Episodes 65


Початок: частина перша

September 6, 199122m

Темний плащ зустрічає Форсаж МакКряка! Разом вони намагаються врятувати Гусинку від викрадення та використання Бугай Бульбою як пішака у своєму злом плані.

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Початок: частина друга

September 6, 199122m

Гусинка тепер під захистом Темного плаща, але Бугай Бульба все ще намагається її роздобути, вважаючи, що має код озброєння Рамрода Уоддлмейєра, хоча насправді вона нічого про це не знає.

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Красуня і будяк

September 9, 199122m

Доктор Кущінь, вчений-рослинник, хоче лише зробити світ кращим, але його колеги висміюють його пристрасть до рослин. Коли він піддає себе власним експериментам, то стає напіврослиною-напівуткою-мутантом, і тепер бажає поквитатися зі своїми мучителями.

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Мурашки по шкірі

September 10, 199122m

Darkwing and Gosalyn take a trip to the new miniature golf course that turns out to be the hideout of Dr. Lulliput, a scientist who's shrinking the banks of St. Canard!

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Картопляний вампір

September 11, 199122m

Bushroot, the half plant/half duck villain, tries growing a bride to keep him company.

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Горили гніваються

September 12, 199122m

Shush asks Darkwing Duck to investigate the disappearance of a gorilla researcher.

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Брудні гроші

September 13, 199122m

Someone is scrubbing the print off the cash in bank vaults across the country and Darkwing Duck is on the case!

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Осліплий герой

September 16, 199122m

In a battle with the electrified villain, Megavolt, Darkwing Duck is blinded by a giant flashbulb.

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Витівки коміксу

September 17, 199122m

A comic book company wants to produce a Darkwing Duck comic book! Darkwing decides to write about his latest adventure with Megavolt.

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Піщана флотилія

September 18, 199122m

Darkwing Duck finds Steelbeak using a rain-making device to flood the Sahara Desert!

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Паракачки часу

September 19, 199122m

Разом із Гусикою Темний плащ вирушає в минуле і зустрічає себе в початковій школі, коли він був відомий як "Дрейкі". Потім він бачить, як магазин платівок грабує банда жирних. Через бездіяльність Темного плаща теперішній час Темного плаща змінюється, коли дует повертається в теперішній час. Тож Темний плащ і Гусинка повинні знову вирушити в минуле, щоб відновити його.

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Темний плащ розслідує справу, в якій гроші зникають разом із банківськими сховищами. Бушрут створює дерево, вкрите грошима.

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Повстання побутових машин

September 23, 199122m

Мегавольт захоплюється своїм новим винаходом, який дозволяє йому оживляти звичайні побутові прилади. Він збирає групу, що складається з крісла, холодильника, гітари та телевізора. Качка з темними крилами мусить зупинити їх, перш ніж вони захоплять Сен-Канар.

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Чуже обличчя

September 24, 199122m

Комп'ютер Темного плащу виходить з ладу, через що він міняється тілами з Гусинкою, а також з Лаунчпедом і Гонкером. Тепер Гусинка повинена прикинутися Темним плащем, щоб зупинити останній план Д.О.В.К. - зупинити обертання Землі в спробі шантажу планети.

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Світло, камера, мотор!

September 25, 199122m

Tuskerninni plans to take over a studio by causing 'accidents' to occur to the leading actors. Darkwing decides to investigate by becoming the lead in Tuskerninni's latest film!

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Болотяні пристрасті

September 26, 199122m

A Cajun crook, Jambalaya Jake, moves to the city when his pork-bellied pet gator, Gumbo, develops an allergy to swampwater. But, his crooked style is cramped by Darkwing Duck!

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Ведмежі обійми

September 27, 199122m

Gosalyn would rather be anywhere than camping, but Drake has decided it's time to hit the trail for a little father/daughter togetherness.

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Drake is off to the health spa when he finds two of it's employees, Flex and Slim, stealing rare items from the St. Canard Museum!

