Дискутиране на The Wonder Years

I watched all of the series back when it originally aired, and many of the episodes in rerun throughout the early years thereafter, I suppose probably it must have been during the late '90s (perhaps very early 2000s).

What's not to love about this truly wonderful series? Pretty much everything "spoke" to me, back when I watched any of the episodes. I grew up as an exact (maybe just 1-2 year age difference) contemporary to the Kevin character, so, watching the series, always felt like it was a depiction of my own exact growing-up years, with all the both milestone and everyday simple type experiences, feelings, pleasures, and cares covered that I personally recall experiencing during childhood and into the teen years. Watching the series always brought so many of my own memories back, not in small part because I personally basically carbon-copy shared Kevin's personality and ways, and various of his relationships, so it was like truly watching my childhood and growing-up self. And the episode soundtracks, always featuring original hit songs of the years covered, never failed to be pristine perfection, and absolutely ideally memorably suited "to a t" to an episode, adding yet another magical layer of charm, nostalgia, and wonderfulness. As I stated earlier, what's not to love about this series? Sometimes it was joyous or fun or delightful, other times it was sad and/or bittersweet. But, whatever way an episode was, it was always a treasure to behold.

I didn't care as much for the final season or two as I did for the early and middle years ones, as the characters weren't as delightful, charming, sweet, or innocent as they got older. Still, the series remained special up to the end, nonetheless. Just thinking of the opening credits Joe Cocker song, "With a Little Help From My Friends", immediately brings back such fond memories of this series to me - and nearly also brings on a tear. I lost, to cancer, two dear siblings - a brother and a sister - during last year, and thinking back on the series also reminds me of the so many things - parents, siblings, elder relatives, past close friends and loved ones, youth, carefreeness, etc. - a person generally more or less takes for granted when they're young that, gradually, become lost during the years once we're grown up.

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Thanks for sharing this! I too was and still am a huge fan of TWY! I agree with pretty much everything you stated here as well.

So to clarify you were about the same age as Kevin was back in the 1970's or when the show aired in the late 80's/early 90's?

Kevin was definitely a bit older than me when the show aired live. I remember watching it as a kid and thinking wow am I going to have to go through all of that in the up coming years? But ironically the show kind of helped most of us cope with growing up and going through puberty and understanding our "WONDER YEARS" as well.

I too totally digged the music in the show. All of those classic 60's, and 70's classics that we unfortunately don't get to hear too often these days on the radio. The music was part of the reason why this show was so great. I actually made a thread back on the old IMDB forums about this and asked everyone to list their favorite song from the TWY and why they liked it and a ton of people responded and listed their favorite songs and why it really touched their hearts. Too bad that thread is gone obviously with those forums.

I also recall the music in the Tom Hanks film Forrest Gump having a very similar affect upon me as well.

I am sorry to hear about your brother and sister passing. It is awesome to honor them and to remember them by so many different means even if its how this amazing show reminded you. relaxed

I remember exact scenes in the show such as Kevin being terrified to call that girl for the first time that he had a crush on, we all literally been there done that and this was way before cell phones so we of course are talking land lines which is even worse since your family can pick up the phone at any time and disturb the call.

Also the episode where Kevin and Paul go to the mall hoping to see that cute girl again and they run all around searching for her. We've all done that as well.

The episode where Kevin's heart is so broken by Winnie at the party that he comes home to his garage and just hugs and cries it out over his dad's shoulder is such a powerful scene. I remember watching that thinking uh oh are we all going to get our heart broken so bad to that extent as well?

Our carefree days as kids running around in the summer time reminded to us by the Harpers Woods episodes. Also of course that first kiss between Kevin and Winnie, made us all want to have a perfect meaningful first kiss with When A Man Love's a Woman blasting in the background LOL.

I can honestly say this show was the one show that really helped all of us identify with growing up through our pre-teen, teenage years, and beyond. I hate to say but could it even be possible to make another show like TWY work in today's culture? Would the millennials even want to see one based in the old days?

Thanks for the great post, MrCharming! And many thanks for the kind words.

