Epizody 22


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Spor s mocnou čarodějkou Davinou pokračuje a rozdělí bratry Klause a Elijahu. Během toho hledá Freya způsob, jak napravit jejich pouto, aby z nich byla opět rodina. V tu dobu se Klaus dozví, že do města New Orleans přišel jeho starý upírský přítel Lucien, který kuje záhadný plán, jenž zahrnuje každou pokrevní linii rodiny Mikaelsonů. Elijah si pokládá otázky, zda může svému bratrovi odpustit. Hayley v zátoce bojuje se svým vlkodlačím prokletím. Vincent a Cami pomáhají detektivovi Kinneymu s odhalením vraha, který je na útěku. Marcel má opět kontrolu nad francouzskou čtvrtí, proto zkouší novou strategii pro nábor upírů. Davina je nyní regentkou čarodějek v New Orleans, proto učiní rozhodnutí, které ji postaví proti Marcelovi.

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Po zjištění, že pytláci zabíjí v zátoce vlky, Elijahovy a Jacksonovy obavy o Hayley narostou, když se během úplňku neukáže. Davina jako jediná ví, kde se Hayley nachází, proto tuto informaci plánuje využít ve svůj prospěch. Cami říká Klausovi svou teorii o tom, kdo stojí za sérií vražd ve francouzské čtvrti. Lucien upozorní Elijahu na válku mezi pokrevními liniemi.

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Uvidíme se v pekle nebo New Orleans


Klaus a Elijah jsou nuceni se spojit a odhalit Lucienovy skutečné plány v New Orleans. Cami čelí Lucienovi a je překvapena, když odhalí nečekanou informaci z jeho minulosti, která zahrnuje Klause. Tajemná postava učiní Marcelovi nabídku. Hayley se obrátí na netradiční řešení své současné situace. Do New Orleans dorazí Elijahův starý známý a přichází se zprávami, které odhalují rostoucí hrozbu pro rodinu Mikaelsonů.

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Procházka na divoké straně


Elijah se snaží zjistit, proč jeho starý přítel Tristan přišel do New Orleans, proto zvažuje návštěvu večírku, kde se má shromáždit záhadná skupina upírů, které se říká Strix. Na večírek s ním nakonec půjde i Hayley. Marcel se dozví lákavou nabídku od záhadné ženy Aya. Rychle si však uvědomí, že věci nejsou takové, jaké se zdají být. Lucien a Klaus vytvoří spojenectví, aby našli důležitou část Lucienova plánu, která se ztratila.

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Dopis Sekerníka


Válka mezi pokrevnými liniemi pokračuje. Klaus přivítá nečekanou osobu ze své minulosti, která k němu přijde na návštěvu. Elijah má podezření, že Tristan něco skrývá, proto požádá Marcela, aby mu pomohl zjistit, co plánuje. Davina bojuje s úlohou regentky a hledá u Hayley radu. Starobylé tajemství navždy rozdělí bratry Mikaelsony

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Překrásná chyba


Když si Elijah a Freya uvědomí, že Rebekah může být cílem skupiny upírů Strix, tak dělají všechno pro to, aby ji ochránili. Klaus tráví čas s Aurorou, aby zjistil, na čí straně stojí. Hayley a Marcel narazí na nebezpečného člena ze skupiny Strix. Lucienův nově přepracovaný systém přinutí Cami čelit těžkému rozhodnutí. Detektiv Kinney bojuje o život.

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Strůjcem vlastního osudu


Klaus a Elijah pozvou Luciena, Tristana a Auroru na večeři Díkuvzdání, aby s nimi vyjednali příměří. Aurora ukáže, že má silný vliv na Klause, proto Hayley a Freya vezmou věci do vlastních rukou, což povede ke smrtelné konfrontaci. Marcel a Vincent jsou donuceni přijmout drastická opatření, když si uvědomí, že Davině přerůstají věci přes hlavu. Na Cami číhá nebezpečná hrozba.

