محادثة Big Fat Quiz

Item: Big Fat Quiz

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: As far as I can tell, Channel 4 groups it's multiple "Big Fat Quiz" shows under Big Fat Quiz. That said, the Original Title should actually be "The Big Fat Quiz of the Year" (as it is in all the imagery, the URL, and a majority of other places)

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Hi, I looked into this further and I'm pretty sure it is called "Big Fat Quiz." I believe that it is just the episodes that are titled "of the Year." TMDb doesn't always go by the imagery because it tends not to be the most reliable. I double checked on Channel 4: https://www.channel4.com/programmes/big-fat-quiz slight_smile

I don't think that's correct. They have two series grouped under "The Big Fat Quiz"

  • The Big Fat Quiz of the Year
  • The Big Fat Quiz of Everything

On each series, they refer to the title of the series via the signage and the announcer says the names of the series (though the year one they usually say the year instead of "of the Year". Here are some youTube links for reference since the Channel 4 site requires a login.

TMDb always try to follow the official website. So the current name appears to be correct. The seasons will eventually need to be fixed though.

They have two series grouped under "The Big Fat Quiz"

You can for sure use episode groups for the various series/specials.

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