Avsnitt 65


Herkules och uppdrag Apollo

31 augusti 199823m

Herkules får pröva på att köra Apollons solvagn med resultat att solen hamnar i dödsriket och Hades ser sin chans att bli Olympens herre.

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Herkules och Thessaliens kung

1 september 199823m

Efter att Thessaliens oduglige och och tyranniske kung hädat Zeus och därigenom förlorat sin tron, gör folket Herkules till kung efter att ha hört att Zeus kallat honom för sin son. Att regera ett kungarik är visar sig inte vara lätt, inte ens för Herkules.

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Herkules och det hemliga vapnet

2 september 199823m

I det eviga bråket mellan Ares, krigsguden och Spartas beskyddare, och Athena, vishetens gudinna och Atens främsta gud, hamnar Herkules i en moralisk knipa. Athena vill att han ska stjäla en magisk båge från Sparta, medan Ares ser honom som en av de sina. Frågan är hur Herkules ska klara sig ur det hela utan att tilldra sig gudarnas vrede.

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Herkules och lönnmördaren

3 september 199823m

Statsmannen Perikles styr stadsstaten Aten med framgång, något som inte uppskattas av hans andreman. Men när denne försöker mörda Perikles, faller misstankarna på grund av Herkules misstag på Fille.

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Herkules och den stora kyssen

4 september 199823m

Kassandra har en fruktansvärd vision där hon kysser Ikaros och gör en deal med Hades för att undvika det, men Hades försöker bryta avtalet. Med hjälp av Afrodite får han till en rad missuppfattningar.

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Herkules och floden Styx

7 september 199823m

Hades makes a deal with Poseidon to hand over Athens, in order to rule the whole country, causing Athens to becomes a place of doom and Prometheus Academy to become the home base of torment for students.

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Herkules och techno-grekerna

8 september 199823m

Den ekonomiskt sinnade men fega befolkningen i Abakusdalen har problem med ett gäng härjande kentaurer och drar nytta av Herkules plikt att hjälpa de hjälplösa. Men Herkules gratis beskydd uppskattas inte av amazonen Tempest, som försöker tjäna pengar som hyrsvärd.

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Herkules och världens första läkare

9 september 199823m

Hippokrates börjar praktisera som läkare med Herkules som assistent, och lyckas så bra att Hades blir orolig för sina affärer.

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Herkules på poolparty

10 september 199823m

Hades bjuder de andra gudarna på poolparty - i glömskans vatten!

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Herkules och prinsen av Thrakien

11 september 199823m

Adonis önskar sig en swimmingpool. Under grävningsarbetet vaknar jordgudinnan Gaia och uttalar en förbannelse över Adonis. Herkules och Adonis beger sig då till Delfi i hopp om att det berömda oraklet ska veta ett sätt att häva förbannelsen...

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Hercules and the First Day of School

12 september 199823m

Hercules' first day of school, in which we are introduced to Icarus and Cassandra, and Herc's plans to be impressive don't work out quite as he had hoped.

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Herkules och ödesväven

14 september 199823m

Icarus' bright idea once again backfires when he talks Hercules into visiting the Fates to convince them into reweaving their cosmic Tapestry so that the boys can score some hot concert tickets. However when they refuse, Icarus takes things into his own hands and messes with the Tapestry himself and trouble insues.

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Herkules och den levande legenden

15 september 199823m

The Lord of the Dead enlists the aid of former hero Achilles to help him distract Phil from training his would-be hero Hercules, by returning Achilles to his former glory.

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Herkules och Tyfons återkomst

16 september 199823m

Varje år firas Zeus seger över Tyfon, den mäktigaste titanen av alla. Men det här året störs festligheterna av titanens maka Ekidina och ungen Ladon som båda är nästan lika aggressiva som Tyfon själv. När Herkules går i kamp mot titanerna råkar han oavsiktligt befria Tyfon som suttit fången under ett berg. Det borde vara lätt för Zeus att än en gång besegra Tyfon. Dock finns det en hemlighet som bara Zeus och hans maka Hera känner till...

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Herkules och Atens uggla

17 september 199823m

Herkules ska vakta Athenas magiska uggla Ibid från Ares och hans söner, och försöker använda Ibids kunskaper för att klara ett skolprov.

