Jaksot 13


Follow the Leader / Disappearing Ditz

5 maaliskuu 199430m

In "Follow the Leader," Balthazar thinks he's too old to be the leader of the toys and activates Doctor Wizardo, a character from a computer game that the toys have been admiring, to be their new leader. / In "Disappearing Ditz," Rugby wishes that Ditz would disappear after Ditz repeatedly interrupts him during his magic show. When Ditz falls through a broken board, Rugby soon learns to be careful what you wish for . . . you just might get it!

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I'm Going to Tell on You / Oops!

12 maaliskuu 199430m

In "I'm Going to Tell on You," Bratty Rat finds out that Raisin accidentally taped over the children's operatic cassette story. He threatens to tell on her, unless she's willing to do what he says. / In "Oops!," Hortense has to clean up her mess before the children return.

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Rock-a-Bye Worries / The Magic Fish

19 maaliskuu 199430m

In "Rock-a-Bye Worries," Hortense worries that she'll be accused of stealing Raisin's Sponge-oline. / In "the Magic Fish, Raisin steals the Magic Fish that answers everyone's questions in order to find out what her hidden talent is.

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Climbers / Be Plush

26 maaliskuu 199430m

In "Climbers," the toys discover long lost Felix the Climber, stuck behind a radiator. Balthazar sets out to rescue him but doesn't want to admit that he's afraid of heights. / In "Be Plush," Rugby teaches the new tiger doll, Humble Gary, the secret to plushness and discovers that Humble knows more than Rugby thought!

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Queen Raisin / Balthazar in Beamland

2 huhtikuu 199430m

In "Queen Raisin," the children always let Daffodil, a fragile doll who lives on a high shelf, play the queen. Raisin is jealous and tries to steal Daffodil's crown. / In "Balthazar in Beamland," Rugby annoys everyone by doing exactly the opposite of what he's told. Balthazar encourages Rugby to enter the attic (aka Beamland), where toys risk getting "beamed." Now it's up to Balthazar to save him!

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Queen Raisin / Balthazar in Beamland

9 huhtikuu 199430m

In "Queen Raisin," the children always let Daffodil, a fragile doll who lives on a high shelf, play the queen. Raisin is jealous and tries to steal Daffodil's crown. / In "Balthazar in Beamland," Rugby annoys everyone by doing exactly the opposite of what he's told. Balthazar encourages Rugby to enter the attic (aka Beamland), where toys risk getting "beamed." Now it's up to Balthazar to save him!

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The Cat Toy that Roared / Bunnochio

16 huhtikuu 199430m

In "The Cat Toy that Roared," Mew borrows Rugby's tail for a game of Pin the Tail on the Tiger only to lose it in the imaginary lion's den. Once he's discovered by the toys, Mew must decide if he's brave enough to return to the lion's den and risk being eaten! / In "Bunnochio," Bunny Lamp wants to be a real toy, and Fairy Godmother Raisin grants his wish.

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More than a Mouse / Happy Hortense to You

23 huhtikuu 199430m

In "More than a Mouse," after the children read "The Lion and the Mouse," Mew wants to prove that he's not just a cat toy -- he's a mouse! / In "Happy Hortense to You," Hortense is sad that she was left out of the children's birthday party. To make it up to her, the toys give her a rocking horse birthday party . . . which turns out to be more than they bargained for.

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Down with Dinkybeard / Mr. and Mrs. Rugby

30 huhtikuu 199430m

In "Down with Dinkybeard," the playroom is invaded by Dinkybeard, a toy pirate. / In "Mr. and Mrs. Rugby," it's Rugby's turn to be the look-out at the high-up window, but the children tied him to Raisin in their "wedding" game.

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Baby Balthazar / The Sky Is Falling

7 toukokuu 199430m

In "Baby Balthazar," Balthazar likes pretending that he's a baby, and wishes he could be a baby "always always." / In "The Sky Is Falling," Ditz finds a stray puzzle piece and goes into a panic thinking that a piece of the sky fell down.

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All Washed Up / True Mew

14 toukokuu 199430m

In "All Washed Up," Ditz gets washed and hung up to dry. After saving him from the clothesline with arms stuck in the air, the toys find ways to make him feel useful. / In "True Mew," Mew is nominated to look after Daffodil when the children forget to put her back on the High Up Shelf. When Dilly goes beyond the Beamland (attic) door despite everyone's warnings, Mew discovers that she understands a lot more than anyone thinks.

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I Spy / Don't Tell Me

21 toukokuu 199430m

In "I Spy," a bear named Spy Gun--an expert in disguises and impersonations--tries to take over the toy room by pretending to be Balthazar. / In "Don't Tell Me," Rugby likes to find out things for himself, instead of being told what to do. When he accidentally locks himself out of the playroom, he learns that listening to others can be necessary at times.

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Who Shares Wins / It's a Giveaway

Season Finale
28 toukokuu 199430m

In "Who Shares Wins," toys that don't get shared become invisible to the other toys until being shared again. This happens to Mew, the best bouncer in the playroom, on the day of the Big Bounce Contest. Determined not to ruin his team's chances, Mew sets out to become visible again, no matter what it takes. / In "It's a Giveaway," the children decide to give Rugby away to the local children's hospital in a moment of extreme generosity. Though being a Giveaway is the greatest honor for a toy, Rugby doesn't want to go.

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