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This guy has been spooky since we saw him in the pilot in season one. He said his name is Carl Gearhard Bush (spelling?) or something that sounded like that. He is working to launch his plan to wipe out the human race, with exception to a chosen few, using an alien virus. (Funny how this kind of mirrors certain real life entities, like the Club of Rome, whose members endorse a goal to reduce the world's population down to somewhere around 250 million to 500 million people, a big decrease from the current nearly 7 billion people. What is their plan of action to achieve this decrease? That is less well known than their stated goal. )

He wants to save Scully, but has given up on saving Mulder because he believes Mulder will kill him.

CSM is well connected, a very powerful man privy to the most tightly guarded secrets of the intelligence communities. He claims to serve a higher purpose. But this seems like a rationale, and way to absolve himself of the traces of guilt he seems to feel for his amoral, immoral, actions and his disregard for the human rights of the masses.

He is Mulder's father, apparently, and he chose to keep this a secret for most of Mulder's life.

He is the biological father of Scully's baby, apparently, and somehow genetically modified the fetus with alien DNA, all unbeknownst to Mulder and Scully.

He was an original member of The Syndicate, a group of people who met with aliens and negotiated a delay in their plans to colonize planet earth in return for help from the Syndicate in preparing things for them. CSM seems to have always been a bit of a loner though, someone with plans of his own.

I am wondering how things will play out with him this season, which may be the last season for the X Files (because Gillian Anderson said she is quitting at the end of this season). Any predictions?

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