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Herkules och Hippolytes gördel

18 september 199823m

Queen Hippolyte kidnaps her daughter, Tempest, and makes her undergo a savage initiation ceremony to regain her status as a warrior and to earn the right to wear the Golden Girdle. Meanwhile, Hercules attempts to follow in a misunderstood rescue attempt.

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Hercules and the Visit From Zeus

19 september 199823m

Adonis, the school bully, is making life miserable for Hercules, and not even a little fatherly encouragement can cheer him up. So Zeus decides to turn himself into a teen for 24 hours to find out exactly what life is like for his son.

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Herkules och backanalen

21 september 199823m

Fille reser på en konferens och anförtror Herkules att se efter ön. Men när Bacchus hjälper Herkules och Hermes att ordna ett party går snart allt över styr.

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Herkules och kampen om underjorden

23 september 199823m

När Hades är på möte på Olympen passar Hekate - Nattens gudinna - på att försöka ta över dödsriket.

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Hercules and the Driving Test

26 september 199823m

Hercules wants his chariot license to save face in front of Adonis. Meanwhile, Hades bets Zeus the deed to the Elysian Fields that Hercules won't get his license by sunset, and Pain and Panic are on hand to help.

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Herkules och kärlekens pilar

29 september 199823m

Icarus poses as a cupid so he can get a love arrow to make Cassandra love him, but the joke's on him when he accidentally uses "loathe" arrows instead. Meanwhile, Pain and Panic get a hold of the loathe arrows and create havoc all over the country.

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Herkules och gisslandramat

2 oktober 199823m

A terrorist group, representing the imprisoned Titans, takes the school hostage and demands Hercules as their prisoner.

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Hercules and the Parent's Weekend

3 oktober 199823m

It's Parents Weekend, and Hercules can hardly wait for Zeus and Hera to show up but when his mortal adopted folks show up instead, he's crushed. And in turn so are they at his disappointment.

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Herkules och de försvunna hjältarna

5 oktober 199823m

Hecate is kidnapping all of the great heroes, planning to transfer their greatness into a newly created monster.

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Herkules och argonauten

8 oktober 199823m

Herkules får träffa den store äventyraren och sjöfararen, argonauten Jason. Han är en av historiens tålmodigaste män, då han ha spenderat 30 år på att hitta det gyllene skinnet, men inte hittat det ännu. Jason ber Herkules att följa med på hans resa, i hopp om att lyckan ska vända när nu det finns nytt blod med i besättningen.

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Hercules and the Prometheus Affair

10 oktober 199823m

After hearing the tale of the titan Prometheus, Hercules runs off to rescue the unfortunate immortal, causing an uproar among the gods.

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Herkules på dramafestival

14 oktober 199823m

When the Academy decides to put on a play for the gods, Hades hires Pain and Panic to carve a magical rock that will make all the gods go to sleep and uses Icarus as bait.

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Herkules och Filoktetesfaktorn

16 oktober 199823m

When Phil suffers through a mid-life crisis, he abandons the training program, quits his gig as Hercules' mentor and gets a job selling spears door-to-door. And it's up to Hercules to win him back!

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Hercules and the Hero of Athens

17 oktober 199823m

During a school field trip, the Nemean Lion attacks and is subdued by Hercules' clumsiness in destroying the building. But when Hercules gets called on for doing the damage, Icarus nobly steps forward to take the blame - and inadvertently gets the credit for stopping the lion too.

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Herkules och nattarbetaren

21 oktober 199823m

In order to stay up all night studying for exams, the boys go to the cave of Morpheus and beseech the god of sleep to hold off for a few days. Morpheus resists the idea, but when Hercules accidently puts him to sleep, Icarus won't let him wake up, causing all of Greece (and parts of Persia) to stay awake for a week while chaos breaks loose and insomnia related disasters pile up.

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Hercules and the Song of Circe

29 oktober 199823m

While on spring break at the seaside, everyone is having fun in the sun except Cassandra, who is content to read despite Icarus' determined efforts to get her attention. When she finally blows her top, he winds up sobbing in Hercules' arms and is charmed by the mysterious Circe.

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Hercules and the Trojan War

30 oktober 199823m

The Trojan War occurs in the form of a high school rivalry between the Prometheus Academy and their Trojan rivals. When a mindless prank gets out of hand and Helen the Home Coming Queen is "kidnapped", the whole gang decides to rescue her by sneaking in to the Trojan school inside a giant wooden horse, courtesy of wacky inventor Icarus.

