Épisodes 36


El señuelo

4 mars 1985

En el año 1999 , una extranjera abandonada fortaleza de batalla aterriza en el planeta Tierra . Nuestros científicos e ingenieros más brillantes pasan los próximos diez años la reconstrucción de la nave dañada , y el estudio de su tecnología altamente avanzada , conocida como Robotech ! Una raza de guerreros del espacio profundo , los Zentraedi , introduzca la escena , empeñado en recuperar la nave perdida y destruir la civilización de la Tierra . Una batalla por la supervivencia de nuestro planeta está en , y el joven Rick Hunter se ve envuelto en la guerra , pilotar un avión de combate no familiar , con ingeniería sofisticada que no puede empezar a entender !

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Cuenta atrás

5 mars 1985

Los alienígenas atacan con toda su fuerza , y la desesperada batalla por el planeta Tierra , alcanza las mismas calles de Ciudad Macross . Coraje humano y habilidad se ponen a prueba hasta el límite, en contra de las armas superiores de los Zentraedi . Un intento de rescate heroico ( por Rick Hunter , para salvar a Lynn Minmei ) se convierte en una experiencia de pesadilla .

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6 mars 1985

Los invasores Zentraedi siguen cerrando , y la batalla por el planeta Tierra se vuelve aún más intensa . El intento de escapar de las fuerzas alienígenas superiores , Rick y Minmei quedan varadas en el espacio, al tratar de reunirse con sus congéneres . Capitán Gloval toma una decisión desesperada para ejecutar un salto al hiperespacio , lo que puede llevar a su barco a un lugar seguro , o lo que podría significar el fin para todos!

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La larga espera

7 mars 1985

Rick y Minmei se dan cuenta que terminaron en una sección cerrada y olvidada del SDF-1. Por mucho que lo intenten, no pueden encontrar ninguna salida, ¡y nadie a bordo de la nave tiene idea de donde están!. El tiempo pasa lenta y cruelmente para la pareja encarcelada, ya que lo que comenzó siendo una aventura divertida, se convierte en una pesadilla mortal de hambre y agotamiento, conduciéndolos al borde de la histeria.

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8 mars 1985

Los habitantes de la isla Macross tratan de normalizar sus vidas a bordo de la inmensa nave. El drama humano diario sucede teniendo la guerra interplanetaria como fondo, las fuerzas Zentraedi siguen tras la SDF-1 y continúan con la guerra iniciada en la Tierra. El Capitán Gloval deberá tomar una decisión de vida o muerte que determinará el destino de casi 70.000 refugiados.

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11 mars 1985

The Zentraedi are still puzzled by the actions of the SDF-1. However, Breetai, their Commander, is beginning to enjoy the challenge. Captain Gloval plans a trap for the marauding aliens, only to have it backfire among the incredible rings of Saturn. And Rick is trapped inside a Zentraedi warship!

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Hasta la vista Marte

12 mars 1985

The planet Mars is the setting, as Breetai calls for reinforcements in order to capture the SDF-1. Captain Gloval drives his grew to the brink of exhaustion, as he attempts to keep the overwhelming Zentraedi forces at bay.

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Dulces dieciséis

13 mars 1985

As Minmei's 16th birthday approaches, Rick finds himself constantly on duty, defending the hard-pressed battle fortress from attacks by the relentless Zentraedi armada. Rick's thoughts are torn between his duty to the SDF-1, and his waning love for Minmei.

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La señorita Macross

14 mars 1985

The charming Minmei prepares herself for a different sort of battle; a battle to determine the most beautiful girl in Macross City! While the beauty contest rages, Rick Hunter is called into action by his superiors, to defend the giant space battle fortress.

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Juegos a ciegas

15 mars 1985

The crew of the SDF-1 maintain constant vigil against the threat of attack by the ever-present Zentraedi armada. An unauthorized assault by the evil Khyron damages the main radar tower of the space battle fortress.

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Primer contacto

18 mars 1985

Rick Hunter, Lisa Hayes, and Ben Dixon are captured, and brought before the Supreme Leader of the Zentraedi civilization. Helpless prisoners, they witness the awesome power and destructive capability of their alien adversaries.

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El gran escape

19 mars 1985

Held captive in a Zentraedi prison cell, Rick, Lisa, and Ben try to figure a way off the massive alien ship, and report their findings to Captain Gloval & the crew of the SDF-1. Breetai & Dolza also begin to make plans to recapture their lost battle fortress.

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Viento azul

20 mars 1985

Captain Gloval plays a dangerous game of cat & mouse, as he maneuvers the SDF-1 into battle, which will determine the fate of the SDF-1 and its population of 70,000 refugees. If he's successful, he'll return to Earth victorious. If he fails, then his quest will end.

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El reporte de Global

21 mars 1985

Now that the giant space battle fortress has been safely returned to Earth, Captain Gloval looks back on the past two years. Years filled with memories of combat & strategy, while trying to keep the forces of an alien armada from capturing the Earth's defender, the SDF-1.

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De vuelta a casa

22 mars 1985

Rick is secretly ordered to fly Minmei to Japan to visit her family. The reunion is cut short, when Minmei says she will not leave the SDF-1! Meanwhile, Captain Gloval & Lisa Hayes try to convince the United Earth Government that continued fighting with the Zentraedi will lead to the total destruction of the Earth.