Yes: I'm a contemporary of approximately what ages the Kevin character was, and, correspondingly, in what precise years span - very end of 1960s through mid '70s - the series depicts. 100% everything, in every episode, always rang thoroughly true to me, from the look, to the vibe, to the sound of things, right down to the smallest details. I truly always felt like it was watching my own life and the world I personally knew of back then. (Fortunately, however, my siblings relationships were significantly better than were Kevin's!)

This is a series that, whenever I think of it, it was so honest, real, and true - and the performances by everyone involved always so spot-on wonderful and perfect - that it's like special memories of real life I remember having experienced during youth and teens years, as much as charming memories of the series itself and of its episodes and characters.

I agree with you, that this is a series that I don't think could so successfully ever be pulled off, anew, again. A show like The Goldbergs obviously tries to aim for somewhat the same general nostalgia, etc. vibe, but doesn't come even close to a feeling of authenticity; you never, for a second, forget you're watching a current series. The Wonder Years, on the other hand, truly fully transports the viewer back to the end of the '60s through much of the '70s, and also back to one's own growing up years (of whatever era). It's a truly magical series.

@genplant29 said:

Thanks for the great post, MrCharming! And many thanks for the kind words.

Yes: I'm a contemporary of approximately what ages the Kevin character was, and, correspondingly, in what precise years span - very end of 1960s through mid '70s - the series depicts. 100% everything, in every episode, always rang thoroughly true to me, from the look, to the vibe, to the sound of things, right down to the smallest details. I truly always felt like it was watching my own life and the world I personally knew of back then. (Fortunately, however, my siblings relationships were significantly better than were Kevin's!)

This is a series that, whenever I think of it, it was so honest, real, and true - and the performances by everyone involved always so spot-on wonderful and perfect - that it's like special memories of real life I remember having experienced during youth and teens years, as much as charming memories of the series itself and of its episodes and characters.

I agree with you, that this is a series that I don't think could so successfully ever be pulled off, anew, again. A show like The Goldbergs obviously tries to aim for somewhat the same general nostalgia, etc. vibe, but doesn't come even close to a feeling of authenticity; you never, for a second, forget you're watching a current series. The Wonder Years, on the other hand, truly fully transports the viewer back to the end of the '60s through much of the '70s, and also back to one's own growing up years (of whatever era). It's a truly magical series.

Yes I totally agree and I am actually jealous that you got to grow up in what many consider the greatest era of music, tv, etc. I was a kid in the 80's and even worse the 90's lol and music just got really bad and so did tv. A lot my CD's and mp3's are from music from the 70's and 60's and all those classics and legends from back then.

I agree The Goldbergs does have its moments of "oh yeah I remember that" but its just not the same as TWY. I remember watching That 70's Show and thinking wow this show is so awful. Even though it was supposedly about the 70's it just felt so FAKE and FORCED and I never once thought I was transported to the 70's at all. I really can't watch That 70's Show it was just again so awful.

TWY is something that I can re-watch over and over again and as you stated when you do get to the later seasons it does lose its touch,but I still I feel the first few seasons are really the best of television programming of all time. I remember every summer feeling like Kevin was in that episode, wanting to have the best summer ever yet all of my friends and neighbors were all either off on vacations or not wanting to do anything fun at all.

The episodes where Kevin meets those girls at the lake and beach, really identified with me whenever I had summer flings as well. Of course back then you lose touch fast because there was no social media or even email to help you guys stay connected.

I would be interested in seeing how Kevin Arnold really turned out though. We learn from the final episode that his dad dies a few years later right? (Which is really way too young, so he probably had some health issues going on). I think Wayne took over the furniture store business right? Karen was pregnant at the parade so Kevin became an uncle right after that final episode.

Kevin says Winnie got married to someone else right? We learn Kevin has a son who asks him to play catch. So we know Kevin has a son but we don't know who the mom is or who he married right? We also don't know what Kevin does for work or if he moved away? It's almost like we need closure lol.

I do believe that your recollection of the series wind-down/wrap-up details is accurate, regarding what is known or said to have become of various characters. I'm rusty about any of those type specifics now, as it's been I suppose nearly twenty years since I last saw any of the episodes. But what all you mentioned does, indeed, sound right.

