Über Teen Wolf diskutieren


It appears like the final season of Teen Wolf may not actually be the final season. MTV is planning on continuing the series as a podcast.

Additionally, a sequel TV series is in development. MTV wants to do an anthology style series featuring a new group of characters.

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I don't understand how the podcast would work.. in the new teen wolf I hope they keep the ppl at the Sherrif station at least. they would constantly be showing up at crime scenes. but chances are they will have Stilinski retired and either Parrish as the new Sherrif (which I wouldn't mind) or he will have moved or something.

@rumble88 said:

I don't understand how the podcast would work.. in the new teen wolf I hope they keep the ppl at the Sherrif station at least. they would constantly be showing up at crime scenes. but chances are they will have Stilinski retired and either Parrish as the new Sherrif (which I wouldn't mind) or he will have moved or something.

I'm definitely interested in seeing how the podcast would work as well. I feel like some of the cast members would be interested in continuing over with the podcast. I think Tyler Posey would be happy to Voice Scott. However, I think it would feel sort of strange with some original cast members and some new ppl doing the voices of characters we know.

@TheBayHarborButcher said:

@rumble88 said:

I don't understand how the podcast would work.. in the new teen wolf I hope they keep the ppl at the Sherrif station at least. they would constantly be showing up at crime scenes. but chances are they will have Stilinski retired and either Parrish as the new Sherrif (which I wouldn't mind) or he will have moved or something.

I'm definitely interested in seeing how the podcast would work as well. I feel like some of the cast members would be interested in continuing over with the podcast. I think Tyler Posey would be happy to Voice Scott. However, I think it would feel sort of strange with some original cast members and some new ppl doing the voices of characters we know.

ya I think that would be weird to have someone else voice an already familiar character. We wouldn't know who that character is until their name is called.

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