Über Hawaii Five-O diskutieren

best cop show ever~

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@manfromatlantis said:

best cop show ever~

Having recently acquired all twelve seasons, I did enjoy the series. However, a police procedural, it was not. Sometimes, it was not at all realistic, particularly when it came to surveillance. They could not have been any clumsier had they tried.

To be fair, some of the forensics were pretty good, particularly when it came to certain brands of firearms being identified or eliminated on the basis of the direction of the rifling.

The exotic locales, the beautiful women, and the acting all made this a show that I wanted on DVD for a long time. A couple of months ago, I bought the complete series on DVD, and have been having a H5-0 marathon. I am now in the middle of season eleven and in a couple of weeks, the marathon will be done. It has been enjoyable.

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