Über Prison Break diskutieren

Item: Prison Break: Sequel

Language: en

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: This t.v. series reboot is currently showing, on TMDb, as categorized as a movie, rather than as a t.v. series (which is what it definitely is). So it should be recategorized as a t.v. production. Thanks. PS: The series airs (it debuted last night) on the FOX broadcast network on American t.v.

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Deleted, thanks! The episodes are here.

Thanks. Incidentally, there were multiple discussion threads posted on the deleted "sequel" listing for the series. Are those threads now also deleted, or are they able to be transferred over?

I deleted the entry without checking. face_palm Let me ask Travis.

Thanks. It will be good if those threads (I believe there were three separate ones) can be restored, and relocated, as opinions about that new debut episode were expressed in those threads that aren't similarly covered on the one thread that so far exists for the regular series listing.

I speak from experience (Invidia / Twin Peaks Season 3 vs New Show drama) that the threads still exist, and show up in /discuss, but are not associated with an entry anymore. So I think Travis can move them over.

(When I Deleted Twin Peaks 2017 there was only one thread/comment (which was also brought my attention to it because I saw it in /discuss), and I asked/suggested Invidia to post it on the existing series entries, like other did before)

Excellent! Thanks so much! grin

Whew! Thanks Travis! smiley_cat

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