Épisodes 65



23 janvier 198522m

Es el primer episodio de la primera temporada, los ThunderCats huyen de su mundo hogar, Thundera, luego de que esta se destruyera. Un enfrentamiento con sus enemigos, los mutantes de Plundarr, y un viaje muy largo, finalmente los llevaría a un planeta desconocido donde buscarán establecerse.

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La alianza profana

23 janvier 198522m

La nave de los mutantes es derribada por una misteriosa pirámide negra, la morada de Mumm-Ra, un hechicero maligno quien está dispuesto a hacer una alianza para capturar el ojo de Thundera. El joven Lion-O, está a punto de enfrentar al enemigo mas duro hasta el momento.

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La ayuda de los Berbils

11 septembre 198522m

Luego de que Panthro presentara al Tanque Felino, Lion-O y Snarf se toparían con una banda de osos robóticos pequeños llamados Berbils. Y así mismo con sus enemigos los trolls quienes están bajo el control de los Gigantes.

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Los esclavos del castillo Plun-Darr

12 septembre 198522m

Los felinos descubren que los mutantes han esclavizado a una raza de Hombres-Bestia para construir el castillo Plun-darr. Los ThunderCats serán puestos a prueba cuando los mutantes pongan a estas criaturas en su contra.

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13 septembre 198522m

Mumm-Ra, disfrazado como un Thunderiano llamado Pumm-Ra, se infiltra en el Cubil Felino ahora completado, en un intento por robar el ojo de Thundera.

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El terror de Martimano

16 septembre 198522m

Snarf, tras liberar a un unicornio del pirata Martimano y sus secuaces, es capturado por ellos. Lion-O seguirá su rastro hasta los Guardianes de los Unicornios, quienes están bajo la amenaza de los piratas.

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Cuestión de tiempo

17 septembre 198522m

Willa, La líder de las amazonas, nativas de los alrededores, enfrentará a ambos bandos invasores: ThunderCats y mutantes. Pronto entenderían las intenciones de los felinos, mientras intentan salvan a Tygro de la cueva del tiempo.

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El torreón de las trampas

18 septembre 198522m

Felino y felina se topan con un Wolo en problemas quien es asaltado por unas criaturas. En su afán de ayudar se ven en problemas junto con Lion-O al entrar en el torreón negro del Baron Karnor.

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El jardín de las delicias

19 septembre 198522m

Tygro cae víctima del hechizo de Mumm-Ra, quien disfrazado de una flor llamada Silky, lo droga al hacerlo probar una fruta del jardín de las delicias, para que robe el ojo de Thundera.

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Mandora: La combatiente del mal

20 septembre 198522m

Leon-O por error libera a un grupo de convictos galácticos, robándole uno de ellos, la Espada del Augurio. Mandora, su captora, aparece y le explica la situación. Leon-O se embarca en la misión de re-capturarlos para recuperar la Espada del Augurio.

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El guerrero fantasma

23 septembre 198522m

Two Bolkins (sheep-like beings from Third Earth) unleash the ghost of Grune the Destroyer, a renegade Thundercat who once terrorised Third Earth and now turns his attention to the Thundercats.

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La mirada de Tashe

24 septembre 198522m

Mumm-Ra and the Mutants plot to open the Time Warp Prison and release the evil Princess Ta-She in order to use her deadly Doomgaze against the Thundercats.

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El señor de las nieves

25 septembre 198522m

When a meteorite made of pure Thundrillium crashes on Hook Mountain, the Thundercats decide to use it to replenish their depleted energy supply. But Lion-O must first gain the trust of the fierce Snowman.

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El rescate de la nave mutante

26 septembre 198522m

Tired of constantly being bested by the Thundercats, the Mutants have Mumm-Ra raise their spaceship and salvage their vehicles.

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La cápsula del tiempo

27 septembre 198522m

Lion-O becomes homesick, and his memories of Thundera are almost nonexistent. Jaga appears to Lion-O and tells him that on their spaceship, they brought with them a time capsule which contained a recording of Thundera and its history up to the time it was destroyed. The Thundercats set out to search for their time capsule.