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Hercules and the Caledonian Boar

31 oktober 199823m

When Hercules accompanies Phil and some hunters on the Great Caledonian Boar Hunt, this angers Artemis, Goddess of the Wild Things. For the boars have become endangered, and Artemis assigns Hercules the duty of protecting her forests.

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Hercules and the Dream Date

2 november 199823m

When a dateless Hercules creates his perfect girl out of clay, he invokes Aphrodite's help in bringing her to life. But he soon realizes he forgot one minor detail - her personality - and the dream date becomes a clinging nightmare.

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Hercules and the Big Games

4 november 199823m

When Ares and Athena get into yet another fight, Zeus decrees their feud take the form of a sports contest - the Olympic Games which should settle the fight between Athens and Sparta. Meanwhile, Hercules, has his hands full when Hades persuades Echidna, the Mother of all monsters, to bring her hungry brood to the stadium for a bite size feast.

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Hercules and the Jilt Trip

6 november 199823m

Hercules' heart is broken when his girlfriend (of only three days) breaks up with him, so Phil takes the kid on a trip designed to take his mind off of things. But Herc meets Lavinia on this trip, who is eager to get married...to him...and not only is he faced with rejecting her, but her previous boyfriend just happens to be the same guy Herc conquered that very trip.

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Hercules and the Epic Adventure

7 november 199823m

Hercules must chase down his missing epic poem, which he's invested far too much time in to let it be foe to garbage collectors or harpys.

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Hercules and the Falling Stars

10 november 199823m

When Hercules tears the stars from the heavens, he frees the constellation Orion, who comes down to earth in order to give the young hero archery lessons. However when the rest of the constellations pour down from the sky and start to attack the neighboring city-states, both Orion and Hercules have a lot of explaining to do.

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Hercules and the Golden Touch

12 november 199823m

Hercules turns into a secret agent when he journeys to the kingdom of Lycia to stop the madman King Midas from turning all he touches into gold.

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Hercules and the Minotaur

13 november 199823m

Daedalus, the famous inventor-architect and father of Icarus, is commissioned by the evil King Minos of Crete to build the Labyrinth. Father and son travel to Crete to complete the project, unaware that it will soon house a terrible monster - and his new Athenian victim for the twisted king's pleasure.

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Hercules and the Poseidon's Cup Adventure

14 november 199823m

Poseidon stages a boat race and Hercules and Icarus enter their own boat, but Hercules turns on his friend and joins Adonis, only to be punished for his pride by Poseidon.

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Hercules and the Son of Poseidon

16 november 199823m

When Triton, the son of Poseidon, arrives at Prometheus Academy, Hercules does his best to help him fit in. But when things don't go as planned Hercules abandons his young charge, who then steals his father's magic triton and wield a little power on campus.

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Hercules and the Twilight of the Gods

18 november 199823m

Loki, from Norse mythology, recruits Herc for the position of Thunder God, however what he does not explain is that Loki is plotting a cosmic takeover and exploits Herc's strength and incompetence in freeing the giant ice wolf Nimmelfir thus bringing on Ragnarock- the Twilight of the Gods.

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Herkules och gripen

20 november 199823m

The gang visits an old age home, where they're each assigned a senior citizen to befriend. In an effort to connect with his oldster, a malevolent old Griffin, Hercules accidentally reveals the treasured Diamond that the Griffin had been guarding for decades - and the King of the thieving mountain gnomes, steals it.

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Hercules and the Muse of Dance

21 november 199823m

Hercules' clumsiness is put to the test, when the Muse of Dance, Terpsichore, inspires him to dance. When he's offered the lead in the school dance recital, Phil doesn't think heroes should dance.

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Hercules and the King For a Day

24 november 199823m

Hercules drags Phil to Satyrville to visit his old goat-mother, and Phil is given the opportunity to take over for the local King of the Satyrs, Pan. However this leaves Phil to contend with a very testy Nemesis, the demi-goddess of revenge sent to punish Pan for his lack of humility and tribute.

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Hercules and the Pegasus Incident

25 november 199823m

When Pegasus flies off angrily and meets up with a new master, the two become a great monster-battling team, leaving Hercules heartbroken over the loss of his friend.