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Ta druhá dívka v New Orleans


After learning that Cami's life is in danger and Aurora may be to blame, Klaus is forced to engage in another one of her devious games and follows a series of clues she's left behind for him. Meanwhile, Elijah, Freya and Hayley take drastic measures against Tristan when they discover he holds a valuable piece of information they need. Elsewhere, Aya gives Marcel an ultimatum that leaves him with a difficult decision to make, while tensions between Hayley and Jackson cause her to reevaluate her involvement in Mikaelson family matters.

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Štáb 3

Režíroval: Kellie Cyrus

Napsal: Michael Narducci, Michael Russo

Hostující obsazení epizody 6 Úplné obsazení a štáb

  1. Casper Zafer

    Finn Mikaelson

  2. Debra Mooney

    Mary Dumas

  3. Andrew Lees

    Lucien Castle

  4. Oliver Ackland

    Tristan de Martel

  5. Rebecca Breeds

    Aurora de Martel

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When a dangerous affliction threatens to expose one of her siblings, Freya searches for a way to reverse the crippling curse even as she finds herself the target of The Strix's latest plan. Elsewhere, Klaus keeps a watchful eye over Cami while she attempts to help Detective Kinney, whose life has begun to spiral out of control as a result of Lucien's compulsion. Meanwhile, a confrontation with Marcel causes Vincent to reevaluate his decision to stay out of witch business, and Hayley's attempt at a quiet Christmas with Jackson and Hope results in an unexpected surprise.

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Duch podél Mississippi


In the aftermath of a horrific plan that left Cami dead, Klaus declares war on Aurora and Tristan. Elsewhere, Vincent, who has resumed his role as Regent to the New Orleans witches, is forced to use his magic against his will, while Hayley and Jackson ind themselves pawns in Tristan’s twisted game. Finally, after learning that Tristan is in possession of a powerful weapon that could take their family down once and for all, Klaus, Elijah and Freya enact a risky plan that leads to a tense showdown with The Strix.

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Zběsilost v srdci


While Klaus finds himself dealing with pressing matters at home, Elijah reluctantly aligns with Aya after learning that she may have knowledge of an elusive weapon that could kill an Original vampire for good. Meanwhile, alone and shunned by her coven of witches, a desperate Davina is left conflicted after she is approached with an enticing offer that could bring her one step closer to reuniting with Kol.

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Mrtví andělé


When a powerful weapon that could take down the Mikaelsons for good ends up in the wrong hands, Klaus finds himself in a tense standoff with an unlikely foe. Meanwhile, Elijah's attempt to reclaim control of The Strix leads to a violent showdown and the emergence of a potential new leader. Elsewhere, when a new coven of witches tries to influence Davina into helping them locate the elusive weapon, she quickly realizes she may be in over her head.

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Krabička srdce


Determined to make her ultimate move against the Mikaelson brothers, Aurora uses Freya as bait to lure Klaus and Elijah into a dangerous trap. Meanwhile, after being recruited by The Strix's powerful coven of witches to perform a spell that could save the lives of her closest friends, Davina finds a way to conjure up Kol, the only person who may know the key ingredient to completing the spell. Finally, Hayley is forced to make a heartbreaking sacrifice.

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Tramvaj do stanice Touha


With the threat of the prophecy looming over their heads, Klaus and Elijah find themselves rendered useless inside a magical trap, while Aya and The Strix's coven of witches move forward with a risky spell that could take one of them down for good. Elsewhere, Freya leads the charge to get her brothers back and enlists the help of Marcel, Hayley and Stefan Salvatore, an old friend of Klaus', whose unexpected arrival may be the key to their survival. Finally, Davina moves forward with a dangerous plan that brings her one step closer to reuniting with Kol.

The crossover starts on The Vampire Diaries S7E14 Moonlight on the Bayou (I).