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Grito de guerra

25 mars 1985

Lisa meets Minmei's cousin Lynn Kyle, who reminds her of Carl Riber, her lost fiancee. But these melancholy reflections soon fade away, as a Zentraedi raiding party, led by Khyron, plans a sneak attack on the unsuspecting SDF-1.

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26 mars 1985

Rick Hunter lies in a hospital bed in critical condition, after barely surviving a Zentraedi attack. While his body fights for life, his mind races through an emotional journey, which tries to make sense out of his relationship with Minmei and his growing attraction to Lisa Hayes.

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Adiós buen amigo

27 mars 1985

As Rick recuperates, Roy tries to convince Minmei to break away from her busy schedule, and drop in on her injured friend. But the Zentraedi threat looms large in the skies above Earth, and Roy prepares to go into battle... perhaps for the last time.

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Punto de ebullición

28 mars 1985

Captain Gloval begins a journey, which he believes will end with the resettlement of the nearly 70,000 refugees stranded on the SDF-1. Meanwhile, Khyron's flotilla responds to the developments with an attack on the battle fortress. Captain Gloval is torn between saving the citizens of Macross City, and his oath to protect the Earth.

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Paraíso perdido

29 mars 1985

The Zentraedi monitor the activity of the SDF-1, as Captain Gloval prepares to relocate the refugees of Macross City. But everyone's hopes for returning to a normal life back on Earth are dashed forever, as the Zentraedi attack without warning!

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Una nueva estrella

1 avril 1985

The spotlight is on Minmei, as she prepares for the premiere of her first motion picture. Huge lines form around the theater, and even Rick & Lisa find time to catch a glimpse of a rising star.

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Canto de guerra

2 avril 1985

The Zentraedi campaign to capture the SDF-1 escalates out of proportion, as Khyron leads a direct attack against the space battle fortress. Yet, through all the fighting and confusion, Minmei still manages to sing for the bewildered citizens of Macross City, giving them a small ray of hope in their darkest hour.

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3 avril 1985

Confused by the actions of the orbiting SDF-1, the Zentraedi attack in full force! Captain Gloval's army stands off the attack, as the stage is set for an ultimate showdown between Earth's displaced heroes and the misguided Zentraedi led by Khyron.

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Un viaje difícil

4 avril 1985

Lisa Hayes makes a rash decision to return to Earth, to try for a final time to convince the heads of the United Earth Government to negotiate with the Zentraedi armada. The journey back to Earth is not without incident, as Rick & Max cut a path through the enemy lines.

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Campanas nupciales

5 avril 1985

Max's budding romance with Miriya takes a dramatic turn, as the once-proud Zentraedi warrior considers the unthinkable: marriage with a Micronian! The main Zentraedi likes the idea even less, and plans to do something about it.

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El mensajero

8 avril 1985

An uneasy truce is called, as the Zentraedi send an envoy (Exedore) to discuss a tentative peace plan. This move not only shocks the citizens of the SDF-1, but also fuels the already smoldering fires of ambition in Khyron.

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La fuerza de las armas

9 avril 1985

The Earth is surrounded by Dolza's armada of over four million vessels, sent to destroy the Earth & the SDF-1. It's a time for final reflections, and a last attempt to defeat the vastly superior forces of the Zentraedi by Earth's Robotech Defenders!

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10 avril 1985

The crew of the SDF-1 assess the damage that has been dealt to the Earth. It's a time for reflection and reevaluation, in the wake of the near-total destruction of one alien culture, and the catastrophic remains of their once beautiful planet.

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War begins to creep back into the lives of those who have fought for the preservation of Protoculture. Some of the Zentraedi have returned to their violent ways. It is up to Admiral Gloval and the alien Exedore to come up with a solution to the current problem.

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Viva Miriya

12 avril 1985

A liaison is established between Breetai and the survivors of the SDF-1, to convince the remaining Zentraedi warriors, stationed at a Robotech Factory, to join in an alliance for peace.

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La venganza de Khyron

15 avril 1985

Rick Hunter patrols the skies of Earth's new civilization, on a constant vigil against alien attack. The personal tragedies of the survivors pale in comparison to Khyron's plans, as he attempts a comeback by destroying the new society before it has had a chance to develop.

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El desengaño

16 avril 1985

Khyron succeeds in capturing Minmei & Kyle! He uses them in a plot to gain control of the SDF-1. The mission to rescue Earth's most honored celebrities becomes near pandemonium.

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Una noche lluviosa

17 avril 1985

Claudia gives Lisa Hayes a lesson in perseverance, as she recalls the first time she met the charismatic fighter pilot, Roy Fokker.

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Tiempo para decidir

18 avril 1985

A Zentraedi rebellion forms the dramatic backdrop, as Rick tries to sort out his feelings for Minmei & Lisa.

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Saludos navideños

19 avril 1985

The inscrutable Khyron plans an unusual Christmas present for the citizens of Macross City.

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Hasta las estrellas

22 avril 1985

Khyron plans his ultimate revenge, targeting the SDF-1, and the currently under-construction SDF-2.

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