بحث Night Court

Not impressed.

And I see how this board is just ablaze with comments on this new show.


14 پاسخ (در صفحه 1 از 1)

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@Knixon said:

Not impressed.

And I see how this board is just ablaze with comments on this new show.


You didn't watch the second? They were shown back to back.

I don't get a good NBC station, the first episode is free on Peacock but not the second yet, probably in a few days or next week.

@Knixon said:

I don't get a good NBC station, the first episode is free on Peacock but not the second yet, probably in a few days or next week.

I feel you on that. My NBC affiliate (King5) is really iffy some days. I watch through an over-the-air antenna & some days no matter how much I fiddle with it, the signal twitches. Lucky though, I really only watch 2 NBC shows, Chicago Med & Chicago Fire (& the new Law & Order if I remember).

@bratface said:

@Knixon said:

I don't get a good NBC station, the first episode is free on Peacock but not the second yet, probably in a few days or next week.

I feel you on that. My NBC affiliate (King5) is really iffy some days. I watch through an over-the-air antenna & some days no matter how much I fiddle with it, the signal twitches. Lucky though, I really only watch 2 NBC shows, Chicago Med & Chicago Fire (& the new Law & Order if I remember).

I have a Shakespeare 3019 omnidirectional marine TV/FM antenna on a 28-foot mast, because there are stations in at least 3 directions, but I need to fine-tune the amplification etc. It's tricky because the good stations are up to 60-70 miles away but there's a low-power FM station less than a mile away. So overloading can be an issue. Fortunately I got some tunable traps from an ebay seller in Romania, I think it was, pre-set for the nearby FM station. I still need to do some tweaking, though.

Lucky you. But I live in a basement apartment & cannot use an outside antenna. The one I own is in the link. It works for the most part for most stations (except for PBS) if I fiddle with it. But most of the broadcast towers in my area are less than 45 miles away, that's a good thing. The irritating thing is I live about a block from a hospital (medivacs a few times a week) & in a flight path for JBLM. But thank goodness JBLM has cut most of their flights over my neighborhood.

Also, do you live on a boat?


No, I don't live on a boat, although I did for a while in the mid-80s. (41-foot Lancer sail.) I got the Shakespeare to be omnidirectional and weatherproof, in the past I used Winegard MetroStar but they've moved away from the omnidirectional market for some reason. And it's on the tall mast (just an antenna mast, not a sail mast) because the stations are pretty far away.


I was able to see episode 2 on youtube before it was disappeared. Still not impressed.

I wasn't a big fan of the original & from what I've read the last day or so, fans of the original said that it took a while for it to 'find its feet'.

In a sense, yes, and the most popular Public Defender of the show, played by Markie Post, wasn't a regular until season 3 (out of 9) after appearing in one episode early in season 2. But I've seen the very first episodes several times, and I think it started out way better than this show did. Including, perhaps especially, Judge Harold T Stone's story about how he wound up getting the job.

@Knixon said:

In a sense, yes, and the most popular Public Defender of the show, played by Markie Post, wasn't a regular until season 3 (out of 9) after appearing in one episode early in season 2. But I've seen the very first episodes several times, and I think it started out way better than this show did. Including, perhaps especially, Judge Harold T Stone's story about how he wound up getting the job.

I also read that the original ended with an alien abduction? Is that true & who was abducted?

Unsurprisingly, it was Bull.

Which I guess could be an in-show reason for why his character didn't return for the new show, but apparently Richard Moll just didn't want to.

@Knixon said:

Unsurprisingly, it was Bull.

Which I guess could be an in-show reason for why his character didn't return for the new show, but apparently Richard Moll just didn't want to.

Thanks, I was thinking it was Harry.

Naw. Harry was in his office/chambers when Bull showed up outside his (third-floor? whatever) window, in a flying car with some guys who were supposed to be sent to Bellevue or something, because they claimed to be from Saturn or Jupiter or whatever, and turned out they (supposedly, in the show) really were. And they were taking Bull with them to be their king or something.

Ah, here we go.


Hmm, I thought this had the car outside Harry's window too. But maybe that was Bull and Santa in his sleigh?

Unless that was something from Taxi...

Well, that was dumb. Like I said, I wasn't a big fan of the show. I probably saw 3 or 4 episodes back in the day.

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