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Captain Dylan Hunt and his crew quest to restore a government that once presided over an extended peace and prosperity.

  1. Gene Roddenberry


  2. Robert Hewitt Wolfe


Series Cast

  1. Kevin Sorbo as Dylan Hunt

    Kevin Sorbo

    Dylan Hunt

    110 Episodes

  2. Lisa Ryder as Beka Valentine

    Lisa Ryder

    Beka Valentine

    110 Episodes

  3. Laura Bertram as Trance Gemini

    Laura Bertram

    Trance Gemini

    110 Episodes

  4. Gordon Michael Woolvett as Seamus Harper

    Gordon Michael Woolvett

    Seamus Harper

    110 Episodes

  5. Lexa Doig as Andromeda Ascendant

    Lexa Doig

    Andromeda Ascendant

    110 Episodes

  6. Keith Hamilton Cobb as Tyr Anasazi

    Keith Hamilton Cobb

    Tyr Anasazi

    69 Episodes

  7. Steve Bacic as Telemachus Rhade, Gaheris Rhade, and Telemachus Rhade / Gaheris Rhade

    Steve Bacic

    Telemachus Rhade, Gaheris Rhade, Telemachus Rhade / Gaheris Rhade

    44 Episodes

  8. Brent Stait as Rev Bem

    Brent Stait

    Rev Bem

    28 Episodes

  9. Brandy Ledford as Doyle

    Brandy Ledford


    22 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 5


2004 • 22 Episodes

Season 5 of Andromeda premiered on September 24, 2004.

The Heart of the Journey (2)

(5x22, May 13, 2005) Season Finale

View All Seasons



Status Ended


Type Scripted

Original Language English


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