الحلقات 209


الحلقة 1

أبريل 2, 2015

Fritz is very upset about Gunther's behaviour and is even more upset after Gunther makes all kinds of weird comments. Eben continues to spy on Cardo and Cardo catches him while he's in the workroom sniffing around. Gunther and Saskia get the results of the laboratory but it's not the news he wanted. Vicky is upset when Stef proposes a quick wedding.

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الحلقة 2

أبريل 6, 2015

Kotie 's hostility disappears when Vicky is nice to her. Eben takes pictures of Cardo while he is engaged in an illegal transaction. Kotie makes peace with Gerhard. Fritz doesn't want Gunter's Villa shares to fall into the hands of outsiders. Cardo suspects Eben knows about his drug offenses.

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الحلقة 3

أبريل 7, 2015

Saskia manipulates Fritz into possibly acquiring shares. Eben is uneasy about Cardo 's underhanded dealings but doesn't know how to tackle the problem. Gunther goes too far with Carina and Saskia gives him a final ultimatum.

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الحلقة 4

أبريل 8, 2015

Gunther finds himself in a warm world and Saskia is the only one willing to refresh him with a drop of water. But at what price? Eben confronts Cardo with his evidence. Will Gerhard eventually succeed with Kotie? Marius tries to protect Carina but she decides to settle things in her own way .

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الحلقة 5

أبريل 9, 2015

Gunther feels he no longer serves a purpose in Bloemfontein and Saskia make sure Fritz is finally on her side . Gerhard seeks counsel with his love affairs after Kotie deeply hurts his honour. Stef and Marius still make plans to buy Gunther's Villa shares and Carina makes a proposal. A new guest at the villa but she's not the only one...

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الحلقة 6

أبريل 13, 2015

Celine adapts to the Villa easily and Fritz, reluctantly, asks her to help. Marius and Stef do not like the idea that Saskia wants to buy Gunther's shares but she's clearly not someone who takes no for an answer. Gunther takes his farewell from Bloemfontein. Eben finds out that Celine and Cardo know each other and does not trust the peace at all.

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الحلقة 7

أبريل 14, 2015

Gunther leaves Bloemfontein and it's not on Saskia 's agenda to grieve about it. Celine finds out Cardo is getting involved with drugs. Gerhard has back pain and Kotie is not exactly sympathetic. Vicky is radiantly happy and she doesn't hide it. Saskia receives a " house guest " who can drive her future plans.

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الحلقة 8

أبريل 15, 2015

Liam 's sights are set on the Villa - with profound and shocking consequences. Kotie clucks to Gerhard. Celine and Carina get the feeling they are being watched and followed but Cardo shoots down their suspicions. A romantic morning between Vicky and Stef is soured when Stef answers Vicky 's phone.

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الحلقة 9

أبريل 16, 2015

The Villa is in an uproar over Liam 's sudden appearance and Saskia behaves strangely when she hears about Louw 's kidnapping. Eben takes Fritz into his confidence about his suspicions regarding Kotie and doesn't get the response he had hoped for. Saskia returns from the hospital with news about Liam 's condition. Cardo tells Celine about the depth of the trouble he's in.

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الحلقة 10

أبريل 20, 2015

Marius is frustrated with Carina who still wants to help Liam while Fritz tries to keep the peace between them. Cardo and Celine wonder what Cubby is planning. Stef gives Fritz advice on the appointment of the new housekeeper and Lida bumps head with Fritz.

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الحلقة 11

أبريل 21, 2015

Carina focuses on Liam's rehabilitation so much that she neglects Marius. Gerhard deals with everyone's attitude towards Kotie while the Villa's new manager is concerned about the gossip. Saskia continues trying to convince Liam to leave Bloemfontein and Cardo plays a dangerous game. Someone rings the doorbell late at night and Celine is shocked when she opens the front door...

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الحلقة 12

أبريل 22, 2015

Stef tries to reassure Vicky but she is in a state about Liam 's presence in Bloemfontein. Celine encourages Cardo to come to an agreement with Chubby and is concerned about the Villa Rosers' safety. Gerhard and Kotie 's new happiness is short-lived when Kotie answers a call that was actually for Gerhard. Carina's involvement with Liam causes tension between her and Marius.

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الحلقة 13

أبريل 23, 2015

Everyone tries to convince Vicky that Liam is harmless but Vicky refuses to believe it. Marius feels threatened by the attention Carina gives to Liam. A relationship begins to form between Celine and Lida. Vicky loses control when she sees Liam. Celine becomes worried when she doesn't hear anything from Cardo. Vicky calls for an interdict against Liam.

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الحلقة 14

أبريل 27, 2015

Gerhard and Kotie 's relationship reaches new highs and lows - and finally a turning point. Fritz discovers something that makes him very suspicious and Cardo gets good news for the first time in a long while. Celine is not so sure that it's good news. Saskia finally finds out what Liam 's actual intention is and she does not like it.

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الحلقة 15

أبريل 28, 2015

Liam manipulates Carina and she feels sorry for him. Eben speaks to Cardo about his lifestyle and Celine happens to hear it. Vicky shocks Marius when she shares her plans for the honeymoon with him.

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الحلقة 16

أبريل 29, 2015

Marius and Stef support a dejected Carina in getting to the truth behind Liam. Lida arrives late and considers moving in to the Villa. Celine makes peace with Eben. Marius is outraged at Louw and Stef suspects that Vicky lied about Liam's assault. Cardo runs into danger.

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الحلقة 17

أبريل 30, 2015

Gang leader Chubby says he has big plans for Cardo - but what does he mean exactly? Marius and Vicky realize that they musn't let Liam impact on their lives and Vicky feels guilty about the interdict she got against him. Meanwhile, Liam warns Saskia to treat him with more respect. Lida surprises Fritz when she flatly refuses to work at night.

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الحلقة 18

مايو 4, 2015

Carina has become increasingly worried about her relationship with Liam and wonders if he has feelings for her. Eben is jealous of Cardo's relationship with Fritz. Lida arrives late and Fritz makes his voice heard, but a late night conversation with Lida takes the wind out of his sails. Saskia finds a measure of comfort in Vicky.

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الحلقة 19

مايو 5, 2015

Lida moves into the Villa and has her first quarrel with Fritz. Marius can no longer hide his hate for Liam. Stef persuades Vicky to have a child with him but it's not a part of Vicky 's future plans.

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الحلقة 20

مايو 6, 2015

Lida is too proud to discuss her personal life with Fritz. The net tightens round Cardo and Eben reaches out to help his friend. Carina sets Liam an ultimatum.

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الحلقة 21

مايو 7, 2015

Everyone prepares themselves for the meeting with Liam. Stef keeps Vicky positive - with difficulty. Cardo feels like a fly in Chubby 's web and tries fiercely to make a plan to get himself and Celine out.

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الحلقة 22

مايو 11, 2015

Liam 's memory is back. Everyone fears that he will sue the Villa. Carina is angry with Marius. Chubby threatens information from Worcester. Celine reminds Cardo how dangerous gansters are. Stef mocks Vicky over a threesome. Lida tells Fritz where her husband is. Cardo stands up against Chubby.

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الحلقة 23

مايو 12, 2015

Liam thinks he has the Villa Rosers in the palm of his hand but then Fritz surprises him. Marius is frustrated because he sees his son too little for his liking. Cardo decides not to sell drugs but Celine warns him that it could cost his life.

