Jamie's conduct is called into question when the boy he is mentoring dies while fleeing from gangbangers.
Jamie was off duty and witnessed the boy being chased by a group of gangbangers who had just previously threatened him. Jamie gave chase telling the gangbangers he was a cop and to stop. The boy ran through traffic trying to escape the gangbangers and was hit and killed by a car.
Then one of the gangbangers stopped as Jamie was checking the boy's body for vital signs and said "You did this man. This is on you man. This is on you."
The boy was a first time offender who was trying to get away from the gang he was running with when he got into trouble. Jamie was working with him on leaving behind the gang life and criminal activity.
This show highlights the crazy attitudes of certain elements in society, blaming police officers for the damage done by criminals.
I don't get how the gangbanger thought the boy's death was on Jamie. Was it because he was trying to help the boy leave behind a life of crime? Was it because he tried to stop the gangbangers?
I just can't get how that gangbanger could have the nerve to blame it on Jamie.
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Reply by bratface
on June 11, 2018 at 7:02 PM
Tomas wasn't the one who got hit by the car, it was one of the thugs chasing him that was hit. As for the distrust, just read the papers. But even if you go back a lot of years it was the same, cops weren't exactly model citizens themselves. But I think it is most prevalent in the bigger cities. We had a gang problem back in the late 80's early 90's (bloods & the crips, also a couple of Asian gangs) but nowhere near the problems of New York, Chicago, Baltimore, etc. & they have all but disappeared here.
Reply by write2topcat
on June 13, 2018 at 5:18 AM
I had paused the show to write that comment. I didn't realize it was one of the gang members who got hit at that point. Still, it's silly to suggest that a criminal trying to chase down someone, or running away from Jamie, who runs into traffic and gets hurt is a victim of Jamie Reagan. That's the classic blame shifting we hear so much of these days. Anything bad that happens, somebody uses some pretzel logic to shift blame from the culpable party onto someone else.
As far as real life cops, I know there are bad ones around. I had a good friend whose brother was a bad ass kung fu guy, liked to get drunk and get laid, and not much else. One time he drove his car home drunk and crashed it into his house, went inside and passed out drunk on his bed. My friend was sleeping on the couch (my friend was disabled, used a wheelchair). Neighbors called the cops. They went in and attempted to wake and arrest the guy. He woke up being handled roughly and kicked their asses, disarmed them, threw their guns on the roof of his house, and went back to bed. lol He woke up to a group of cops pointing shotguns at him. They took him in a squad car, going from Homestead on the way up to Miami, ostensibly to jail him there. My friend called Hanley, a cop friend of his from Miami and told him what was happening. He rushed to find them. They had stopped halfway between Homestead and Miami and were trying to get the guy out of the squad car. They were going to kill him for trying to escape. Steve (the guy) had his fingers dug into the doors where the windows come up, holding the doors closed. They couldn't shoot him inside the car, they needed him outside in order to sell the idea that he was trying to escape. Hanley got there in time so they had to take him up to Miami.
There was a time when Miami was desperate to add a lot of minorities to the force and they weren't very particular who they hired so long as they could speak spanish. They didn't background check them very well at all. Eventually a bunch of them were busted running the drugs they confiscated. There will always be some bad cops unfortunately. I think that on the whole our police forces are better than they used to be though, and are pretty good overall now. They get blamed for a lot of crap they don't deserve. A couple years ago there was a riot in Charlotte, not far away from me. A black cop shot a black suspect who had pulled a gun on him. The suspect had previously tried to shoot a cop and done time for it. The news implied it was a racist shooting, not mentioning that the cop was black. That riot and the resulting deaths never should have happened.
Reply by bratface
on June 13, 2018 at 5:28 PM
I know I probably shouldn't have but that made me laugh so hard.
Reply by write2topcat
on June 14, 2018 at 7:08 PM
Yeah, Steve has never been all that smart. But he was a bad ass. He could jump up and kick the ceiling with both feet and land back on his feet. He had to leave Florida after that deal with the cops in Homestead. He went to Alabama. But he was still into getting high and getting laid and fighting. Some guy eventually tried to cut him in half with a shotgun. Steve saw it but couldn't move fast enough and lost a leg. So he isn't what he used to be now. But I still wouldn't mess with him.