Episoden 10


Das Gottesteilchen

20. März 201344m

Wissenschaftler untersuchen die Auswirkungen der Entdeckung des Higgs-Bosons, die das Standardmodell in der Teilchenphysik validiert und das Verständnis subatomarer Teilchen festigt. Höhepunkte sind eine eingehende Diskussion des Higgs-Feldes und der Masse.


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Wann beginnt das Leben?

5. Juni 201344m

It is a debate that has raged for centuries’. Groundbreaking evidence reveals that inside all of us are traces of cells from our relatives, blurring the lines between one life and another. Technology is now giving birth to new life forms made of surprising components – from droplets of oil in a Petri dish, to conscious robots and to a new global internet-connected life form comprised of all humanity.


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Leben ohne Sonne

12. Juni 201344m

We are all at the mercy of the Sun. Its glowing disc sustains nearly all life on Earth. But the Sun also holds a dark secret: someday, our aging, expanding star will bathe the Earth in a fiery holocaust. Everything we know will turn to hot, bubbling, plasma.


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Wie denken Außerirdische?

19. Juni 201344m

If the stuff of life is spread throughout the cosmos, then the universe could be teeming with aliens.


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Wird Sex aussterben?

3. Juli 201344m

Every single person who has ever lived was created from the genes of one man and one woman. But human sexual reproduction, unchanged for millions of years, is about to undergo radical change.


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Ist Gehirnspionage möglich?

26. Juni 201344m

Könnten Hacker eines Tages in ferner Zukunft in der Lage sein, die Gedanken eines Menschen neu zu schreiben, so wie es heutzutage möglich ist, Emails zu hacken?


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Sind Roboter unsere Zukunft?

10. Juli 201344m

We are in the midst of a revolution so insidious we can't even see it. From our telephones to our vacuum cleaners to our cars, we have robots that live and work beside us. And now we're designing them to think for themselves, giving them the power to learn to move on their own.


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Was ist Realität?

17. Juli 201344m

We are in the midst of a revolution so insidious we can't even see it. From our telephones to our vacuum cleaners to our cars, we have robots that live and work beside us. And now we're designing them to think for themselves, giving them the power to learn to move on their own.


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Haben wir einen eigenen Willen?

24. Juli 201344m

What if everything that has or will happen in the universe has already been determined and we are unable to change our inevitable destinies? Until the discovery of quantum uncertainty, physicists were convinced free will does not exist. Now neuroscientists and geneticists have stepped into the fray, arguing that free will is an illusion thanks to the genes we are born with, the automatic processes working in our brains, and the conforming pressures of society.


Crew 0

Regie: Kein Regisseur hinzugefügt.

Geschrieben von: Kein Drehbuchautor hinzugefügt.

Gastdarsteller 0 Besetzung und Crew

Es wurde keinen Gastdarsteller hinzugefügt.

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Hat Gott die Welt erschaffen?

31. Juli 201344m

What or who created all of the billions of species that have lived on Earth? Is all life the product of evolution as Charles Darwin proposed or was it the guiding hand of a higher power?


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