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الحلقة 24

مايو 13, 2015

Liam is trying to implement his plans and Saskia warns him to leave Vicky. Cardo gets three job interviews and Celine picks him out because he is indecisive about his future.

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الحلقة 25

مايو 14, 2015

Lida goes through deep sadness but the Villa's people keep her strong. Cardo and Celine struggle to talk about their true feelings for each other. Liam arrives at the Villa with an injured Vicky.

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الحلقة 26

مايو 18, 2015

Fritz gives Liam the boot at the Villa - but then he comes with a dangerous threat. Celine does not know how to handle her newfound love and Carina gives advice. Lida wrestles with moral decisions and Fritz supports her.

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الحلقة 27

مايو 19, 2015

Fritz waves the white flag but Liam is not interested in peace. The discord spreads to the lofts where Vicky and Stef are in a dilemma over the interdict.

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الحلقة 28

مايو 20, 2015

Eben involves Carina with his plans to arrange a surprise for Celine and Cardo. Lida must prepare for the evening's visit but devastating nightmares hamper her focus. Fritz is there for her with wisdom and advice.

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الحلقة 29

مايو 21, 2015

Cardo and Celine are madly in love and Eben cannot help but feel disappointed. Lida gets upsetting news that she hides from all - except Fritz. Meanwhile, Liam is determined to find out what Saskia is actually looking for in Bloemfontein, while Cardo gets the shock of his life.

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الحلقة 30

مايو 25, 2015

Liam realizes he has the upper hand over Saskia and makes sure she knows it. Celine cannot understand Cardo's surly attitude and tries to get information from Eben but is forced to confront Cardo himself. Lida experiences the hardest day of her life and Fritz tries his best to support her. Liam gives Stef an interesting piece of news about Saskia's business.

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الحلقة 31

مايو 26, 2015

Lida struggles to cope with her husband's death. Chubby visits the Villa and soon discovers he is not welcome. Saskia would like to tell someone that Liam makes her life difficult but she realizes it is information that she should keep to herself.

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الحلقة 32

مايو 27, 2015

Fritz appeals to the Villa Rosers to assist Lida during her grieving process. Eben and Carina agree. Liam puts pressure on Saskia who worries about purchasing Gunther's shares until Stef provides the perfect solution. Celine wants to support Cardo when he meets Chubby but it ends badly for the young lovers ...

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الحلقة 33

مايو 28, 2015

Cardo is in a corner and Celine takes a decision that puts their future at risk. Lida emotionally opens-up to Fritz and Celine - Fritz surprises her with something special. Liam puts pressure on Saskia and she doesn’t know how to escape from his clutches.

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الحلقة 34

يونيو 1, 2015

Cardo and Celine suffer after their relationship comes an end. They both find support from the Villa 's people. Lida seeks comfort in the work room. Liam makes a revelation that makes Saskia think she has the upper hand - until Liam comes up with a dark secret that will change Saskia’s life irrevocably.

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الحلقة 35

يونيو 2, 2015

Saskia looks for evidence that her sister is still alive and Liam quickly makes a cunning plan. Chubby tries to get Celine on his side and Eben invites her out for the night. Lida tells Fritz what she got up to in the work room, while Stef surprises Vicky with his plans for their honeymoon.

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الحلقة 36

يونيو 3, 2015

Eben and Celine put up with the consequences of a pleasant night out and Carina wonders if Eben may have feelings for Celine. Lida struggles to say goodbye to Dietmar and the Villa's people are worried about her.

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الحلقة 37

يونيو 4, 2015

Lida is nervous about Dietmar's funeral. Celine receives a gift from Chubby but this time she confronts him. Vicky invites Saskia to the wedding. Liam manipulates the situation with Saskia so that Fritz has to ask for help. Liam makes it clear that Monique's life depends on working in co-operation with Saskia.

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الحلقة 38

يونيو 8, 2015

Celine and Cardo's friendship rests on the sharp edge of a blade and Chubby, aware of this, uses it to his advantage. Eben is a sounding board for Cardo and Celine. Fritz pulls no punches when spells out the conditions of Liam's stay at the Villa. Lida 's fickleness impacts on Fritz .

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الحلقة 39

يونيو 9, 2015

Liam 's game with Villa Rosers becomes more dangerous and Saskia does not know how to put a stop to it. Everyone wants to know what had happened to Cardo's finger - but he conceals the truth.

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الحلقة 40

يونيو 10, 2015

Vicky is stressed with regard to her finances and takes out her frustrations on Stef who also experiencesunexpected adversity. Cardo sees something that convinces him that there is a romance brewing between Eben and Celine and Eben is very concerned about Cardo's emotional state.

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الحلقة 41

يونيو 11, 2015

Cardo is deeply hurt by Celine and Eben's betrayal. Stef gets a shock when property is being bought with his stolen credit card. Eben has a plan to get rid of Chubby.

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الحلقة 42

يونيو 15, 2015

Vicky is troubled when she finds out that Liam lives in Saskia 's loft but Fritz reassures her - not knowing Liam already has him in his pocket. Chubby worms his way into the Villa and puts more and more pressure on Cardo.

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الحلقة 43

يونيو 16, 2015

Cardo is still split in two and Fritz tries to support him as well as he can. Will he stay or will he disappear from their lives? Vicky gets an unexpected visitor from PE who acts very strangely at times. Carina and Eben forget they also have a guest whose appearance created a stir between brother and sister. Liam 's sinister little plans run smoothly.

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الحلقة 44

يونيو 17, 2015

Vicky 's drama knows no bounds. The icing on the cake is when Stef suspects Liam of everything. Eben confronts Cardo and again offers his help. Ilse works with Eben at Bakgat.

Celine 's desperate attempt to keep Cardo at the Villa has failed. Chubby is impressed with Cardo 's decision. Jenny opens up her heart to Vicky.

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الحلقة 45

يونيو 18, 2015

Vicky and Stef disagree about Liam. Vicky asks Marius for advice. Carina gives Ilse a make-over. Cardo greets the Villa Rosers but Celine struggles to accept his departure. Cardo makes a very important choice. Vicky gets shocking news.

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الحلقة 46

يونيو 22, 2015

Vicky tells Marius the shocking news but it's clear that she is totally in denial. Not even Stef can get through to her. Ilse hears something she should not have heard and Liam must think quickly to cover his tracks.

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الحلقة 47

يونيو 23, 2015

Fritz oversleeps and the supposedly sympathetic Liam is glad to see that he's not himself. Cardo visits his father in prison and Chubby tries to manipulate him again while Lida asks Carina to be friendlier with Ilse. Meanwhile Stef and Marius realise that Vicki's denying the truth and they try in vain to get through to her

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الحلقة 48

يونيو 24, 2015

Fritz is devastated but Liam acts as his saviour and confidante. Marius and Vicky have mixed feelings about the situation with Louw. Although Chubby is in jail, Cardo is uneasy about his and Celine's safety.

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الحلقة 49

يونيو 25, 2015

Fritz 's behaviour begins to worry the other Villa Rosers more by the day. Vicky and Marius's crisis begins to take its toll and Stef and Carina must keep it together. Liam comes up with a very dirty plan which further unnerves Fritz. Eben is completely caught off guard by a very innocent note and Marius goes too far. .