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Чорна смуга

October 1, 199122m

Quackerjack masquerades as a psychiatrist and convinces Darkwing Duck that he's become ineffective at his job. Darkwing then switches careers as Quackerjack goes on a crime spree.

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Darkwing Duck's ego gets the better of him when Negaduck teams up Darkwing's greatest foes: Megavolt, Quackerjack, Bushroot and Liquidator!

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The Justice Ducks are each defeated and captured by the Fearsome Five. Darkwing rushes to the rescue, and the five heroes join in battle against the five villains, with the ultimate victors deciding the fate of the whole city.

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October 4, 199122m

Jambalaya Jake and Gumbo obtain a bayou zombie potion to control Darkwing Duck. But Launchpad gets hit with the potion when in his Darkwing decoy outfit!

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October 7, 199122m

A mutated spider bite causes Darkwing to grow four extra arms! When this causes hims trouble while trying to catch Moliarty, Darkwing adopts a new super-hero identity... Arachno-duck!

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Gosalyn comes upon a space ship that has crashed in the park. A cute alien emerges, wearing a rather restrictive collar which he doesn’t seem to be fond of.

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Honker and Gosalyn track down a set of dinosaur footprints, and are led to the nefarious Dr. Fossil, duck turned dinosaur. With his de-evolution ray and the aid of a passing comet, Fossil plans to end the current life on the planet to give dinosaurs a second chance.

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Чистісінька халапа

October 15, 199122m

Steelbeak teams up with agent Amonia Pine to clean out banks for F.O.W.L. Gosalyn starts a Darkwing fan club.

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Танець чемпіона

October 17, 199122m

Comet Guy, failure superhero has come from another planet to retrieve superhero training. Steelbeak directs the theft of masses of rubber to construct a destructive F.O.W.L. device - the F.O.W.L. ball.

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Launchpad and Darkwing are after a strange band of firebugs that have melted down the gold of the city banks. Icy Vanderchill, frozen duck, develops a crush on DW, and dates him, all the while hiding a plot to paint the city in a layer of gold.

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October 23, 199122m

Gosalyn and Darkwing are hyped over a video game competition involving the popular ""Whiffle Boy"". However, a toymaker gone insane, Quackerjack, is out to get revenge on the gaming industry that put him out of business.

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Пригоди в країні снів

October 31, 199122m

Morgana is using sleep sand to rob the citizens of St. Canard while they sleepwalk. When Darkwing steps in to set things right, he ends up in dreamland. Nodoff, controller of dreamland and supplier of Morgana's sleep sand wants the entire city to snooze, and will see to it that no one gets in his way.

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November 7, 199122m

In this case, Adopt-a-con means the Adopt A Convict Program. The program has sent Tuskernini to Drake's house. DW is sure that Tusker won't reform, even though he acts as if he has. Posing as Bushroot, he takes Launchpad, Gosalyn, And Drake hostages in order to fish out Darkwing. But Drake's already a hostage. How can DW pull out of this one?

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Іграшковий цар

November 11, 199122m

When Quackerjack learns that parents won't buy his dangerous toys, he decides to create a toy utopia for children, with him as the ruler. Gosalyn gets into trouble at school, causing the principal to suggest Drake take a better look at his parenting. Drake gives up Darkwing to become the perfect parent just as Quackerjack executes his insane plot.

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200 years in the future, an archaeologist tries to put the pieces of history together with the aid of a supercomputer and ends up with multiple origins of Darkwing Duck.

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Вище неба

November 14, 199122m

Darkwing becomes self-conscious about not having powers, so Gizmoduck and Launchpad create a Gizmosuit for him!

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November 18, 199122m

To set things 'right' in an alternate universe where morality is reversed, Darkwing Duck teams up with the superheroes of the world: Megavolt, Quackerjack, Bushroot and Liquidator!

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Crew 2

Directed by: No director has been added.

