Jaksot 10


Red wieners, again

13 lokakuu 201124m

Ryu the local gangster boss, Noguchi is a detective both coming from the same high school. A colleague from their past forces the two to set aside differences at least for the time being.

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Highball and fried chicken

20 lokakuu 201124m

An overworked young woman name keeps falling asleep at the diner. Master makes her a special drink. Her brother and another regular customer helped her to get rid of her abusive and parasitic boyfriend.

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Steamed clams

27 lokakuu 201124m

A middle aged martial arts teacher and his elderly mother seem to constantly bicker and fight, but a traffic accident reveals the depth of her maternal relationship.

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Jellied Fish Stock

3 marraskuu 201124m

A struggling food truck owner gets unexpected help from a young lady. They grow close, but her real profession could interfere with their plans.

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Canned Goods

10 marraskuu 201124m

A group of young film makers producing a movie about a suicide at the same site bumps into a mysterious young woman, and can't shake the feeling she may be some ghostly reincarnation of the victim.

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Cream Stew

17 marraskuu 201125m

An author with some writers block issue decides to solicit an escort for stress relief, but the chance meeting with her might be more than he bargained for.

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Pickled Cabbage

24 marraskuu 201125m

A young screenwriter has to live through a scandal after her affair with her producer is revealed.

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Cold Noodles

1 joulukuu 201124m

A bowl of cold noodles reminds a soon to retire detective of a fugitive that had eluded him his entire career. Could he possibly capture this elusive thief before they both retire?

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Nikujaga (Meat-Potato Stew)

8 joulukuu 201124m

A hardworking young lady delivers a singing birthday telegram at the diner and winds up falling in love with one of the regular patrons. Could this really lead to a true romance?

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Gyoza (Dumplings)

Season Finale
15 joulukuu 201124m

Katagiri, a lonely philosopher has shared history with the master in their past lives. A chance encounter with a gyoza delivery lady renews his desire for a brighter future.

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