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الحلقة 50

يونيو 29, 2015

Stef, Marius and Vicky fight hard to trust each other after Jenny drops the bomb about Louw. Marius starts to doubt his own actions. Stef also has his hands full with Fritz - whose strange behaviour and forgetfulness becomes all the more alarming to the Villa people.

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الحلقة 51

يونيو 30, 2015

Vicky gets upsetting news and her world collapses once again. Fritz realizes something is seriously wrong with him and Liam makes sure he is the only one who trusts the professor.

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الحلقة 52

يوليو 1, 2015

Fritz feels worse than ever and cannot recall that he went out for lunch with Liam or that he promised to do business with Liam. Stef confronts Liam about his father but Liam convinces Stef that he has Fritz’s best interests at heart.

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الحلقة 53

يوليو 2, 2015

Saskia returns and Liam starts to play a dangerous game, one which she doesn’t want to take part in but cannot escape. Lida reaches out to Hanna, only for things to turn for the worst. Marius and Vicky have reached breaking point, and to top it all, Marius’ DNA results are imminent.

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الحلقة 54

يوليو 6, 2015

Lida asks Eben that the Villa Rosers try to keep an open mind where Hanna is concerned when he confronts her about her daughter’s behaviour. In the meantime Hanna is on her own mission and Carina and even Liam get a taste of her wrath.

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الحلقة 55

يوليو 7, 2015

Liam and Saskia call a truce, but not before Liam manages to get exactly what he wanted all along from Fritz. Hanna tries to stamp her authority on Eben, but Carina is having none of it. Now that Marius is aware of Louw’s DNA results, he vanishes without a trace, leaving Carina terrified of what the future might bring.

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الحلقة 56

يوليو 8, 2015

Liam continues with his mean tricks and intensifies his efforts until he gets caught and accused in Fritz’s presence. But will Fritz see the truth? Saskia and Liam butt heads and she starts putting her own plan in motion to thwart Liam.

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الحلقة 57

يوليو 9, 2015

Saskia reaches out to Vicky, while Eben tries to cheer Celine up. Lida and Hanna are at loggerheads again and Hanna flings one reproach after the other at her mother. Stef finds out that Fritz is standing surety for Liam’s new business and this leads to a nasty falling-out. Stef threatens to take drastic steps and Fritz is seething with rage.

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الحلقة 58

يوليو 13, 2015

Vicky admits to Jenny that she knows that Louw is not her child. Eben attempts to cheer up Celine but realises it is not going to be easy. Marius is suspicious of Jenny’s motives. Stef wants Fritz’s signature to make decisions on behalf of Fritz. Lida asks Eben to employ Hanna temporary at Bakgat. Marius starts to crack under emotional pressure.

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الحلقة 59

يوليو 14, 2015

Carina tries to convince Vicky to take Louw to Marius. Jenny makes a decision for Vicky. Vicky ignores Stef, but surprises Marius. Saskia tries to take Fritz to the doctor. Liam creates chaos in the garden. Hanna continues to be rude, but Fritz has had enough. Liam keeps on winning Fritz’s trust and sits on his next scheme.

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الحلقة 60

يوليو 15, 2015

Vicky and Marius struggle with the reality of Louw not being their child, and Stef feels more and more like an outsider. When Fritz discovers Liam ruined his rose garden he is furious, but Liam places the blame on Lida.

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الحلقة 61

يوليو 16, 2015

Stef tries to reach out to Vicky but Vicky is an emotional mess. Stef admits to Liam that Fritz has no choice but to stay involved in Liam’s new business but when Stef discovers someone broke into his office he gives Liam a stern warning.

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الحلقة 62

يوليو 20, 2015

There are mixed emotions surrounding Jenny’s arrival in Bloem, but are her intentions as honourable as Vicky thinks? Hanna’s financial conundrum forces her to consider options she’s never had to during the sheltered years before her father’s accident.

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الحلقة 63

يوليو 21, 2015

Vicky and Stef are still like ships passing in the night, but she finds comfort in Jenny’s presence. Celine is tense about Cardo’s return, while Hanna surprises Lida with her change of attitude.

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الحلقة 64

يوليو 22, 2015

The situation at Stef’s work gets even worse and he is close to breaking point. Saskia does not trust Jenny’s true motives but Vicky continues to uphold the illusion of friendship between her and Jenny.

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الحلقة 65

يوليو 23, 2015

Vicky and Stef try to keep their relationship up, but not without struggle. Cardo is not pleased with a gift he receives from Celine. Saskia doesn’t trust Jenny. Stef knows Liam is responsible for the fiasco at Van Romburg and Retief, but he has no proof.

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الحلقة 66

يوليو 27, 2015

Liam takes one destructive further step to destroy Stef and the Villa. Celine confronts a distanced Cardo, and his explanation as to why, leaves her shocked. Stef and Vicky have reached a point of no return, and neither of them know how to make things right.

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الحلقة 67

يوليو 28, 2015

Liam promises to solve the Villa’s problems but when the health inspector knocks on the door he helps Fritz into the abyss with a smile. His diabolical plan threatens the Villa’s survival. Will Fritz ever realise just how close he’s keeping his enemy?

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الحلقة 68

يوليو 29, 2015

Vicky tries to not make enemies with Jenny. Jenny promises there are no hard feelings, but Vicky is not convinced. Saskia is there as a friend for Stef. She also gives Stef enough information about Liam to send him on a path to take care of Liam once and for all.

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الحلقة 69

يوليو 30, 2015

Fritz tells Vicky about Jenny’s remark regarding Louw, making Vicky and the men in her life agonise even more. Eben is worried about Celine and tries to find out whether Wouter has any real feelings for her. Saskia sees through Liam’s empty threats and encourages Stef to take him on.

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الحلقة 70

أغسطس 3, 2015

Vicky is positive again and Stef supports her. Cardo wants Celine back, but she is not so sure. Jenny considers going back to Port Elizabeth.

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الحلقة 71

أغسطس 4, 2015

Beulah haunts Wouter and it seems he won’t be able to escape, but then she also makes a revelation about who she really is. Jenny invites Vicky for lunch and the event turns horribly nasty. Celine makes a naïve remark to Eben and he has to face an uncomfortable probability.

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الحلقة 72

أغسطس 5, 2015

Everyone except Vicky is ready for battle, but Jenny has seemingly disappeared. Is Vicky right about her? Is Jenny satisfied with knowing she’s Louw’s mother? Wouter pulls out all the stops when wooing Celine, much to Cardo’s frustration.

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الحلقة 73

أغسطس 6, 2015

The Villa finds itself in a crossfire when a report is written that puts the Villa in a bad light. Stef has no other option but to quit his job, but that is the least of his problems. Beulah refuses to accept that her romance with Wouter is a thing of the past. Marius and Vicky’s worst fear turns into reality.

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الحلقة 74

أغسطس 10, 2015

Vicky is back to hiding in her bubble. She confronts Jenny about the real reason behind the summons. Jenny shares a shocking truth. Fritz struggles to accept all the bad news, but he keeps on supporting everyone. Liam learns the truth about Hanna’s workings behind the scenes.

