Crime Story bediscussiëren

Item: Crime Story

Language: pl-PL

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: The order of episodes in first season looks to be incorrect - episodes 12 and 13 shall be swapped.

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Do you have an official source, other than IMDB/Wikipedia?

Can you be more specific about the source?

Looking on the release dates (on TMDB) for episodes 12 and 13 - you can find:

12. "Hide and Go Thief" - Dec 12 1986

13. "Crime Pays" - Dec 5 1986

Do you have any explanation why episode 13 has been shown before 12?

While some websites have a December 5, 1986 air dates for both For Love or Money and Crime Pays, I believe this is incorrect. According to the newspapers I checked, Crime Story first aired in its Friday 10 p.m. time slot on December 5, 1986. The listings only mention the plot for For Love or Money. Since the episode was sandwiched between an episode Miami Vice (9 p.m.) an the News (11 p.m.), it's unlikely that two episodes were broadcast that night.

Because I did not find any proof Crime Pays was broadcast during the show's first run on NBC, and because it's a clip show, I moved the episode to the specials.

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