a monastery reject or that whoever was transporting here there as a baby got ambushed and then the robbers left Sunny to die.

Exactly what I was thinking when I saw Quinn: weren't you supposed to be dead six months later anyway? I have the same questions you have regarding his return as to WHY Veil, if she did, nurse him back to health and WHY Sunny, if he did, intentionally want him to live? I remember Sunny telling Veil that Quinn was behind her parents' murder, but maybe they have bigger plans for him? I think Quinn was pretty much well-suffering with those debilitating headaches due to that tumor. This show is one of the very few that is good about at least having the courtesy to the fans in answering some questions, so I guess we just have to see. I definitely don't see Ryder growing into much of anything except an older bratty, spoiled, man-child. He obviously has no idea what he's doing and it's all going to hell making it very easy for someone to claim the other territories, like the Widow.

Speaking of the Widow, has anyone noticed a transformation in Tilda? She seemed more hardened and becoming more like her mother. During the scene where she and a group of Butterflies, i think that's the clan's name (?), took out those clippers in the forest she seemed to not be fighting/killing out of necessity but that she enjoyed it because she gave an eerie smile while she watched them me torn to pieces. Not saying I don't like this "new" Tilda, I think she's really awesome, but I felt a change in her. She has become quite the unofficial leader which I'm guessing she got "promoted" judging by her new (cool) outfit she has now. I'm thinking, aside from her training, maybe M.K. "leaving" did something to her because it was obvious they had feelings for one another and M.K. wants to get back to her.

@Drayvin said: Exactly what I was thinking when I saw Quinn: weren't you supposed to be dead six months later anyway? I have the same questions you have regarding his return as to WHY Veil, if she did, nurse him back to health and WHY Sunny, if he did, intentionally want him to live? I remember Sunny telling Veil that Quinn was behind her parents' murder, but maybe they have bigger plans for him? I think Quinn was pretty much well-suffering with those debilitating headaches due to that tumor. This show is one of the very few that is good about at least having the courtesy to the fans in answering some questions, so I guess we just have to see. I definitely don't see Ryder growing into much of anything except an older bratty, spoiled, man-child. He obviously has no idea what he's doing and it's all going to hell making it very easy for someone to claim the other territories, like the Widow.

Speaking of the Widow, has anyone noticed a transformation in Tilda? She seemed more hardened and becoming more like her mother. During the scene where she and a group of Butterflies, i think that's the clan's name (?), took out those clippers in the forest she seemed to not be fighting/killing out of necessity but that she enjoyed it because she gave an eerie smile while she watched them me torn to pieces. Not saying I don't like this "new" Tilda, I think she's really awesome, but I felt a change in her. She has become quite the unofficial leader which I'm guessing she got "promoted" judging by her new (cool) outfit she has now. I'm thinking, aside from her training, maybe M.K. "leaving" did something to her because it was obvious they had feelings for one another and M.K. wants to get back to her.

Yes, Tilda has become a bigger hardass since last season. Although she took out that particular group of clippers because of something unspecified they'd done to her friends the former dolls (prostitutes I assume, and probably not by choice). She decided that whatever her mother might say those guys didn't deserve to live. Maybe she was right. We don't actually know what they did. I think she's also become a believer though. The question is, does the Widow believe what she's telling other people? Is she really trying to bring democracy to the badlands or is this just a line of BS to get the cogs (serfs) to fight for her? A popular uprising is the kind of idea that's part of the ancient past in this time, so it's effectively new and revolutionary again. The Widow may know a little more of that history than anyone else in the badlands. One assumes the monastery has preserved a lot of very old knowledge that's been lost to the rest of the world, and she did spend some time there. Possibly grew up there.

Sonny killed all those guys at the beginning but he was still spared. And got captured again so easily with some whips

The widows fight scene was pretty cool. Too bad they made her weak when fighting Quinn and Sonny.