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Las bolas de fuego de Plun-Darr

30 septembre 198522m

The Mutants, once again searching for a way to destroy the Thundercats, recover some more items from their spaceship. They take their ship's engine and convert it into a giant fireball-shooting machine. The mutants terrorize Third Earth with their fireballs, until the Thundercats go to castle Plunn-Darr and destroy their dangerous new weapon.

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Esa basura que brilla

1 octobre 198522m

Mumm-Ra tricks Lion-O into using the Sword of Omens against Tygra, causing the blade to break in half and lose its powers. The only way Lion-O can restore the Sword is to venture into a volcano and have the Inflamer reforge it. But the Inflamer requires a payment of gold... Has Lion-O taken on more than he can handle?

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Doble personalidad

2 octobre 198522m

Mumm-Ra creates device that can make Panthro clones. He embeds the spirit of Hammerhand into his clone and sets it free to destroy Third Earth. The Third Earth inhabitants blame the Thundercats for the terror because they think its the real Panthro destroying their villages and burning their crops. The real Panthro finally encounters his clone and, with the help of Lion-O, manages to destroy it. Enraged about his defeat, Hammerhand destroys Mumm-Ra's cloning device.

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3 octobre 198522m

Wilykit and Kat accidentally free an ancient monster that was banished to an old shrine centuries ago. The evil monster, Mongor, begins to destroy the planet, and is much stronger than the Thundercats. He captures all the elder Thundercats with his powers. Wilykit and Kat return to the shrine to find a way to destroy him. They report back to Lion-O and tell him that in order to destroy Mongor, he has to fight the monster without looking at it. Lion-O defeats the monster and all is returned to normal.

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Regreso a Thundera

4 octobre 198522m

The Thundercats briefly show Lion-O how the time capsule they recovered from the caveman works. Curious to see more, Lion-O activates it during his night-time watch, and gets caught in its projection rays. The rays send him back in time to Thundera, just before the final tremor that destroyed the planet. Meanwhile, the Mutants have built an evil robot monster that is destroying Cats' Lair. Back on Thundera, Lion-O encounters his father, Claudus, and saves him from a Mutant attack. In return, Claudus gives Lion-O the plans to the robot that was attacking the Thundercats in his own time.

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El doctor observador

7 octobre 198522m

An old scientist seeks the Thundercats to help him save the oceans of Third Earth. Long ago, a crack was made in the bottom of the ocean which caused the water to drain into the earth's core. Dr. Dometone created a plug which sealed the hole in the ocean, and saved Third Earth from destruction. Now, an evil miner, Scrape, has come to remove the plug and mine the rock that is found on the bottom of the ocean. The Thundercats join Dr. Dometone and his frog-like robot, Herkie, to save the planet from total destruction.

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La prisión astral

8 octobre 198522m

Jaga is captured by Nemex, an evil being in the Astral World, and Lion-O tries to find a way to rescue him. Third Earth legend says that the only person who can transport anyone to the Astral world is the evil Nether-Witch. Little do the Thundercats know that Mumm-Ra and the Nether-Witch are one and the same. Mumm-Ra traps Lion-O in the Astral world, and Lion-O sets out to save Jaga. While escaping the Astral prison, Lion-O and Jaga save an old sorcerer named Brodo who has been imprisoned in the Astral Prison for centuries. As thanks, Brodo sends Lion-O back to his own dimension.

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La reina de cristal

9 octobre 198522m

The Thundercats think that Snarf is getting too old, and that he is not up to doing as much as he does. To prove them wrong, Snarf saves the Thundercats from another mess. The evil Crystal Queen, Tartara, captures the Arrietta bird, whose songs enchant the Berbils' harvests. Lion-O, upset with her selfishness, goes off to save the bird, but gets caught and put under an evil spell. Snarf, managing to slip through the crystal queens defenses, saves Lion-O and frees the Arrietta bird.

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Safari Joe

10 octobre 198522m

An evil hunter lands on third earth in search of prey to hunt. His holographic machine can tell him about all of the Thundercats, including their strengths and weaknesses, and he is able to hunt down each one of them and put them in Thundrainium cells. He captures all of them but Lion-O and Snarf. Jaga warns Lion-O about Safari Joe before he sets out to save his comrades, and Lion-O is able to defeat him and release his friends.

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Snarf al rescate

11 octobre 198522m

Nearly all the Thundercats have been captured by the Mutants and imprisoned in Mumm-Ra's Pyramid, forcing Snarf to use his own talents to free them.

