Épisodes 80


Premier contact Vorlon

22 février 19931h 34m

En 2257, le commandant Sinclair et les officiels de Babylon 5 s'apprêtent à accueillir l'ambassadeur Kosh du puissant et mystérieux Empire Vorlon. Mais à peine celui-ci est-il arrivé sur la station, qu'il est victime une tentative d'assassinat: au Medlab, le docteur Kyle ne peut rien faire étant donné que Kosh est enfermé dans une sorte de carapace protectrice et que l'Empire Vorlon refuse catégoriquement qu'elle soit ouverte. Mais Sinclair passe outre les ordres des Vorlons afin de sauver Kosh: le docteur Kyle ouvre en partie sa combinaison et Lyta Alexander, la télépathe commerciale de la station, le scanne dans le but de découvrir ce qui s'est passé. Durant le scan, elle va découvrir que l'ambassadeur a été empoisonné par le commandant Sinclair! Les Vorlons demandent alors l'extradition du commandant vers leur monde, et Sinclair, bien que clamant son innocence, n'a pas d'autres choix que de s'y résoudre. Garibaldi décide alors de mener l'enquête dans le but de découvrir le véritable coupable...

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Au commencement

4 janvier 19981h 34m

10 ans avant la création de la station Babylon 5, une guerre dévastatrice éclate sur un simple malentendu entre les humains et le peuple Minbari. Ils s'affrontent dans une guerre sans merci qui ne pouvait se terminer que par l'extermination totale de l'humanité...

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La Cinquième Dimension

19 juillet 19981h 34m

Une guerre est déclarée aux Ombres et un conflit éclate avec la Terre. Entretemps, l'équipe de la station spatiale risque le tout pour le tout pour sécuriser un passage mystérieux et obscur. Pour une évasion éventuelle vers une autre dimension... ou laisseront-ils plutôt s'échapper ce qui se trouve de l'autre côté ?

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La rivière des âmes

8 novembre 19981h 33m

Lorsqu'un archéologue emporte une relique volée vers la station spatiale Babylon 5, il met tout le monde en danger. Les Soul Hunters, une race immortelle qui s'empare des esprits pour les enfermer à jamais, assiègent le poste isolé. Babylon 5 est pris entre deux feux : d'un côté les Soul Hunters et de l'autre, les esprits courroucés en fuite. Une issue semble introuvable.

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L'appel aux armes

3 janvier 19991h 33m

Une nouvelle génération de combattants pour la liberté se met en marche pour protéger l'univers. Ils vont être confrontés à la menace ultime de l'homme : un fléau biogénétique mortel répandu sur la Terre par une race de méchants aliens. Les Rangers doivent faire vite pour trouver une solution, avant que l'humanité ne s'éteigne à jamais.

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La légende des Rangers

19 janvier 20021h 29m

Les Rangers, un ordre de prêtres guerriers, errent depuis plus de mille ans dans l'obscurité des étoiles, où ils protègent des centaines d'univers contre l'invasion et la destruction. Jusqu'à ce qu'une nouvelle menace extraterrestre surgisse aux frontières de l'Alliance Interstellaire, une force plus vieille et plus puissante que toute autre chose...

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Voices in the Dark: Over Here

31 juillet 200745m

Le colonel Lochley demande à un prêtre catholique de se rendre à Babylon 5 quelques jours avant l’arrivée du président Sheridan à l’occasion de la célébration du dixième anniversaire de l’Alliance interstellaire. Un membre de l’équipe qui venait de rentrer de vacances sur Terre s’était plaint d’avoir entendu des voix avant de se barricader dans une section de la station. Le membre d'équipage, Burke, est maintenant retenu dans une cellule de sécurité et prétend être possédé par un esprit démoniaque.

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Voices in the Dark: Over There

31 juillet 200745m

En route vers Babylon 5 pour la célébration de son anniversaire, Sheridan accorde à contrecœur une interview à ISN. Il mentionne son regret que Londo ne soit pas à la célébration pour représenter les Centauris, mais que son navire embarque le Prince Regent Vintari, troisième dans l'ordre de succession au trône. La nuit précédant le rendez-vous, Galen apparaît à Sheridan dans un rêve et lui montre une vision de la destruction de New York. Dans 30 ans, l’empereur Vintari tentera de restaurer l’ancienne gloire de la République en détruisant un vieil adversaire, la Terre. Tout cela peut être évité si Sheridan accepte de tuer Vintari maintenant.