Remember Kevin's puppy-love crush on beautiful, sweet, caring Miss White (portrayed by Wendel Meldrum), his wonderful teacher? I always loved all that, when he'd be all googly-eyed about her, and she'd do that lovely smile, cock her head a little, and say exactly whatever it was that Kevin needed to hear at the time. As I recall, Kevin was Miss White's knight in shining armour when she unexpectedly went into labour early. I think he drove her to the hospital, in her car (was it a VW "Bug"?).

Then there was also gorgeous I believe she was his high school lab partner (?) Madeline. The actress (Julie Condra) who portrayed Madeline was absolutely stunning. She had that major allure about her that had Kevin most decidedly smitten.

Also there was I think some "homely" or otherwise very uncool girl at school, during one era, who Kevin was crazy about in a great best friends sort of way - but he was embarrassed by her looks or ways or whatever, thus to be seen too much around her, concerned that she'd reflect badly on his own image. They I believe wanted to hang out or do something together after school, to which Kevin thought he was being brilliant and that he knew the ideal way for them to go about their friendship, telling the girl that they could be "secret friends" - which of course absolutely crushed and I think also infuriated her and, not at all surprisingly, effectively destroyed the friendship - which left Kevin feeling - entirely deservedly - like a (unintentionally) total jerk.

Such nice touches throughout that series, that was types of things that any former kid could easily relate to.

Also remember Kevin being taken shopping by his mom, to buy new pants for school, and her saying what every typical mom seems to say, when their growing boy is trying on and wants a specific pair of pants, that she (mom) is concerned that it doesn't look like there's enough room in the crotch? LOL!

This is a series that is truly a real treasure, and so wonderful that it happened and that it'll always exist.

Yes! I remember Miss White, who ended up changing her last name because she got married and Kevin would keep calling her Miss White instead for he subconsciously wanted her to remain single lol. I would have probably crapped in my pants if I was Kevin having to drive a car to the hospital with my favorite teacher going into labor in it. Especially because Kevin had no experience driving at that point right? Wasn't he only like a freshman or in 8th grade still during that episode? One thing that I didn't have was a great teachers in my school. Unfortunately, I can't say any of my teachers were great or all that supportive or influential or motivating towards me I went to a pretty horrible school. There was also a really hot blonde teacher who wore skimpy clothes and all the boys were sexually attracted to her. Do you remember this teacher? She even asked one of the boys to come up and point to a country on the map for her and he said he could not get up. Back then I thought nothing of it, but as an adult I re-watched the scene and the boy can't get up because the teacher's hotness literally gave him an erection! Do you remember this?

Yes Madeline may possibly be the hottest or at least one of the hottest actresses to ever grace the small screen! I mean talk about that body and face tempting you as a 14 year old boy, shoot I would be totally under her spell for sure! I actually had a few Madelines in my time. One in my teens and one later on in my 20's both still jump in my head from time to time. Both were actually mixed 1/2 white 1/2 Asian. I don't think Julie Condra was 1/2 Asian, but she definitely had almost like a 1/2 Asian Eurasian look to her! Both of these Madelines in my life had some serious daddy issues going on though. This is probably a whole other separate discussion but um yeah lol.

Yeah that homely girl you were talking about was during the Square Dancing episode I believe. She was not that bad looking, but she just needed a better hair cut, and make over. All in all the fact that Kevin Arnold a pretty average looking kid who was short and basic was able to get all these cute girls made you, me and every other boy inspired to be able to meet/date cute girls as well. (Even though yes it was just a tv show)

You know I never thought Kevin was a jerk really. I know some women who watch the show and think Kevins a total narcissistic psycho path, but the truth of the matter was he was actually a good kid and just figuring out things on the fly as we all did going through his wonder years. He had a conscious and felt bad when he made mistakes and bad decisions. He even took Paul's little sister to her like formal dance instead of doing what he really wanted to to that night with his buddies. I think things like this showed he had a good heart and was kind to others.

