Epizodai 13


La Început

2011 rugsėjo 126m

Cartea Cărților îi duce pe cei trei eroi într-o călătorie pentru a fi martori căderii lui Lucifer și transformării sale în Satana în timpul unei bătălii ce are loc în cer.


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The Test!

2013 kovo 2526m

Chris is stoked because he got a Holo9, the ultimate holographic gaming system! But Chris starts to feel a twinge of guilt when he hears that a sick boy in the hospital would like to have one. It takes SUPERBOOK’S assistance to turn Chris around after he meets Abraham and Issac. Through Abraham's obedience to God, Chris learns that you should put God first, above all else (even an Holo9), and everything else will work out.


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Jacob and Esau

2013 kovo 2526m

In the Quantum yard, during a spirited water fight, Joy accidentally gets Gizmo's inner workings wet, and he fritzes out. Chris becomes furious with Joy, saying he'll never forgive her. Superbook intercedes and whisks the kids back to the days of Jacob and Esau. The two brothers compete over many things, but when Esau gives up his birthright and Jacob tricks his father out of a blessing, they become estranged for many years. When Jacob finally goes to Esau and his brother finds it in his heart to forgive Jacob, Chris takes the cue and forgives Joy, as well.


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Let My People Go!

2011 balandžio 126m

When Chris and the others talk about their favorite Superbook adventures, they have a hard time deciding which adventure was the best. Suddenly, Superbook appears to whisk them away on the adventure of a lifetime. They experience first hand Moses leading the Exodus from Egypt!


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The Ten Commandments

2012 rugsėjo 126m

The Quantum family along with Joy and Gizmo are enjoying a family camp out when Chris secretly decides it’ll be more adventurous to ignore the rules laid down by his parents and the park ranger. His flagrant disregard causes Superbook to send our dynamic trio on a trip back in time so they can learn that rules are in place to protect you -- not to make your life no fun!


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A Giant Adventure

2012 gruodžio 2426m

Chris Quantum loses the courage to play his guitar in front of a crowd. Superbook whisks the kids off to meet another boy who had to face his own "giant." Chris, Joy and Gizmo befriend young David who is taking bread to his brothers on the front line of battle fighting the Philistines. It's when David meets the giant Goliath that Chris finds the courage to face his own giants.


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2013 sausio 126m

Chris is morally challenged “to do the right thing" when a smaller boy, Tommy, is harassed by Skateboard Park bully, Barry. Superbook takes the kids on an adventure where they meet Daniel and King Darius in the land of Babylon. Through this adventure, Chris learns that no matter how difficult the situation, when you stand up for what is right, God will be with you.


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The First Christmas

2012 gruodžio 2526m

Commercial Christmas mayhem is reigning supreme in the Quantum household. After Chris offhandedly remarks that the family nativity scene is just another decoration like a reindeer or Santa's elves, Superbook whisks off our heroes on a journey to discover the true meaning of Christmas!


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Miracles of Jesus

2013 kovo 2726m

When Chris begins to believe that Miraculo The Miracle Maker magician possesses real powers, Superbook whisks the kids off to historical Galilee where Jesus is performing true miracles like healing a cripple, calming a storm on the sea, and banishing demons from a possessed man. During the course of their miraculous adventure, Chris comes to understand the power to perform miracles comes only from God.


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The Last Supper

2013 kovo 2826m

Chris is getting big-headed because his band has been invited to audition for an American Idol-like show called World’s Best Band. To address this issue, Superbook whisks the kids off to Jerusalem. Chris learns from Jesus that even though Jesus is famous, He was humble and served others. During the Last Supper, the gang ultimately returns home, and Chris has a major shift in his attitude towards others.


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He Is Risen!

2013 kovo 2926m

Chris is arguing with his mom, Phoebe. Superbook intervenes and, in a very special episode, takes Chris, Joy, Gizmo, AND Phoebe back in time for an encounter with Jesus’ mother Mary during the time of her son's crucifixion. When Superbook returns the family home, a wiser Chris apologizes for their argument, and their relationship is restored.


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The Road to Damascus

2012 gruodžio 2726m

When a delinquent teen enters Chris and Joy’s lives, they don’t see any chance of him changing his ways. However, Superbook takes our heroes on a journey where they encounter the sinister Saul of Tarsus. Through experiencing Saul's dramatic life change, the kids return home with a renewed hope that amazing change is always possible with God.


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Revelation: The Final Battle!

Season Finale
2013 kovo 2926m

After Chris accidentally burns down his family's home, he is sure that there is no forgiveness for something this big! Superbook then takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo to witness the end of days. Through this experience, he discovers the greatness of God’s forgiveness and restoration.


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