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Celestial Sound

4 août 20076m

Douglas Netter, John Copeland, and J. Michael Straczynski talk about the wonderful music Christopher Franke created for the show. Using computers and a full orchestra, Franke created nearly 25 minutes of new music for every episode in the series.

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No Surrender, No Retreat Suite

5 août 20077m

This feature sums up the entire Fourth season.

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CGI Easter Egg

6 août 200745m

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Gag Reel

7 août 20073m

Laugh along with the cast and crew as they screw up their lines.

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Introduction to Season 4

11 août 20076m

An introduction to season four featuring interviews with the cast and crew

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Season 3 Gag Reel

5 novembre 19953m

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Season 4 Gag Reel

4 novembre 19963m

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Introduction Season 5 Wheel of Fire

21 janvier 19987m

An introduction to season five featuring interviews with the cast and crew

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Building Babylon - Blueprint Of An Episode

29 avril 200313m

Featurette that covers the writing, on set with the cast and crew, and the editing process. Special Feature on Season 2 DVD.

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Shadows And Dreams - Honors Of Babylon

29 avril 20039m

J. Michael Straczynski talks about winning the HUGO award, two years in a row. Special Feature on Season 2 DVD.

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Season 2 Gag Reel

29 avril 20033m

Special Feature on Season 2 DVD.

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Season 2 Data Files

29 avril 200345m

Video bits on: Drafa, Ground Pounders, Interstellar Network News, Murago, Narn-Centauri War, Nightwatch, Project Lazarus, Streib, Techno-mage, and Underground Railroad. Special Feature on Season 2 DVD.

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Season 2 Personnel Files

29 avril 200345m

Video bits on the characters: Captain John Sheridan, Lieutenant Warren Keffer, Vir Cotto, Lennier, Na'Toth, Lord Refa, General Richard Franklin, Dr. Everett Jacobs, Sebastian, and Draal. Special Feature on Season 2 DVD.

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Season 2 Tech Files

29 avril 200345m

Video bits on: Copernicus, Babylon 5 Defense Grid, Icarus, Cortez, and Tragati. Special Feature on Season 2 DVD.

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Introduction to Season 3

12 août 200345m

A series of interviews with J. Michael Straczynski and the cast and crew of the show. Special Feature on Season 3 DVD.

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Shadow Dossier

12 août 20033m

Garibaldi's records on the Shadows. This section sums up all the information known about them. Special Feature on Season 3 DVD.

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John Vulich (make-up effects), J. Michael Straczynski (creator/executive producer), and John Copeland (producer) discuss some of the aliens on the shows. Vulich goes into detail for the show's four main alien races; the Narn, Centauri, Vorlon, and Minbari. Special Feature on Season 3 DVD.

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Building a Better Narn

12 août 20037m

John Vulich (make-up effects) takes us through the process of applying make-up to Marshall Teague (Ta'lon), a Narn. Special Feature on Season 3 DVD.

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Designing Tomorrow: The Look of Babylon 5

12 août 200310m

John Iacovelli (production designer) explains how many of the sets on the show came together. Also features interviews with J. Michael Straczynski (creator/executive producer), Jason Howard (set decorator), Douglas Netter (executive producer), John Copeland (producer), and Ann Bruice Aling (costume designer). Special Feature on Season 3 DVD.

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Season 3 Data Files

12 août 200345m

Video bits on: White Star, Battle For Babylon 5, Thunderbolt, Grey 17, and Mindwipe. Special Feature on Season 3 DVD.

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Season 3 Personnel Files

16 août 200345m

Video bits on the characters: Zack Allan, Marcus Cole, David Corwin, Alfred Bester, and Zathras. Special Feature on Season 3 DVD.

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Season 4 Data Files

6 janvier 200445m

Video bits on: Voice of Resistance, Proxima 3, Edgars Industries, Mars Resistance, and Battle For Earth. Special Feature on Season 4 DVD.

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Season 4 Personnel Files

6 janvier 200445m

Video bits on the characters: Lyta Alexander, Kosh II, Neroon, Lorien, and Cartagia. Special Feature on Season 4 DVD.

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Digital Tomorrow

13 avril 20046m

A featurette on the animation and special effects producer for the series. Features interviews with J. Michael Straczynski, Douglas Netter, John Copeland, George Johnsen, Mitch Suskin, John Teska, and Shant Jordan. Special Feature on Season 5 DVD.