Written by: Brian Swenlin, Kevin D. Campbell

Guest Stars 7 Full Cast & Crew

  1. Dana Hill

    Tank Muddlefoot (voice)

  2. Katie Leigh

    Honker Muddlefoot (voice)

  3. Susan Tolsky

    Binkie Muddlefoot (voice)

  4. Michael Bell

    Quackerjack (voice)

  5. Tino Insana

    Bushroot (voice)

  6. Jack Angel

    Liquidator (voice)

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Тверда вода

November 20, 199122m

Bud Flood, a crooked water salesman, becomes the Liquidator, seizing control of the water in St. Canard!

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З клепкою в голові

November 21, 199122m

Launchpad gains psychic powers, but has trouble controlling them. F.O.W.L. agent, Major Synapse, steals S.H.U.S.H.'s Nora Ray, and uses it on his underlings to give them super brain powers.

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І рідна мати не впізнає

November 26, 199122m

Negaduck, disguised, frames Darkwing for a series of crimes. To go into hiding, the hero uses an experimental S.H.U.S.H. design, which ends up causing him to spontaneously change into whomever he looks at.

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Планета Супергероїв

November 27, 199122m

Comet Guy returns, and he needs Darkwing to go to his planet to help him.

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Темний дублон

December 16, 199122m

300 years ago, a pirate scourge sailed the seas, striking for truth and justice. That's right, believe it or not, that was a scourge of pirates! Darkwing Doubloon and his crew, Gosalyn, Stegmutt, Launchpad, and Gizmoduck have must battle the alleged pirate Negaduck and the Fearsome Four to keep them from making off with the king's jewels.

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Різдвяна буча

December 23, 199122m

A crowd of pushy holiday shopppers rub Bushroot the wrong way. He decides to ruin Christmas by taking control of all of St. Canard's Christmas trees.

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Всесвітня слава

February 5, 199222m

Megavolt creates a way of transmitting himself as an electrical signal. Darkwing confronts the rat, and both of them get transported to the human universe. Here, the Darkwing Duck cartoon is a big seller, and DW realizes he isn't getting any of the profits. And it seems that there is no way home.

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Танці з єті

February 6, 199222m

Drake Mallard disappears and it’s up to the Crimson Quackette to find him.

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Два дзьоби

February 10, 199222m

When Honker's parents go missing, all clues point to the mysterious Twin Beaks. A mutated alien race of cabbages have begun their conquest of Earth from this unseemly town.

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Хоч сила є, та розум треба

February 12, 199222m

Bushroot creates a new experimental fertilizer that causes plants to grow large and strong.

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Любов зла

February 14, 199222m

Darkwing’s refusal of Morgana’s suggestion of help, makes her very angry, which Negaduck sees as an opportunity.

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З того світу

February 17, 199222m

Chasing Megavolt, Darkwing gets into an accident and is killed. Now, on the run from Death himself, he no only plans to apprehend the villain he's after, but also has to search for a way to return to the living before it's too late.

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Моє друге ім'я

February 18, 199222m

A news program reveals Darkwing Duck's identity as Launchpad.

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February 20, 199222m

After a television program shows that Darkwing as a poor reputation with the public, Gosalyn decides that Darkwing needs an image change.

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Блант, Дерек Блант

February 24, 199222m

Підлий злочинець з минулого повертається, щоб нажитися на аукціоні, продавши повний список усіх секретних агентів Щ.И.Т. Джей Гандер об'єднує Темного плаща з легендарним Дереком Блаунтом, щоб перехопити документи до того, як вони потраплять до чужих рук.

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Подорож у минуле

February 26, 199222m

Щоб запобігти винаходу йо-йо, Квакерджек повертається до середньовічної країни Канардії. Темний плащ і Форсаж МакКряк слідують за Крякачем і знаходять Герба та Бінкі - короля та королеву Канардії. Видаючи себе за королівського радника, Крякач викриває Темного плаща у чаклунстві.