The mom on the show was the perfect mom. She was very kind, patient and understanding and a hottie lol. All the episodes that Kevin is embarrassed of his mom really hurt since it reminds me of when I was embarrassed of my mom as well in public. I remember going to the mall and my mom came into the same store I was in and talking with some of my friends and I felt really bad since I didn't want them to think I was with my mom at the mall since the other kids were not. These days I'm very nice to my mom kind of in a way making up for the "Kevin Arnold" things I did while I was a kid. LOL

As for the Lake and beach episodes, those really hit home for me as one year at summer camp this total cute girl was totally all up on me and me being the dumb kid I was I played the not interested card the whole camp. I even thought oh I'll just ignore her and then the following summer at next summer's camp I'll just finally notice her and start talking to her a whole year later. Boy I was wrong and so stupid! She never came back the following year and I never saw her ever again. cry

For the Lake episode, if you recall Kevin goes back and re-visits that girl and she was totally not into him as she was during the summer. I think this episode taught most of us that yes summer flings do happen and during the school year or after the summer is done, women do get back to reality unfortunately.

Where did you grow up? One genius thing that TWY did was never declare where Kevin's hometown was so that it was "any town, USA" meaning it could appeal and connect with everyone watching the show and the viewers can feel as if the show took place in their own hometown.

Your post brings back many memories, Charming.

I agree with you, that Kevin wasn't at all a jerk. The series told stories from his vantage point, him having a life-lessons learning curve to contend with as he went, so often not going about things right, navigating the waters of adolescent and teen life with all the ups and downs that come with any new life experience or situation. It was a quite accurate depiction of how we learned, via things we did or said, while growing up - figuring out what works and what doesn't, and what may hurt someone's feelings (that might not have occurred to us - at all - at the time), etc. Kids lack polish, want to fit in and be liked and accepted, and those adolescent and teens years is when it all gets figured out.

A year or two ago I searched online for the price and availability of the entire The Wonder Years series on DVD, also just of specific seasons thereof, and it sure was running expensive at that time. I don't know whether that's still the case. The first 2-3 seasons are what I'd especially enjoy seeing again.

@genplant29 said:

Your post brings back many memories, Charming.

I agree with you, that Kevin wasn't at all a jerk. The series told stories from his vantage point, him having a life-lessons learning curve to contend with as he went, so often not going about things right, navigating the waters of adolescent and teen life with all the ups and downs that come with any new life experience or situation. It was a quite accurate depiction of how we learned, via things we did or said, while growing up - figuring out what works and what doesn't, and what may hurt someone's feelings (that might not have occurred to us - at all - at the time), etc. Kids lack polish, want to fit in and be liked and accepted, and those adolescent and teens years is when it all gets figured out.

A year or two ago I searched online for the price and availability of the entire The Wonder Years series on DVD, also just of specific seasons thereof, and it sure was running expensive at that time. I don't know whether that's still the case. The first 2-3 seasons are what I'd especially enjoy seeing again.

Yeah I remember when I think it was Time Life was doing a special edition with a locker shaped box set of all the TWY DVD's and for the like platinum version you even got the whole cast to autograph the locker shaped dvd box. I slid my credit card without even thinking twice since I was such a huge TWY fan and 2 things very strange happened: 1) I never got the DVD's, but just as weird my credit card was never charged 2) I then began to get all kinds of identity theft issues with all these thieves trying open new credit cards under my name.

I'm not sure if the two are related but it is still very odd that I never received the DVD's?

Since then I learned to only buy all these old school things from reputable sites like AMAZON and no fly by night site or third parties.

That is scary. Thankfully I trusted my gut and got them off Amazon. Never got any of my films from other places besides that and if it's cheaper barnes and noble

Also Half.com (which is part of eBay) is excellent for ordering stuff like DVDs, Blu-ray, music CDs, books, and the such. Postage is uniformly always $2.99, which is $1 less than Amazon shipping/shipping for the same type things always is. Frequently the same seller lists an item on both sites, but the end price on Half.com is cheaper due to lower S&H. That's most of the time where I've ordered DVDs from.

By the way, frequently sellers on Half.com list items for also considerably better prices than on Amazon. I always have compared prices on each site and go with whichever is the better deal. At times have saved $5 or so for the exact same DVD from the exact same seller. Half.com is a fully legitimate, mainstream site, and simply is a department of eBay. So purchasing is always safe and secure.

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