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Beyond Babylon 5

13 avril 20047m

Various cast and crew members talk about the fans, the universe, conventions, and merchandise. Features interviews with John Copeland, Douglas Netter, Patricia Tallman, Jason Carter, J. Michael Straczynski, Jerry Doyle, Kathryn Drennan, Peter Jurasik, Bruce Boxleitner, Mira Furlan, Richard Biggs, and Robin Atkin Downes. Special Feature on Season 5 DVD.

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Marcus Cole: Dead or Frozen

13 avril 20042m

Special Feature on Season 5 DVD.

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"Commander Sick in Bed," "Sheridan's Last Look," "General Ivanova," Special Feature on Season 5 DVD.

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Season 5 Data Files

13 avril 200445m

Video bits on: Drakh, Interstellar Alliance, Book of G'Kar, Day of the Dead, and the fall of the Centauri Republic. Special Feature on Season 5 DVD.

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Season 5 Personnel Files

13 avril 200445m

ideo bits on the characters: Elizabeth Lochley, Byron, Ta'Lon, Minister Virini, Mack, and Bo. Special Feature on Season 5 DVD.

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Creating the Future

17 août 200445m

J. Michael Straczynski, John Iacovelli (production designer), Douglas Netter (executive producer), Luc Mayrand (concept designer) and John Copeland (producer) talk about how they decided on certain aspects of the show; from the doors, to the jumpgate technology, and the operation of the station. Special Feature on The Movies Collection DVD.

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Straczynski Diaries

31 juillet 200745m

A multi-part series of vignettes as filmed by J. Michael Straczynski as he documents every phase of pre-production, production and post-production for The Lost Tales. Viewers are given a first person, inside look at the creative process of making Voices In The Dark. Special Feature on The Lost Tales DVD.

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Andreas Katsulas Memorial

31 juillet 20078m

JMS and the cast reflect on the passing of Andreas Katsulas. Special Feature on The Lost Tales DVD.

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Richard Biggs Memorial

31 juillet 20075m

JMS and the cast reflect on the passing of Richard Biggs. Special Feature on The Lost Tales DVD.

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Special Feature on The Lost Tales DVD.

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Interview with Tracy Scoggins

31 juillet 20075m

Special Feature on The Lost Tales DVD.

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Special Feature on The Lost Tales DVD.

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Fireside Chats

31 juillet 200745m

Profiling the people of the B5 Universe. Special Feature on The Lost Tales DVD.

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The Guide to Babylon 5

26 décembre 199745m

A 30-min behind-the-scenes special to initiate the uninitiated produced and aired the week prior to TNT's Babylon 5 launch of In the Beginning. Hosted by Bruce Boxleitner.

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Interview with J. Michael Straczynski

13 mai 201345m

Nearly 3-1/2 hour interview with J. Michael Straczynski covering his career and conducted by the Archive of American Television on May 13, 2013.

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CNN Documents Babylon 5

6 avril 201645m

Nearly 2 hours of interviews and behind the scenes footage shot by CNN between December 16, 1993 and July 1, 1998 during the filming of "By Any Means Necessary", "Legacies", "A Distant Star", "Objects and Rest" and "River of Souls." Includes a nearly one hour picture in picture video commentary by Claudia Christian and Jerry Doyle reflecting on some of the footage. Released on DVD by B5Books.

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Season 1 Uncensored Blooper Reel Part 1

15 décembre 199345m

Produced by the Babylon 5 Post-Production team for viewing by the cast and crew at the annual Christmas Party and later shown to fans at conventions.

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Season 1 Uncensored Blooper Reel Part 2

15 avril 199445m

Produced by the Babylon 5 Post-Production team for viewing by the cast and crew at the annual Wrap Party and later shown to fans at conventions.

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Season 2 Uncensored Blooper Reel Part 1

15 décembre 199445m

Produced by the Babylon 5 Post-Production team for viewing by the cast and crew at the annual Christmas Party and later shown to fans at conventions.

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Season 2 Uncensored Blooper Reel Part 2

15 avril 199545m

Produced by the Babylon 5 Post-Production team for viewing by the cast and crew at the annual Wrap Party and later shown to fans at conventions.

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Season 3 Uncensored Blooper Reel Part 1

15 décembre 199545m

Produced by the Babylon 5 Post-Production team for viewing by the cast and crew at the annual Christmas Party and later shown to fans at conventions.

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Season 3 Uncensored Blooper Reel Part 2

15 avril 199645m

Produced by the Babylon 5 Post-Production team for viewing by the cast and crew at the annual Wrap Party and later shown to fans at conventions.

