Podge and Rodge's Stickit Inn is an Irish Comedy entertainment show, broadcast and produced by RTÉ, featuring the popular puppet characters Podge and Rodge as hosts. The format of the show was originally based around the popular Pub Quiz featuring two teams of celebrity guests competing for prizes such as a saddle of lamb, a hock of ham or a tin of biscuits. The first episode was broadcast on 20th October, 2009 but soon reverted to a chat /entertainment show similar to their previous vehicle The Podge and Rodge Show. The series will run weekly until April 2010.
The TV set is a 360 degree bar set and the audience are fully integrated into the fictional Stickit Inn bar. Joining Podge & Rodge is sexy Sicilian Barmaid, Gina who is played by real-life Chip-Shop Mafia Moll, Virginia Macari who is apparently on the run from the Casa Nostra and rumoured to know the exact size of Silvio Berlusconi's assets.
Resident music maestro at The Stickit Inn is showband has-been Johnny Dorgan, thrown out of The Indians in 1978 for pissing in their Wig Wam. Johnny Dorgan is played by real-life ex showbander John Keogh of Full Circle fame.
The show features three to four guests who join Podge & Rodge for a chat. Other features include musical performances into the ad break; 'Rapper in the Crapper' and a music guest performance at the end of the show.
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