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Když starý přítel zavolá


When Klaus learns that Cortez, an old vampire with a vendetta against him, has arrived in New Orleans, he finds himself forced to deal with this new threat. Meanwhile, when Cortez begins threatening the lives of innocent residents, Vincent has no choice but to help the vengeful vampire in his plan to take down Klaus. Elsewhere, Marcel turns to Davina for her help after several Strix members turn up missing, and Elijah confronts Hayley after learning that she’s been dealing with Jackson’s death in a destructive way.

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Sám mezi všemi


Dangerous foes descend upon New Orleans in an attempt to take down Klaus once and for all when rumors spread about the remaining white oak bullet. As the threats grow, Elijah urges his siblings to lay low at the compound while Marcel, Vincent and Josh chase down a lead involving a mysterious vampire named Sofya. Meanwhile, Kol is forced to face his brother Finn, the person responsible for his death; and Klaus and Hayley seek shelter with her former pack and stumble upon some unsettling news.

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Za černým obzorem


When it's discovered that Freya has been kidnapped and is in the hands of a dangerous new threat, the Mikaelson brothers are forced to put aside their differences in order to save her before it's too late. Following a lead that brings them to Mystic Falls, Elijah and Finn run into deputy Matt Donovan, who does not take well to new vampires in his town. Meanwhile, Klaus and Hayley work together to uncover the motive behind one of Lucien's secret agendas, while a troubling shift in Kol's behavior leaves Davina concerned for their future together.

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Ďábel sem přišel a povzdychl si


As the city celebrates its annual Jazz Fest, an unlikely team of Mikaelson foes joins forces to take Klaus hostage. Leading the charge to get their brother back, Elijah and Freya face off against a powerful force like none they’ve ever seen before, while Hayley and Cami set their own risky plan in motion to rescue Klaus. Meanwhile, when Kol’s erratic behavior worsens, Davina has no choice but to turn to Marcel and Vincent for help.

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Už žádná zlomená srdce


Following a violent encounter that has left Cami’s life hanging in the balance, Klaus is forced to rely on his family and allies to find a cure as he keeps a watchful eye over Cami at the compound. With time running out, Freya turns to her arsenal of spells, while Vincent and Marcel head to Cami’s apartment to gather a crucial ingredient. Elsewhere, Hayley and Elijah travel to the bayou in hopes of bringing back a potential antidote that could save Cami’s life. Finally, Davina confronts Lucien and learns some heartbreaking information that will change her future with Kol forever.

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Kde nic nezůstane pohřbeno


In the wake of a ruthless plan that has left their family shattered, Klaus, Elijah and Freya desperately search for a way to take down Lucien once and for all. However, their efforts are put on hold following an urgent plea for help from Kol and Marcel. At Klaus’ insistence, Freya and Elijah reluctantly stay behind to offer their help, while Klaus and Hayley head to the bayou after uncovering Lucien’s latest plan. Once there, an unexpected showdown between Klaus and Lucien forces Freya to take matters into her own hands, setting off a chain of events that will change all of their lives forever.

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Zavař jim


After receiving new visions of the looming prophecy, Freya uncovers that her family is on a collision course with a dangerous new enemy. Meanwhile, with the help of Detective Kinney, Vincent and Kol travel to the ancestral world to put a stop to the witches and take back their city once and for all. Elsewhere, Klaus and Elijah confront Marcel after a heartbreaking plan gone wrong has sent him spiraling.

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Krvavá koruna

Season Finale

After months of thwarting off dangerous threats and deadly attacks, the Mikaelson siblings finally come face to face with the one person that could lead to their ultimate demise. With the stakes higher than ever and the compound overrun by an army of his oldest sworn enemies, Klaus is put on trial for centuries of atrocities he’s committed. Meanwhile, Marcel, who has been spiraling out of control following an act of betrayal by those closest to him, is stunned by the unexpected arrival of someone from his past. Finally, Elijah, Freya and Kol frantically search for a way to save their family before it’s too late.

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