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Bad Girls (1999)

TV-14 드라마범죄
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Bad Girls is a British television drama series that was broadcast on ITV from 1 June 1999 to 20 December 2006 and starred Simone Lahbib, Mandana Jones, Debra Stephenson, Linda Henry, Jack Ellis and many more throughout the eight-year run. The series was broadcast in 17 countries and was produced by Shed Productions, the company which later produced Footballers' Wives and Waterloo Road. It is set in the fictional women's prison of Larkhall, and features a mixture of serious and light storylines focusing on the prisoners and staff of G Wing. From 2010, the UK broadcast rights were bought by CBS Drama, and is repeated regularly – as of September 2012, the channel is re-running the series again in a late-night time slot.

  1. Jonathan Murray


시리즈 출연진

  1. Victoria Alcock as Julie Saunders

    Victoria Alcock

    Julie Saunders

    107 화

  2. Kika Mirylees as Julie Johnston

    Kika Mirylees

    Julie Johnston

    107 화

  3. Helen Fraser as Sylvia Hollamby

    Helen Fraser

    Sylvia Hollamby

    107 화

  4. Jack Ellis as Jim Fenner

    Jack Ellis

    Jim Fenner

    96 화

  5. Tracey Wilkinson as Di Barker and Di Fenner

    Tracey Wilkinson

    Di Barker, Di Fenner

    82 화

  6. Linda Henry as Yvonne Atkins

    Linda Henry

    Yvonne Atkins

    63 화

  7. Alicya Eyo as Denny Blood

    Alicya Eyo

    Denny Blood

    62 화

  8. Claire King as Karen Betts

    Claire King

    Karen Betts

    60 화

  9. James Gaddas as Neil Grayling

    James Gaddas

    Neil Grayling

    57 화

  10. 더 보기

총 출연진 & 제작진

지난 시즌

Season 8

2006 • 11 화

Bad Girls의 8번째 시즌이 7월 13, 2006년에 방영되었습니다.

Christmas Special 2006

(8x11, 12월 20, 2006) Season Finale

전체 시즌 보기

Bad Girls
Bad Girls


상태 방영 종료


  • ITV1의 TV 프로그램 더 보기

Type 스크립트

원어 영어


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