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Four foster kids create a video game about heroes going up against space alien terrorists. Then a portal appears and pulls them into a dimension which is really similar to their game. They live adventures in this parallel world, as they embark on a quest to find their missing video game cartridges and stop the sadistic extraterrestrial emperor Zorch from taking control of this intergalactic dimension.

  1. John Patrick White


  2. Bruce W. Smith


  3. Stiles White


Series Cast

  1. Morris Day as

    Morris Day

    13 Episodes

  2. Jerome Benton as

    Jerome Benton

    13 Episodes

  3. Jascha Washington as Nate (voice)

    Jascha Washington

    Nate (voice)

    13 Episodes

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 1

2004 • 13 Episodes

Season 1 of Da Boom Crew premiered on September 11, 2004.


(1x5, September 5, 2005)

View All Seasons

Da Boom Crew
Da Boom Crew


Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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