Jaksot 6


Gone Tomorrow (1)

31 toukokuu 19991h

Sam learns that the captain of the helicopter died of a heart attack, but she doesn't think it was the cause of the crash, and with 75 helicopters grounded, accident investigator Tony Newsome needs some answers.

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Gone Tomorrow (2)

31 toukokuu 19991h

Sam learns that the captain of the helicopter died of a heart attack, but she doesn't think it was the cause of the crash, and with 75 helicopters grounded, accident investigator Tony Newsome needs some answers.

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A Kind of Justice (1)

8 kesäkuu 19991h

A small-time criminal is the prime suspect in a gangland murder. Sam Ryan believes he may be innocent.

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Tekijät 1

Ohjaus: Matthew Evans

Käsikirjoittaja: Kirjoittajaa ei ole lisätty.

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A Kind of Justice (2)

8 kesäkuu 19991h

Sam challenges the police after an indepenedent postmortem into McNally's apparent suicide. Further deaths take place.

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A Good Body (1)

15 kesäkuu 19991h

Sam searches for the identity of a victim of a cinema fire. A medical artist helps her reconstruct the face, but the result causes some embarassment for the police.

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A Good Body (2)

Season Finale
15 kesäkuu 19991h

The identity of Body 10 reveals that a violent criminal may have been wrongly convicted of a murder. Sam and DCI Connor are eager to get the truth.

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