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Hercules and the Kids

28 november 199823m

Hercules takes a group of kindergardeners on a fieldtrip, but the outing doens't exactly go as planned.

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Herkules och Atlantis

11 december 199823m

Trött på att ignoreras tar Cassandra chansen att bli erkänd.

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Herkules och lögnen

16 december 199823m

För att slippa delta i en mässa ljuger Herkules för Icarus.

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Herkules och balen

21 december 199823m

Herkules försöker att få popstjärnan Orpheus att spela på balen.

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Herkules och den spartanska upplevelsen

4 januari 199923m

Adonis måste genomföra spartansk militärutbildning.

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Herkules och gorgonen

9 januari 199923m

Tack vare Hades får en ensam tjej gå på Prometheus-akademin.

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Herkules och den komplexa Elektra

13 januari 199923m

Herkules blir kär i en rebell som heter Elektra.

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Herkules och det gröna monstret

16 januari 199923m

Daedalus är kär och Icarus är i förnekelse.

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Hercules and the Long Nightmare

8 februari 199923m

We see how the Greek Gods got their position when helping to build Greece. Morpheus' younger brother Phantasos makes a blanket of nightmares to drag through the night sky giving everyone nightmare because he should've been made The God of Sleep instead of Morpheus. The mortals' nightmares start to concern all the Greek Gods including Morpheus. It's up to Hercules and Phil to stop Phantasos' plot in their shared dreams.

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Herkules och den arabiska natten

10 februari 199923m

När Hades får reda på att en själ i underjorden ställer till med problem, så måste han reda ut det hela. Han upptäcker snart att det är trollkarlen Jafar, gatungen Aladdins ärkefiende som är problemmakaren. Hades ger honom sitt liv tillbaka så att han kan besegra Herkules, medan han ska försöka besegra Aladdin. När båda två misslyckas så kommer de på en ny plan som går ut på att de båda hjältarna ska besegra varandra.

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Herkules och glömskans vatten

12 februari 199923m

Meg har sitt första möte med Herkules.

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Hercules and the Romans

15 februari 199923m

Hercules and Icarus are in Rome. The Romans are in need of gods to worship and 3 of the Egyptian Gods try to take the spot while rampaging Rome so that they can make it like Egypt with all the pyramids. Hercules battles them and Nemesis to protect Rome. In the aftermath, Icarus gives The Greek Gods Roman names and in the underworld, Hades is angry for being named you guessed it, Pluto.

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Hercules and the Yearbook

17 februari 199923m

Taking place after the Hercules movie, Hercules is moving his stuff from Phil's old place to his new place. While looking through the old stuff, Meg finds Herc's old yearbook. Hercules, not wanting to be embarassed, takes the yearbook, and hides it. Meg finds it, and we are shown a clipshow of past episodes, ending with a musical number.

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Hercules and the Odyssey Experience

19 februari 199923m

Upon visiting Odysseus's traveling museam, Hercules winds up out to sea with Odysseus's shy and awkward son Telemachus, and three spare ex-crew members of the Argo. The group encounter a number of threats, and Telemachus learns to be self confident in order to save his family.

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Hercules and the Grim Avenger

22 februari 199923m

Hercules teams up with a mysterious masked man -- The Grim Avenger, a super hero type who narrates his every move -- in order to defeat the Minotaur. In the meantime, a handsome new student has just happened to turn up at Pro Ac...

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Hercules and the Spring of Canathus

24 februari 199923m

Pain and Panic plan to use water from the magical Spring of Cananthus in order to turn Hercules into a baby, and this time finish him off for good. Unfortunately, Pegasus, Icarus, and Adonis also get sprayed with the stuff, and it's up to Cassandra to play the role of mother and, along with Panic (and the newly infancized Pain), and return the boys to their rightful age.

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Hercules and the Big Show

26 februari 199923m

A cimpilation episode in which Hercules and the cast are the guests on the Merv Griffin Show -- hosted by, of course, a giant griffin (and voiced by Merv himself).

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Hercules and the Tiff on Olympus

Season Finale
1 mars 199923m

Zeus and hera are having an argument that got started because Zeus forgot thier aniversary. Hercules thinks thinks he is the reason they are fighting after Zeus is gruff with him so he begins putting himself into deadly situations to prove himself. Meanwhile Hades tricks both Zeus and Hera into leaving Mt. Olympusand he takes control of it.

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