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الحلقة 75

أغسطس 11, 2015

Lida feels Fritz shouldn’t judge Jenny, while Marius is worried about his son after what happened the night before. Beulah is going flat-out for Cardo and Wouter tries in vain to curry favour with her.

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الحلقة 76

أغسطس 12, 2015

Hanna prods Liam to open up emotionally about his past, only to be shocked by his revelations. Marius and Vicky have a hard time downplaying their imminent flight, but then something unforseen happens.

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الحلقة 77

أغسطس 13, 2015

Fritz is deeply upset with Vicky and Marius. He warns them of the consequences of their actions but secretly wonders if he gave them the right advice.

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الحلقة 78

أغسطس 17, 2015

Emotions run high when the day arrives for Louw to go to his biological mother: Jenny. Lida supports Fritz who has trouble letting go as he is afraid Louw will forget him. Wouter forgets about his "silly" personal problems to be there for his family.

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الحلقة 79

أغسطس 18, 2015

Vicky is a broken woman and has very upsetting news for Stef who still confides in Saskia. Beulah tries her best to convince Cardo that he is the man for her but will promise her love to another man before the end of the day.

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الحلقة 80

أغسطس 19, 2015

Marius subconsciously pushes Carina away from him, while Beulah still fantasises about her and Wouter. Liam is unusually fragile after his previous session with Hanna but she insists on clearing one more matter with him. Kotie gives Gerhard a tough time and Stef makes a drastic decision…

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الحلقة 81

أغسطس 20, 2015

Carina reaches out to Marius but they find it very difficult to accomplish anything. At last Marius makes a decision but is it too late? Vicky struggles with the kiss between her and Marius and confides in Saskia who also has something to reveal.

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الحلقة 82

أغسطس 24, 2015

Marius and Carina’s love for each other is unmistakable, but the divide between them is so big. Stef returns from his bike trip and confronts Fritz and Saskia with shocking news.

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الحلقة 83

أغسطس 25, 2015

Liam is in a frenzy when he can’t find Hanna. Stef is enjoying the simpler life of an out of work attorney. Celine struggles to control her temper when she discovers what Eben and Cardo hgave been up to behind her back.

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الحلقة 84

أغسطس 26, 2015

Vicky, Marius and Stef are caught off guard and tension builds between the three erstwhile friends. Stef goes in a new direction and Vicky gives him a new perspective on how he is perceived by others. Vicky takes a drastic step that concerns Stef hugely.

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الحلقة 85

أغسطس 27, 2015

Tensions between Stef and Marius reach breaking point, while Saskia feels the need to reveal her feelings. Liam is becoming more possesive over Hanna. Celine would prefer it if Cardo didn’t interfere with her love life.

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الحلقة 86

أغسطس 31, 2015

Carina tries in vain to help Marius, while Eben thinks Cardo still stands a chance with Celine. Saskia sets boundaries in her relationship with Stef, while Hanna attempts to do the same with Liam regarding their therapy sessions. Gerhard and Kotie decide a healthy diet isn’t enough - they also need exercise…

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الحلقة 87

سبتمبر 1, 2015

Carina does not have any answers regarding her and Marius’s problems and confides in Fritz who is still fighting his own battles. Both Gerhard and Kotie are frustrated with their new eating pattern, but neither wants to admit it.

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الحلقة 88

سبتمبر 2, 2015

Stef is on a mission is to destroy Liam and Saskia plays along, but is vague about her motives. Marius’s downward spiral takes a new turn when he approaches Cardo with a strange request.

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الحلقة 89

سبتمبر 3, 2015

It’s apparent that Fritz feels better. He councils Gerhard, who then has an epiphany regarding his and Kotie’s volatile relationship. But will they ever succeed in finding peace and harmony?

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الحلقة 90

سبتمبر 7, 2015

Carina is in pain after Marius unintentionally pushes her. She tries to keep it secret from him. Wouter knows the truth and struggles to obey Carina's order to stay away. To distract himself, he tries to convince Celine to take their friendship to the next level.

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الحلقة 91

سبتمبر 8, 2015

The three young guns are full of plans and Eben unexpectedly makes them change direction. Cardo has started off a chain reaction and Fritz is battling with an existential issue as a result.

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الحلقة 92

سبتمبر 9, 2015

It’s Louw’s birthday and once again everything becomes too much for Marius. To make matters worse, Vicky returns from PE and tells him what she’s been up to. Hanna is still looking for her scarf and can’t understand why Liam is suddenly giving her the cold shoulder.

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الحلقة 93

سبتمبر 10, 2015

Saskia and Steff are discussing their plans to expose Liam when Vicky arrives unexpectedly. Marius is still in a dark place and Carina has to be strict with him.

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الحلقة 94

سبتمبر 14, 2015

Marius escalates deeper into his drug abyss and Carina tries to support him although Eben warns her not to. Hanna’s irrational love for Liam forces her to confess. Stef and Saskia spin a web to catch Liam, while knowing anything could go horribly wrong.

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الحلقة 95

سبتمبر 15, 2015

It seems the fight between Cardo, Eben and Wouter has damaged their friendship irrevocably. Hanna confesses to Lida that she is in love, but she doesn’t say with whom. Stef tries to be a good friend to Vicky, but it is not so easy.

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الحلقة 96

سبتمبر 16, 2015

Stef is frustrated with Saskia who seems to have lost her nerve regarding their plan to bring Liam down and because she keeps him in the dark as to what her reason is.

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الحلقة 97

سبتمبر 17, 2015

Liam’s heartlessness shows and he has no remorse. Hanna finds herself lost in a maze and Stef has his heart set on getting justice done, no matter who gets burnt in the process.

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الحلقة 98

سبتمبر 21, 2015

Stef tries to convince Saskia that he wants to help her find her sister. Lida is curious about Hanna’s personal life and Carina puts her foot down regarding Marius and Vicky.

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الحلقة 99

سبتمبر 22, 2015

Liam acts very strangely towards Hanna who finds it difficult to get a grip on her feelings for him. Stef tries in vain to convince Saskia that she is making a big mistake and he promises Fritz that Liam will never get the Villa shares.

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الحلقة 100

سبتمبر 23, 2015

Fritz takes Liam to task and shows him the Villa door, but Hanna supports him to open up, and share the shocking truth about what really happened to his dog.

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الحلقة 101

سبتمبر 24, 2015

Carina makes a final decision and resigns at Bakgat. Monique doesn’t keep her fondness of men a secret. Liam’s therapy sessions become more intense. Marius struggles to cope on his own in Bakgat.

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الحلقة 102

سبتمبر 28, 2015

Marius can barely contain his excitement while Vicky dreads sharing the news of her pregnancy with Stef. Monique settles in at the Villa and Hanna is shocked when she finds Liam in his office.

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الحلقة 103

سبتمبر 29, 2015

Fritz makes sure that Liam leaves the Villa. Hanna fights for him without any success. Monique shares her story with Celine. Carina refuses to help Marius or Liam and Fritz find out about the fight between Marius and Stef over a pregnant Vicky. Eben breaks big news and Liam is aiming for Bakgat. Stef is reinstated at Van Romburg.

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الحلقة 104

سبتمبر 30, 2015

Marius wants to support Vicky during her pregnancy, but she’s still struggling to face the reality of it all. Celine feels Eben should tell everyone what’s bugging him, while Carina is worried about her studies.

