Epizodai 8


It's Complicated

2015 rugsėjo 18

A month ago, Carla headed West for her dream job. Meanwhile, Alex became head of the English Department at New Rochelle University.


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Sometimes It Takes a Village

2015 rugsėjo 18

Alex decides to go NRU's faculty mixer. Simone and Julius agree to accompany him. The night goes awry after Julius makes the event an opportunity to find potential clients and Simone spends the evening with Alex's boss.


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Men and Women Can Be

2015 rugsėjo 25

Alex becomes close friends with the beautiful Professor Lori Samuels, despite Simone and Julius teasing him about his "platonic" relationship.


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The Truth Hurts

2015 rugsėjo 25

When Simone and Alex spot Julius' estranged wife, Rita, out on what appears to be a date, they disagree on whether to be honest with Julius.


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The "C" Is Silent

2015 spalio 2

Alex misses the registration deadline to enroll Alexis in the district spelling bee and is forced to call in a favor to get her application reinstated.


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Kaci and Keenan's biological dad, Marcus, comes to town to attend Kaci's performance in a local talent show. He's impressed with how she sounds and offers to introduce her to record label executives before he leaves.


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I'm Not Superhuman

2015 spalio 9

Constantly at odds about how to raise the kids, Alex and Monroe come to an impasse that leads to Monroe moving out.


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You Have To Let Them Go

Season Finale
2015 spalio 9

Kaci starts to act a bit quiet and removed. While going over the notes Alex gave her for her English assignment, she unexpectedly finds out that Alex and her mother are getting a divorce.


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