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Час розплати

February 27, 199222m

During a battle between Darkwing, Megavolt and Quackerjack, Gosalyn ends up aboard the villains Time Top, just before it starts up and takes them to the future. There, Gosalyn finds out that Darkwing has become Darkwarrior Duck, and enforces the law with an iron fist!

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March 3, 199222m

Darkwing Is getting a little bit stressted. So he goes to a stress free clinic (which is beeing runby Megavolt and QuackerJack) and they brain wash him. Now he is too calm (not even Goslyn deystroying the house can get him mad!). When Megavolt and QuackerJack start a fire that soons starts to spread, Launchpd and Goslyn have to try to get DW out of it. But when Megavolt puts out the fire, he also starts a flood. What will they do?

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Загін у плащах

April 1, 199222m

J. Gander asks DW to train some of Shush's agents. That does not go over well with Agent Grizzlicoff, who joins F.O.W.L. as a double agent. Steelbeak sets a trap for the newly titled ""Darkwing Squad"" while Grizzli faces off against Darkwing.

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Мій маленький лицар

April 1, 199222m

When Binkie Muddlefoot gets hit on the head by a bowling ball, her ""little hero"" escapes and causes her to become the Canardian Guardian. Her endless quest for safety endangers the life of Darkwing as he tries once again to capture Megavolt.

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A Sprit named Paddywhack is unleashed from a jack in the box when Gosalyn gets into mischief, and possesses Quackerjack's doll, Mr. Banana Brain. As he causes trouble alongside the demented toymaker, he grows, feeding from the negative emotions around himself.

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Слизу багато не буває

May 1, 199222m

Bushroot creates a formula intending to create an intelligent plant friend, and Gosalyn ends up sampling it. Now Darkwing has a limited amount of time to find a cure before Gosalyn, half-slime, half-duck, melts into a pile of goo.

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Круговерть історії

May 1, 199222m

Forced to work on her boring history assignment, Gosalyn dozes off, and begins sleepwalking. She dreams herself with AstroDuck, a television show character, trying to find ""The Fountain Of Knowledge"". While she is learning about famous explorers in her dreams, Megavolt uses her as bait to trap and kill Darkwing in the real world.

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Інопланетний ворог

May 1, 199222m

Aliens kidnap Launchpad to make him ruler of the universe.

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Роль другого плану

May 1, 199222m

Darkwing's TV producer feels that Darkwing's TV show needs a new gimmick in the form of a spin-off character, which might really be Darkwing's replacement.

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Крилата стріла

May 16, 199222m

Gosalyn takes up archery, and bests Negaduck with it. Against Darkwing's wishes she creates her alter-ego, the Quiverwing Quack and causes a stir of publicity. She also becomes Negaduck's new target - so he can regain his position as Public Enemy # 1.

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May 17, 199222m

Negaduck steals a dimond that can steal other peoples powers. And after he steals the powers from,bushroot, megavolt, the luiquidator, and qukerjack, they have to use there weakneses to stop mega negaduck ( as he calls him).

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It's Ammonia Pine's worst nightmare! FOWL has teamed her with her polar opposite, her filth-loving sister, Ample Grime. It WOULD be easy for Darkwing Duck to stop them. But Gosalyn, not having enough allowance to buy a video game, has discovered that she can cash in whatever she recycles... incuding the Thunderquack's engine, the Ratcatcher, a few gas guns, etc.

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Заборонені прийоми

May 19, 199222m

Darkwing chases Moleiarity to the city Kung Pow where he meets up with his old martial arts instructor, Master Lee.

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Як пороблено

Season Finale
May 20, 199222m

Темного плаща звинувачують у крадіжці коштовності племені, і вождь накладає на нього прокляття. Тепер вони повинні повернути її Антиплащу і не дати йому користуватися нею. Але де ж вождь, щоб зняти прокляття?

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