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الحلقة 105

أكتوبر 1, 2015

Marius is not impressed with Eben after he resigns. Wouter talks to Eben about his sexuality and surprises Eben.

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الحلقة 106

أكتوبر 5, 2015

Eben struggles with his homosexuality, while Carina pleads with him to call their father and tell him the truth. Vicky secretly carries a fear, but then, finally, confides in Marius. Hanna confronts Liam with his terrible past. Stef decides to trump Liam.

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الحلقة 107

أكتوبر 6, 2015

Marius and Vicky are stuck in their uncomfortable familiarity. When Carina finally explodes, the result is devastating.

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الحلقة 108

أكتوبر 7, 2015

Once again Carina shows what a kind hearted person she is while Liam proves - once again - that he cannot stop himself from playing crooked games.

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الحلقة 109

أكتوبر 8, 2015

Vicky goes to the doctor to find out whether her unborn child has the same disease that caused Milan’s death, with a heartbreaking revelation that awaits her.

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الحلقة 110

أكتوبر 12, 2015

Saskia and Stef are uncomfortable in their relationship. Vincent continues to flatter the people in the Villa, but they start seeing through him. Hanna acts on the spur of the moment, making a decision about her and Liam. Meanwhile he sets a trap for Marius…

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الحلقة 111

أكتوبر 13, 2015

Fritz warns Liam about his relationship with Hanna, but is Liam going to do what is expected from him? Saskia is clearly on a mission to change things in the Villa and is unaware that she upsets Lida.

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الحلقة 112

أكتوبر 14, 2015

Cardo becomes increasingly homophobic around Eben, and Wouter is suspicious. Marius struggles with his miserable life and seeks comfort in Vicky’s arms. Monique confronts Saskia about her missing trustfunds. Liam’s obsession with Hanna is starting to unhinge him again.

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الحلقة 113

أكتوبر 15, 2015

Vicky still struggles with her secret. Fritz is between the devil and the deep blue sea where the running of the Villa is concerned.

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الحلقة 114

أكتوبر 19, 2015

Vicky shares her news with the Villa and Marius refuses to talk to anyone. Monique and Vincent’s plan is making progress while Saskia spends her time putting out fires.

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الحلقة 115

أكتوبر 20, 2015

Marius gives up completely. Vicky makes the decision to save Bakgat and Eben agrees to help, but does he have his own plans to leave?

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الحلقة 116

أكتوبر 21, 2015

Lida and Fritz are shocked at what they find in Liam’s office. Carina thanks Wouter for supporting Eben, but secretly still struggles to get Marius out of her system, not knowing what he’s up to with Liam. Monique shows up at Stef’s office yet again and Saskia sees red.

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الحلقة 117

أكتوبر 22, 2015

Marius is in a foul mood and Carina tells him in no uncertain terms what she thinks of him. Celeste arrives for a visit but is not prepared for the news she receives. Eben feels even more rejected.

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الحلقة 118

أكتوبر 26, 2015

Marius receives his claim from the hospital, and Liam takes advantage of it. Vincent surprises Saskia with unexpected news. Eben takes control of his life, and is ready to fight, even Celeste. Cardo seems to be hiding something from Celine. Carina is in full control of Bakgat, and Vicky has to up her game.

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الحلقة 119

أكتوبر 27, 2015

Marius wants to escape his drug dependency, but Liam makes it difficult. Celine suspects who the food thieves are. Celeste and Eben talk past each other.

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الحلقة 120

أكتوبر 28, 2015

With the help of Wouter, Saskia begins to gain insight into the true vision for the Villa. Celeste puts Cardo in his place, while Celine begins to understand what’s upsetting Cardo.

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الحلقة 121

أكتوبر 29, 2015

Marius lands in hot water and Liam plays his games with gusto. Vicky and Carina reach a milestone and Eben comes to surprise Vicky but his timing is way off.

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الحلقة 122

نوفمبر 2, 2015

Fritz calls an intervention to help Marius, but Stef and Lida have their doubts whether this will work. Vincent has another secret meeting with Saskia, while Liam plays Marius like a fiddle. Eben is bored and frustrated, until a previous guest shows up at the Villa in a different guise…

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الحلقة 123

نوفمبر 3, 2015

Fritz tries to convince Marius to get help but it angers Marius even more and Liam is only too happy to comfort him. Vincent and Saskia reach an agreement but Monique is completely unaware of his plans.

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الحلقة 124

نوفمبر 4, 2015

Vicky and Carina are wracked with concern about Marius, while Liam subtly pushes him closer to his ruin. Stef puts Saskia on the spot when he confronts her about Vincent’s departure. Beulah decides to do a fashion make-over on Eben.

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الحلقة 125

نوفمبر 5, 2015

Eben feels uncomfortable in a shirt Beulah bought him. Stef encourages Saskia to support Monique. Liam manipulates Marius into finally turning against all his friends.

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الحلقة 126

نوفمبر 9, 2015

Marius and Liam’s unholy alliance is still going strong and it seems as if Liam is planning to take his devious scheme to new heights as Marius sinks to a new all time low.

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الحلقة 127

نوفمبر 10, 2015

Marius realizes that D-day is approaching. In an attempt to bid Carina farewell, she tells him something that might prevent him from following through. Beulah reveals the actual reason behind her visit. She is on the run, but from what? A heartbroken Monique sets her sights on Stef, with Saskia reaching boiling point.

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الحلقة 128

نوفمبر 11, 2015

Marius realises that Liam has led him to the edge of the abyss and that it’s impossible to save himself. But will he be able to prevent his loved ones from being compromised?

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الحلقة 129

نوفمبر 12, 2015

Cardo visits Wouter in jail and rubs salt in his wounds. Wouter is very relieved to see Stef, but an angry Stef is hesitant to help him. Saskia plans a romantic getaway and is not impressed with Stef’s reaction.

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الحلقة 130

نوفمبر 16, 2015

Liam plays a nasty cat and mouse game with Marius, while pushing him closer to a final meltdown. Vicky presents Carina with an unexpected proposal. Monique departs in the shadow of a horrible and shattering revelation.

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الحلقة 131

نوفمبر 17, 2015

Marius asks permission to move back into the Villa, but Fritz is not so keen. Saskia invites Stef and Vicky for dinner at her loft. Alex and Cardo has a business-chat.

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الحلقة 132

نوفمبر 18, 2015

Bakgat’s future is still undecided and Marius is annoyed by the opinions on offer. Liam “helps” by creating more chaos and confusion.

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الحلقة 133

نوفمبر 19, 2015

Marius struggles to kick his habit on his own. When he asks Liam for help, Liam exploits the situation for his own benefit. Liam expertly plays Marius's needs off against Vicky and Carina's goals. He wants to break any link between the two.

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الحلقة 134

نوفمبر 23, 2015

Stef is frustrated with Saskia and her demands, but is hesitant to discuss it with Vicky. Marius forces Carina and Vicky to make a decision regarding the sale of Bakgat. Celine feels bad when she realises that she accused Alex falsely.

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الحلقة 135

نوفمبر 24, 2015

Alex offers Celine a key to a new life, but it might have repercussions. Liam’s control over Marius leads, unknowingly, to a shocking incident for Carina and Vicky. Stef cuts Saskia down to size.

