Keskustele nimikkeestä The Blacklist

Some notes:

Liz: "For the first time I'm feeling pretty alive. So if you want to come for me, you better come ready for a fight. Because you know what the four of you against me in the wood is going to be? Practice!"

1- The hit team shouldn't have killed Colin and Kate. She might have spared their lives (not).

Liz: "I have one more favor to ask you, and it's not going to be easy for you, but it's important to me."

Red: "Okay."

Liz: "I don't want you to follow me. You got to let go. Can you do that?"

2- So, was she really completely alone in Alaska?
Didn't Red secretly still keep an eye on her? Who cleaned up everything (cleanex, hair, fingerprints) when she left? Did Liz do that or was there a cleaner involved?

Liz: "But from the side I'm on now, all that matters is that I'm healed and I'm back. And I'm coming for Tom's killers. Like I said, I couldn't keep my promise."

3- In the end she couldn't keep her promise to let go herself. And decided that hunting down Tom's killers would be her life mission now.

Red: "You've entrusted Agnes to Scottie Hargrave?!"

Liz: "Yes, to Tom's mother."

Red: "Who ordered a hit on your wedding."

Liz: "She didn't know who we were. She's a good person, and she'll keep Agnes safe."

4- What about her daughter Agnes?
Will she become an orphan, being brought up by her grandmother, the ruthless Susan "Scottie" Hargrave?

Agnes is the daughter of her son Tom, who himself was kidnapped as a child, and her (only?) grandchild, the heir to her empire.

Or if Liz stays alive, will she get her daughter back, or will Scottie do everything in her power (even kill Liz) to get custody of Agnes?

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