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Season 4 Uncensored Blooper Reel Part 1

15 décembre 199645m

Produced by the Babylon 5 Post-Production team for viewing by the cast and crew at the annual Christmas Party and later shown to fans at conventions.

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Season 4 Uncensored Blooper Reel Part 2

15 avril 199745m

Produced by the Babylon 5 Post-Production team for viewing by the cast and crew at the annual Wrap Party and later shown to fans at conventions.

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Season 5 Uncensored Blooper Reel Part 1

15 décembre 199745m

Produced by the Babylon 5 Post-Production team for viewing by the cast and crew at the annual Christmas Party and later shown to fans at conventions.

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Season 5 Uncensored Blooper Reel Part 2

15 avril 199845m

Produced by the Babylon 5 Post-Production team for viewing by the cast and crew at the annual Wrap Party and later shown to fans at conventions.

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"Danger Zone" Music Video

7 juillet 199445m

First music video created by John Hudgens for fun before J. Michael Straczynski hired him to create a series of them for showing at conventions.

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"I Need a Hero" Music Video

15 mai 199545m

The first "official" music video created by John Hudgens that was commissioned by J. Michael Straczynski in spring of 1995.

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"Requiem" Music Video

27 juillet 199545m

Produced near the end of season two, and debuted at the 1995 Comic-Con.

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"Nobody's Side" Music Video

20 juin 199645m

Produced near the end of the third season debuting at DragonCon.

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"Welcome to the Third Age" Music Video

26 juin 199745m

Produced in Spring of 1997, used by J. Michael Straczynski to sell Season 5 to the TNT executives in May 1997 and publicly debuting at DragonCon.

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"Keep Yourself Alive" Music Video

3 septembre 199845m

Produced in the summer of 1998 and debuting at DragonCon.

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"The Phantom B5 Video" Music Video

7 septembre 199845m

Debuted at DragonCon.

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"Third Age 2K" Music Video

29 juin 200045m

Debuted at DragonCon.

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First memorial music video produced by John Hudgens to remember Richard Biggs.

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"In Memory of Andreas Katsulas" Music Video

13 février 200645m

Memorial video produced by John Hudgens to remember Andreas Katsulas.

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Memorial video produced by John Hudgens for the 20th Anniversary Convention to remember the cast and crew of the show that had been lost.

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"In Memory of Jerry Doyle" Music Video

8 août 201645m

Memorial video produced by John Hudgens to remember Jerry Doyle.

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"In Memory of Mira Furlan"

25 janvier 202145m

Memorial video produced by John Hudgens to remember Mira Furlan.

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The Road Home

15 août 20231h 19m

Travel across the galaxy with John Sheridan as he unexpectedly finds himself transported through multiple timelines and alternate realities in a quest to find his way back home. Along the way, he reunites with some familiar faces while discovering cosmic new revelations about the history, purpose, and meaning of the universe.

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Intro by J. Michael Straczynski

5 novembre 20021m

A short introduction to the show by its creator. Special Feature on Season 1 DVD.

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The Making of Babylon 5

15 janvier 199419m

Hosted by Walter Koenig (Chekov from "Star Trek"), this is a behind-the-scenes look at Babylon 5 that was used to promote the show when it first came out. Included as a Special Feature on Season 1 DVD.

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Back to Babylon 5

5 novembre 200213m

A new documentary looking back at the production of Babylon 5. Special Feature on Season 1 DVD.

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Season 1 Data Files

5 novembre 200245m

Video bits on: Grey Council, Psi Corps, Soul Hunters, Home Guard, Mutai, Battle of the Line, Babylon 1-4, Epsilon 3, Alien Races, and Shadows. Special Feature on Season 1 DVD.

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Season 1 Personnel Files

5 novembre 200245m

Video bits on: Jeffrey Sinclair, Susan Ivanova, Michael Garibaldi, Dr. Stephen Franklin, Talia Winters, Delenn, G'Kar, Londo Mollari, and Kosh Naranek. Special Feature on Season 1 DVD.

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Season 1 Tech Files

5 novembre 200245m

Video bits on: Starfury, Jumpgate, Earth Alliance Vessels, Alien Vessels, and Raiders. Special Feature on Season 1 DVD.

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Station Tour

5 novembre 200245m

Video bits on: General Information, Brown Sector, Red Sector, Yellow/Grey Sectors, Blue Sector, and Green Sector. Special Feature on Season 1 DVD.

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Introduction to Season 2

29 avril 20036m

A series of interviews with the cast and crew of the show. Every main actor, and most secondary actors, are interviewed for the piece. Special Feature on Season 2 DVD.

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