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الحلقة 136

نوفمبر 25, 2015

Lida grieves over the loss of her deceased husband, and Fritz consoles her. Vicky and Carina realise their support of Marius might not be as positive as they thought.

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نوفمبر 26, 2015

Lida’s desire for change takes Fritz by surprise and leaves her mildly disappointed. Vicky makes a decision about her and Bakgat’s future based on the argument she and Marius had the previous night.

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الحلقة 138

نوفمبر 30, 2015

Marius and Liam return from a successful weekend away and he starts the healing process. Stef is worried about the pressure Fritz is under and the young guys receive an unpleasant surprise.

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الحلقة 139

ديسمبر 1, 2015

While Saskia pulls out all the stops to control Stef, his relationship with Vicky grows stronger. Eben and Wouter are nervous to tell Fritz about the gay website. Cardo grows more paranoid in the light of his appearance in the pictures.

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الحلقة 140

ديسمبر 2, 2015

Fritz is worried about Stef and Saskia, but then Marius drops an even bigger bomb: he wants to sell his Villa shares to Liam. Eben is still unhappy about the pictures of him and his friends that were posted on the internet, while Fritz upsets Lida when he’s short with her.

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الحلقة 141

ديسمبر 3, 2015

Eben asks Stef’s advice regarding the website while Cardo and Wouter tries their utmost to convince Eben not to abandon Brou Broers. The Retiefs are deeply concerned that Marius wants to sell his shares to Liam. Lida asks Fritz a personal question but is frustrated when he misunderstands her. Stef explains to Vicky why he had lunch with Saskia and is disappointed with her reaction.

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الحلقة 142

ديسمبر 7, 2015

Saskia overhears a snippet between Stef and Vicky, which infuriates her. Liam manipulates Fritz to strenghten his reach for the shares of the Villa. Celine and Cardo are in love, but the shadow of Alex Kent hangs over their heads.

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الحلقة 143

ديسمبر 8, 2015

Stef is on a mission to prevent Liam from getting hold of Marius’s Villa-shares. Gerhard and Kotie arrive unexpectedly at the Villa. Eben feels his privacy has been stolen from him. Cardo and Celine decide to pledge themselves to each other, without being in a relationship. Lida confesses her feelings for Fritz in a round-about way.

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الحلقة 144

ديسمبر 9, 2015

Fritz and Stef are at each other’s throats regarding Marius and the selling of his Villa shares. Vicky tries to make sense of the chaos that Liam refers to as his business and Saskia leads Stef to believe she’s on his side.

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الحلقة 145

ديسمبر 10, 2015

Marius is determined to sell his shares to Liam, while Stef will stop at nothing to prevent that from happening. Gerhard refuses to indulge Kotie’s ridiculousness any longer, which drives him to seek comfort at the bar. The changes Celine has brought to Lida’s appearance seem to have the desired affect on Fritz.

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الحلقة 146

ديسمبر 14, 2015

Stef is adamant not to let Liam become part of the Villa’s management and Vicky remains his only ally. Cardo tells Celine more about what happened during his childhood, and Wouter tries to cheer Carina up. Gerhard wins Kotie’s favour again, only to make another mistake…

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الحلقة 147

ديسمبر 15, 2015

The youngsters stand together to help Marius through a very difficult time, but Vicky is not so sure about their plan. Vicky discovers something in Liam’s office that can potentially be a game changer but Stef is still doubtful.

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فريق العمل 0

إخراج: لم يتم إضافة أي مخرج.

سيناريو: لم يتم إضافة أي كاتب.

ضيوف الشرف 0 كل الممثلين و فريق العمل

لم يتم إضافة أي ضيف شرف.

صور الحلقة 0 عرض كل صور الحلقة

لم يتم إضافة أي صور للحلقة.

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الحلقة 148

ديسمبر 16, 2015

Saskia is hell bound to get Stef back in her life, and will try anything within her means to do so. Kotie has a new ace up her sleeve for Gerhard. While Marius is struggling with his drug demons, Liam tries to make contact.

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الحلقة 149

ديسمبر 17, 2015

Gerhard is deeply unhappy as Kotie continues with her vegetable therapy. A desperate Saskia tries to keep Vicky and Stef from each other. Marius opens his heart to Carina, but she isn’t sure what to feel about his confession. Stef shares information with Saskia which causes her world to implode.

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الحلقة 150

ديسمبر 21, 2015

Stef is brutally honest about his relationship with Saskia, which naturally incurs her wrath. She turns to Liam for assistance. Will he stab her in the back or is it the start of an unlikely partnership? The Villa is bowled over by the arrival of unexpected guests. Fritz returns amidst the excitement and he and Lida discuss matters of the heart.

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الحلقة 151

ديسمبر 22, 2015

Jenny has an important matter she’d like to discuss, which puts pressure on Marius and Vicky. Saskia is desperate and tries to enlist the help of Liam, but he plays by his own rules. Stef gains new hope from an unexpected ally. Gerhard and Kotie’s relationship is on uncertain ground.

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الحلقة 152

ديسمبر 23, 2015

Saskia is livid with Liam but realises that he is her only lifeline while Liam uses the tension between Saskia and Stef to his advantage.

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الحلقة 153

ديسمبر 24, 2015

It’s Christmas eve and Fritz only wants peace and quiet, but Saskia is on a mission to ruin the day. Jenny leaves, Marius reaches out to Vicky, and Carina, without realizing, gives Wouter new hope.

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الحلقة 154

ديسمبر 28, 2015

Vicky is concerned about Marius’s future and his influence on Louw. Eben and Wouter plan a New Year’s Eve celebration. Kotie shows great interest in Cardo’s tattoos. Liam wants to be an official shareholder, but Saskia makes it difficult. Marius is slowly winning Carina’s trust again.

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الحلقة 155

ديسمبر 29, 2015

Carina has a crisis of conscience about the previous night’s kiss. Vicky rediscovers what motherhood entails and Fritz organises a dinner to celebrate Louw’s return.

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الحلقة 156

ديسمبر 30, 2015

Marius doesn’t know which way to turn and everyone tries to keep their distance from him. Vicky and Carina find it especially difficult to deal with his relapse

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الحلقة 157

ديسمبر 31, 2015

Marius greets the Villa. Gerhard and Kotie fail in their mission in spite of Cardo’s good advice. Cardo has good news for Brou Broers but it puts strain on his friendship with Celine. Fritz battles with the latest unexpected event in his life and Vicky fights against her feelings of guilt after doing the right thing.

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الحلقة 158

يناير 4, 2016

Several people reach out to Carina, but she wants to be left alone. Vicky is struggling to cope with Louw being back and Marius away, but Stef gives her the support she needs. Kotie tries to save her tattoo and when that doesn’t work, she wants to get rid of it. Saskia tries to break free from Liam’s hold on her and approaches Stef…

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الحلقة 159

يناير 5, 2016

Carina’s day starts with a headache but unfortunately it does not end there. Vicky feels guilty that she did not treat Carina with enough empathy and Stef tries his best to show Vicky that she can always rely on him. Saskia makes another attempt to save her friendship with Vicky and when Koties makes an admission, Gerhard is convinced that his life is in danger.

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الحلقة 160

يناير 6, 2016

Carina’s experience with pills prompts Celine to recall a painful experience from her younger days. Events force Saskia to approach Liam for financial support. Kotie and Gerhard are at each other’s throats once more, with a terrible revelation.

