Über The Americans diskutieren

He seemed somewhat familiar and he even mentioned that he worked with the Soviets before, was he the Colonel a couple season's ago who was working with Phil that gave him missile secrets? Phil and Liz have worked with and killed so many people that it all starts to run together.

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As a follow up I think he was giving away Stealth Tech.

In the first season he meets up with one of the Russian illegals, someone who had a bad gambling problem. Claudia (who was still known as Grandma at this point) told Elizabeth that it was incredibly advanced technology, I think it was radiation detectors that the general handed over. This season Elizabeth tried to hit up the same general for more and he realized that he made a big mistake in dealing with them and told them no. She threatened to expose him as a traitor to the U.S. at a meeting she arranged with him. He admitted that he had been a fool and pulled a gun. Elizabeth grabbed the gun and finished him off, trying to set the scene to make it look like a suicide.

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