Diskutuoti apie Teen Mom OG

It's not as if the others are doing that great with the customers.

7 atsakė (on page 1 iš 1)

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Probably 20-30 at once.


Is she going to even mention the others? The first biz of porn is now hush-hush, but what about froyo?

She's Desperate for the money & creating her 'empire' she'll do anything for business.

Well, the way she is spending it, she will always be on the hunt for money. Now, I hear she is house flipping, and that didn't go over so well w/Amber.

She also wants to expand from to about three other states as well I read.

@TheCheetahPeach said:

She also wants to expand from to about three other states as well I read.

You mean expand her vagina and anus over three states?

@cflr said:

@TheCheetahPeach said:

She also wants to expand from to about three other states as well I read.

You mean expand her vagina and anus over three states?

3 states -- nope. The web casting is global.

Negalite rasti filmo ar TV laidos? Prisijunkite, kad sukurtumėte.


s susitelkti į paieškos juostą
p profilio meniu
esc uždarykite atidarytą langą
? spartieji klavišai

Medijų puslapiuose

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TV epizodo puslapiuose

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Visuose atvaizdžio puslapiuose

a atverti atvaizdžio pridėjimo langą

Visuose redagavimo puslapiuose

t vertimo parinktys
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Diskusijų puslapiuose

n sukurti naują diskusiją
w perjungti peržiūros būseną
p perjungti viešasis / privatus
c perjungti uždaryti / atidaryti
a peržiūrėti aktyvumą
r atsakyti į pokalbį
l į paskutinį atsakymą
ctrl+ enter pateikti pranešimą
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