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الحلقة 161

يناير 7, 2016

Carina tries to face the world but doesn’t necessarily like what she sees. Kotie makes a swift departure and nearly sends Gerhard into the afterlife once more. It’s a big day for Vicky on many levels and Wouter makes a fool of himself in an attempt to get closer to Carina. Saskia accepts Liam’s help and automatically finds herself in a precarious position as a result.

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الحلقة 162

يناير 11, 2016

Carina struggles to shake her depression. Eben is losing faith, but Wouter comes up with a plan to help Carina cheer up. Vicky is excited about her new venture with Liam and decides to show Stef how she feels about him. Liam pressures Saskia to pull her weight and Fritz explains his intention behind Lida’s gift.

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الحلقة 163

يناير 12, 2016

Liam tries to convince Saskia about his master plan. Stef and Vicky are unsure about what the next step is in their relationship, and Stef gets advice from an unexpected new friend. Wouter tries to bring their friendship circle closer together, while simultaneously trying to cheer up Carina. Lida has reached a turning point

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الحلقة 164

يناير 13, 2016

Liam is impatient to put his plan against Stef into action but Saskia isn’t convinced that she is up to it. Wouter tries a different approach with Carina, while the romance between Celine and Cardo is blooming. In the meantime Liam subtly puts more pressure on Vicky to sell Bakgat and it seems she’s about to play into his hands.

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الحلقة 165

يناير 14, 2016

Eben questions Wouter’s so-called friendship with Carina, but Wouter pleads innocent. Carina misses Marius when she has to make an important decision. Cardo spoils Celine and she can’t resist his charm. Saskia can’t wait to put her and Liam’s devious plan into action. There are still tensions between Fritz and Lida and Celine gives Fritz a piece of her mind.

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الحلقة 166

يناير 18, 2016

Eben is uncomfortable about Carina and Wouter’s friendship, and feels usurped. Stef seems unperturbed by Saskia’s pregnancy, and appears to take it in his stride. Liam plays a cat and mouse game with Vicky, putting her under pressure. Saskia gets the shock of her life when she opens her front door.

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الحلقة 167

يناير 19, 2016

Eben just can’t accept Carina’s desire to buy her own apartment. Bakgat gets vandalized and Vicky struggles to cope with the extra stress. Celine gives back the gift Cardo bought her. Stef makes sure Saskia knows that Vicky is the woman of his heart. A friend from Lida’s past arrives unexpectedly at the Villa.

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الحلقة 168

يناير 20, 2016

A charming Neels surprises Lida when he decides to prolong his stay, but bowls Fritz over when he reveals his real reason. Cardo and Celine are still at odds with each over Cardo being a spendthrift. Liam continues to sow his seeds of manipulation and is pleased when they seem to bear fruit. Carina makes an announcement.

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الحلقة 169

يناير 21, 2016

Wouter works hard to make Carina happy, but Eben thinks it is all a ploy to get Carina to fall in love with him. Celine forces Eben to make peace with Wouter before it hurts their friendship.

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الحلقة 170

يناير 25, 2016

Lida is uncertain about her true feelings for Neels but he knows exactly what he wants. Stef decides to be gentler with Saskia, while a suspicious Vicky tries to find out more about her pregnancy. Liam makes sure both Vicky and Carina trust him, while sharing a big secret with Monique.

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الحلقة 171

يناير 26, 2016

Liam has his hands full with the two sisters who are constantly in each others’s hair but manages to pacify Monique for the time being with a gift. Wouter still believes that Carina is trying her best to avoid him and is even more confused after confronting her.

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الحلقة 172

يناير 27, 2016

Monique shares her new insights with Liam and Saskia discovers something really shocking. Liam has to put out fires and finds it tough to control his temper with the two feuding sisters. Fritz is caught up in a difficult situation and battles to decide what to do about it.

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الحلقة 173

يناير 28, 2016

Monique has the last laugh, leaving Liam in a spin. Neels and Lida’s relationship deepens and Fritz is becoming more and more uncomfortable with this. Vicky demands from Stef to confront Saskia about the paternity test results. Wouter confesses his true feelings to Carina.

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الحلقة 174

فبراير 1, 2016

Stef and Vicky are anxious - the results of the blood tests will be revealed today. Celine is unhappy when she hears about Cardo and Wouter’s busy social life. Fritz prevents Neels from taking Lida out to lunch. More tension builds between Wouter and Carina. Eben tries to have a closer friendship with Wouter, but he realizes it won’t be easy.

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الحلقة 175

فبراير 2, 2016

Eben is self-conscious in Wouter’s company, which leads to Wouter’s increasing irritation. Neels is turning out to be a valuable asset for the Villa, according to Fritz. Little does Fritz know that his admiration will turn into resentment in the near future. Saskia reckons she has Stef right where she wants him - until Liam points out the absolute blunder that she has made

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الحلقة 176

فبراير 3, 2016

Liam is angry with Saskia’s reluctance to continue with their plans. There is serious tension between Carina, Wouter and Eben and Celine feels it is her duty to restore the peace.

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الحلقة 177

فبراير 4, 2016

Liam confesses a secret about his past that shocks Saskia to the core. Stef prepares documents for Saskia to sign, only to get a nasty surprise. Celine tries, with the help of Cardo, to bring peace amongst her friends, but her plan backfires.

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الحلقة 178

فبراير 8, 2016

Liam and Saskia almost get caught. Celine and Cardo have had enough of the silence between the friends at the Villa, and try to create a plan to help. Fritz is uncomfortable with the fact that Lida and Neels are getting closer.

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الحلقة 179

فبراير 9, 2016

Fritz is proven wrong and even though this is a rare event he still maintains his dignity. Saskia and Liam’s plans hit a rough patch at a time when they cannot afford it. Eben’s turmoil continues and Fritz gets unexpected news. Cardo and Celine’s solution to their friends’ friction turns into a new nighmare in the making.

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الحلقة 180

فبراير 10, 2016

Marius contacts Vicky. Stef’s excitement about his unborn child is overshadowed by a big decision Vicky makes. Wouter wants to work at Bakgat and Eben still lingers in his unrequited love for him. Fritz receives good news about his prescious coins and attempts to impress Lida by working with his hands.

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الحلقة 181

فبراير 11, 2016

Fritz and Lida share an intense moment, while Neels is preparing a big romantic surprise for her. Eben is at his wit’s end with Wouter and decides to take the bull by the horns. Liam increases the pressure on Saskia and she tries to fight back, but will she ever be her own woman again?

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الحلقة 182

فبراير 15, 2016

Neels’ plans are driving him crazy and his big secret is revealed. Fritz tries to hold on to his last possible chance of happiness but it is an uphill battle. Liam lays down the law and tells Saskia how things will be in future for them.

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الحلقة 183

فبراير 16, 2016

The lovebirds seem to be very happy and Neels puts pressure on Lida to get hitched as soon as possible. Carina has a serious talk with Wouter about the incident between him and Eben and Wouter confronts a very nervous Eben.

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الحلقة 184

فبراير 17, 2016

Carina is upset by her insights about her and Marius’ relationship and Wouter supports her. Fritz is troubled by his feelings towards towards Lida and her impending mariage. Celine and Stef helps him to admit this, but convincing him to act on those feelings seems an impossible task.

