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Auction Hunters (2010)

TV-PG Reality
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Auction Hunters is an American reality television series that premiered on November 9, 2010, on Spike and is produced by Gurney Productions Inc. It also airs internationally.

In June 2011, Spike announced that it had ordered a third season of 26 episodes. In August 2012, Spike announced that it had ordered a fourth season of 26 episodes. The fourth season premiered on January 30, 2013.

Series Cast

  1. Allen Lee Haff


    107 Episodes

  2. Clinton 'Ton' Jones


    107 Episodes

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Last Season

Season 5

2014 • 20 Episodes

Every day in America, there are over ten thousand abandoned storage units that are put up for public auction. Each unit has the potential to be a goldmine or a bust for those who make their living hunting unclaimed property. This eight half-hour episode series follows two of the best prospectors in the business, Clinton "Ton" Jones and Allen Haff, in their quest to win auctions, acquire treasure and sell it for profit.

Catch My Drift?

(5x20, March 8, 2015) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Auction Hunters
Auction Hunters


Status Canceled


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Type Reality

Original Language English


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