Of course Quinn is still alive for good drama. We hate him

Dang this show is more violent than DareDevil

I like Tilda

@chrisjdel said:

@Drayvin said: Exactly what I was thinking when I saw Quinn: weren't you supposed to be dead six months later anyway? I have the same questions you have regarding his return as to WHY Veil, if she did, nurse him back to health and WHY Sunny, if he did, intentionally want him to live? I remember Sunny telling Veil that Quinn was behind her parents' murder, but maybe they have bigger plans for him? I think Quinn was pretty much well-suffering with those debilitating headaches due to that tumor. This show is one of the very few that is good about at least having the courtesy to the fans in answering some questions, so I guess we just have to see. I definitely don't see Ryder growing into much of anything except an older bratty, spoiled, man-child. He obviously has no idea what he's doing and it's all going to hell making it very easy for someone to claim the other territories, like the Widow.

Speaking of the Widow, has anyone noticed a transformation in Tilda? She seemed more hardened and becoming more like her mother. During the scene where she and a group of Butterflies, i think that's the clan's name (?), took out those clippers in the forest she seemed to not be fighting/killing out of necessity but that she enjoyed it because she gave an eerie smile while she watched them me torn to pieces. Not saying I don't like this "new" Tilda, I think she's really awesome, but I felt a change in her. She has become quite the unofficial leader which I'm guessing she got "promoted" judging by her new (cool) outfit she has now. I'm thinking, aside from her training, maybe M.K. "leaving" did something to her because it was obvious they had feelings for one another and M.K. wants to get back to her.

Yes, Tilda has become a bigger hardass since last season. Although she took out that particular group of clippers because of something unspecified they'd done to her friends the former dolls (prostitutes I assume, and probably not by choice). She decided that whatever her mother might say those guys didn't deserve to live. Maybe she was right. We don't actually know what they did. I think she's also become a believer though. The question is, does the Widow believe what she's telling other people? Is she really trying to bring democracy to the badlands or is this just a line of BS to get the cogs (serfs) to fight for her? A popular uprising is the kind of idea that's part of the ancient past in this time, so it's effectively new and revolutionary again. The Widow may know a little more of that history than anyone else in the badlands. One assumes the monastery has preserved a lot of very old knowledge that's been lost to the rest of the world, and she did spend some time there. Possibly grew up there.

In the scene before the clipper's got taken out, I believe, the refugee Dolls eluded to them basically being sexually used, for lack of better term right now, in "horrible" ways and one of them said that that main guy, I don't think they ever actually said his name, with the smart ass mouth was the primary one. So Tilda, I'm guessing, took it upon herself to "avenge" whatever was done to those Dolls, though they never specifically said what they went through so we can only guess. I'm betting it wasn't good.

As for the Widow's motives, it's always hard to say with her. She could really want democracy and peace within the Badlands or she could just want the power of owning the majority of the territories and have the cogs fight for her, as you said. She's quite unpredictable, which I love about her. I don't really think she has powers like M.K. but possibly has some sort of power that enhances her fighting capabilities...or she's just that damn good. What IS certain is she is definitely planning something.

@Drayvin said:

In the scene before the clipper's got taken out, I believe, the refugee Dolls eluded to them basically being sexually used, for lack of better term right now, in "horrible" ways and one of them said that that main guy, I don't think they ever actually said his name, with the smart ass mouth was the primary one. So Tilda, I'm guessing, took it upon herself to "avenge" whatever was done to those Dolls, though they never specifically said what they went through so we can only guess. I'm betting it wasn't good.

As for the Widow's motives, it's always hard to say with her. She could really want democracy and peace within the Badlands or she could just want the power of owning the majority of the territories and have the cogs fight for her, as you said. She's quite unpredictable, which I love about her. I don't really think she has powers like M.K. but possibly has some sort of power that enhances her fighting capabilities...or she's just that damn good. What IS certain is she is definitely planning something.

Yeah, Tilda is apparently going off on her own to punish those men. I doubt her mother would shed any tears; if she finds out, she'll probably ask Tilda if she disposed of the bodies so no one can link their deaths to her. Can't have people thinking she put on a show of saying they were free to leave and then just had them killed out of public view.

The Widow said she was once special like M.K., although she didn't go into detail. Both she and Sunny seem to have some connection to the monastery. The fact that they also both fight like they're more than human can't be pure coincidence. Maybe there are children who aren't born with the full package of abilities but do have some.

I was just going to watch and realized I couldn't remember hardly anything about last season. Is there a good website to read recaps?

@izzybee3 said:

I was just going to watch and realized I couldn't remember hardly anything about last season. Is there a good website to read recaps?

You can always re-watch season 1 on Netflix, if you have that.



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