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الحلقة 185

فبراير 18, 2016

Liam is focussed on finding the precious coins, which leads him to the Villa’s cellar. Fritz comes clean, telling Neels and Lida he would not attend their wedding, but the is then overcome with an emotion, which projects him to do something shocking.

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الحلقة 186

فبراير 22, 2016

Fritz would like to talk to Lida, but all she can think of is Neels. Liam's plans are progressing well, but Saskia is not making it easy. Stef and Saskia are getting closer, while Vicky decides that perhaps she should move on too. Cardo gets an unexpected visitor that makes him and Celine very tense.

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الحلقة 187

فبراير 23, 2016

Fritz decides to sort out matters between him and Lida, but it’s easier said than done. Eben and Wouter are more comfortable with each other, while an unsettled Vicky becomes increasingly fascinated with Liam. Meanwhile Cardo and Celine are panicking about their stowaway in the workroom.

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الحلقة 188

فبراير 24, 2016

Fritz comforts Lida when she admits to feeling guilty about Neels. Celine and Cardo want to help Zander, but it seems to be too late. Carina wants Liam to plan in advance when it comes to her business. Stef is jealous of Vicky and Liam’s friendship. Saskia warns Stef, but he needs proper evidence to believe her.

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الحلقة 189

فبراير 25, 2016

Liam makes it clear to Saskia that he has his eye on Vicky and that Saskia should keep Stef busy, but Saskia refuses. Fritz invites Lida to the opera and asks Celine to take over some of her duties but Lida is not impressed.

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الحلقة 190

فبراير 29, 2016

Liam tells a tale and slyly exposes Saskia in front of Fritz. Lida and Fritz try to reach a compromise on where their future lies, but a misunderstanding ruins the day. The door bell rings, and Fritz gets a big surprize. Celine rebels against her blindness, while Cardo tries his best to comfort her.

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الحلقة 191

مارس 1, 2016

Fritz and Lida are in harmony with their relationship - mostly. Stef finally frees himself from a heavy burden. Celine and Cardo are struggling to get used to their new circumstances. Liam becomes dangerous when Marius involves himself with Carina's business. Saskia decides to play her own game with Liam.

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الحلقة 192

مارس 2, 2016

Cardo has decided he needs to regain Celine’s heart and he knows how he’s going to do it. Eben wants details of his plan but Cardo keeps quiet. Fritz makes a big mistake but after a chat with Carina he rectifies it.

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الحلقة 193

مارس 3, 2016

Fritz and Lida share their good news with the people in the Villa but then Lida mentions something that puts a damper on their happiness.

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الحلقة 194

مارس 7, 2016

A surprise phone call leaves Cardo with a difficult choice. Saskia believes she holds the cards between her and Liam’s cat and mouse game. Fritz and Lida do not see eye to eye when it comes to finalising the wedding reception. Stef receives an unsigned letter, addressed to him.

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الحلقة 195

مارس 8, 2016

Stef is troubled by the photo of Liam and wonders about the true reason it was sent to him. He questions an evasive Saskia and is not satisfied with her answers. Saskia tries her best to get more incriminating evidence against Liam.

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الحلقة 196

مارس 9, 2016

There’s a degree of tension between Fritz and Lida concerning their difference in tastes concerning wedding planning. Cardo tests the water concerning a touchy subject with Celine and Eben gets into trouble with Fritz. Saskia drops a bombshell that no one expected and finds herself in the ideal position to expose Liam.

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الحلقة 197

مارس 10, 2016

Saskia tightens her web around Liam, with serious consequences. Celine is relieved when her situation improves. Eben and Wouter reach a place of understanding in their friendship, and Wouter remains determined to win Carina's heart. Things go horribly wrong for the Villa when Liam finds himself trapped in a corner.

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الحلقة 198

مارس 14, 2016

Fritz contemplates his future after his angina attack. Question is, will his future include Lida? Marius struggles to accept his position as a shareholder of the Villa again. Celine enjoys Cardo’s attentiveness, but how long can she keep up this charade? Out of fear for Liam, Saskia gets Petrus involved in her private life.

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الحلقة 199

مارس 15, 2016

Fritz remains adamant that the wedding is off, so Lida plans to go away for a few days. Petrus tries to protect Saskia but realises that he has stirred up a hornet’s nest. Wouter still hasn’t given up on Carina and organises a surprise for her.

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الحلقة 200

مارس 16, 2016

Fritz makes a surprizing decision. Wouter opens up to Carina, sharing his plans about their future. Celine feels excluded by Cardo’s plans. Liam is turning Saskia’s life into a living hell, and she cannot see a way out. Marius gets a shock when a visitor arrives.

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الحلقة 201

مارس 17, 2016

Saskia is convinced her life is in danger and asks Stef for help but he is losing his patience with her. Lindie tries to convince Marius that she is back to restore peace but he is not convinced. Cardo gets news that could change his and Celine’s lives but she does not react as he has hoped. Eben tries to convince Fritz that he should get a new suit for the wedding.

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الحلقة 202

مارس 21, 2016

Lida is back with a surprise which upsets Eben terribly. Celine and Cardo experience heartache when they make a difficult decision. Saskia is fearless while trying to implement her plan against Liam, but still needs help to put the last few pieces in place.

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الحلقة 203

مارس 22, 2016

Liam runs into a brick wall with Stef but still does his best to intimidate Saskia. Celine and Wouter has the same matchmaking idea but Celine does not want to act on it. Lida and Fritz encounter serious resistance when it comes to their wedding plans and Beulah offers her assistance without being asked. Saskia plays her trump card.

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الحلقة 204

مارس 23, 2016

Liam sees Saskia's "crime scene" and is pleased with the results. When Petrus sees what happened things quickly spiral out of control for Liam when he realises it is a setup. He is ready to fight back and neither Stef, nor Fritz can stop him.

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الحلقة 205

مارس 24, 2016

Liam can’t believe that Saskia has outwitted him, but stumbles across something that could change his life. Lida talks to Eben about his attitude towards Marcel, while Beulah is smitten with Petrus and tries her utmost to enthrall him.

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الحلقة 206

مارس 28, 2016

The Villa sizzles as it prepares for the big wedding and some unexpected visitors arrive. Stef and Vicky make an announcement that catches everyone unawares. Lindie confesses the truth about her feelings for Marius. Liam quietly missions on in his search for the treasure.

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الحلقة 207

مارس 29, 2016

Marius is surprised when Lindie moves out of the Villa and asks her to be his date for the wedding. Kotie tries in vain to connect with Gerhard and it seems that Eben and Marcel have a better understanding, until Marcel says something that upsets Eben.

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الحلقة 208

مارس 30, 2016

It’s the day before the wedding. Fritz tries his hand at drawing and surprises Lida with a gift. Marcel makes peace with Eben, while Beulah bullies Petrus. Marius can’t get hold of Lindie, who is still being held captive by Liam. Cardo says goodbye to the Villa, but Celine struggles to let him go. Sussie has a terrible premonition.

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الحلقة 209

مارس 31, 2016

Villa Rosa plays out with its final episode in a one-hour bonanza.

The Retief family and the Villa Rosa residents have survived arch-villains such as Shane Rix and Astrid Wentzel over the years but will Liam le Roux rob the Villa of its true treasure?

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