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Sexto sentido

28 octobre 198522m

An alien spaceship crash lands on third earth, and it can somehow communicate with Cheetara through her sixth sense. She becomes a part of the spacecraft, and begins to feel what it feels. The Mutants recover the space ship, and begin tampering with it. Little do they know that it is not only affecting the spaceship, but it is affecting Cheetara. In order to save Cheetara, the Thundercats set out to recover the space ship from the Mutants and fix it.

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El honor del samurái

29 octobre 198522m

Mumm-Ra summons the great samurai Hachiman to seek and destroy Lion-O. He tells Hachiman that Lion-O and the Thundercats are destroying his planet. Hachiman and Lion-O confront each other, but their swords refuse to draw on each other. They become allies and hope to destroy Mumm-Ra together. Enraged, Mumm-Ra summons another warrior, a ninja, to sabotage the Thundercats, and retrieve Slithe, whom they have captured.

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La rata lobo

30 octobre 198522m

MUMM-RA has a phial of miniaturization gas. VULTUREMAN builds a mechanical WOLFRAT to infiltrate the gas into the Cats' Lair. The THUNDERCATS are immediately reduced to nine inches high. Knowing how vulnerable the THUNDERCATS are in this state, MUMM-RA orchestrates a MUTANT attack on the Cats' Lair. The THUNDERCATS' only hope is SNARF; they armor SNARF and use him as a battle charger while TYGRA works on an antidote. The THUNDERCATS finally take the antidote, and SNARF, getting an accidental whiff of it, grows to huge proportions. In his gigantic state, SNARF terrifies the MUTANTS and puts them to flight.

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La estrella rata (Parte 1)

31 octobre 198522m

Vultureman summons Ratar-O to take him to the planet of the Snarfs to capture one of them and use it as ransom with the Thundercats. Snarf, thinking his entire race was wiped out when Thundera blew up, finds out that they have captured Snarfer, his little nephew. The Thundercats set out to find the Mutants and save Snarfer. After successfully saving Snarfer, the Thundercats are faced with the problem of returning Snarfer to his planet. Panthro cleverly invents the Feliner, a spaceship. In order for it to work, though, the machine need a hyperspace mega-condenser. Snarf reminds him that there is one on Ratar-O's Ratstar. The Thundercats once again pursue the Mutants to the wreckage site of the Ratstar to take their mega-condenser.

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La estrella rata (Parte 2)

1 novembre 198522m

Vultureman summons Ratar-O to take him to the planet of the Snarfs to capture one of them and use it as ransom with the Thundercats. Snarf, thinking his entire race was wiped out when Thundera blew up, finds out that they have captured Snarfer, his little nephew. The Thundercats set out to find the Mutants and save Snarfer. After successfully saving Snarfer, the Thundercats are faced with the problem of returning Snarfer to his planet. Panthro cleverly invents the Feliner, a spaceship. In order for it to work, though, the machine need a hyperspace mega-condenser. Snarf reminds him that there is one on Ratar-O's Ratstar. The Thundercats once again pursue the Mutants to the wreckage site of the Ratstar to take their mega-condenser.

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Mandora y los piratas

4 novembre 198522m

Mandora, on space-patrol, encounters an old pirate ship which doesn't meet inter-galactic standards. She boards the ship, arrests the pirate, and sends the ship to a space prison . Little does she know that she has boarded the Jolly Roger, the home of the evil Captain Cracker. Mandora is captured by the creature. Lion-O intercepts one of her distress calls, and must go into space to save her -- easier said than done, as Cracker orchestrates a prison break.

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El regreso de Barreno

5 novembre 198522m

The Driller, Mumm-Ra's servant who captured Panthro for him in Spitting Image, returns to aid Mumm-Ra once again. His job this time is to drill a hole from the Cats' Lair to the Acid lake, allowing the acid to flow in and eat away at the lair. The Thundercats set out to find the one substance that neutralizes the acid.

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La séptima dimensión

6 novembre 198522m

Wiz-Ra, Mumm-Ra's enemy from long ago, comes back every 7000 years through a portal that just happens to be in Cheetara's bedroom. Wiz-Ra wears a magical helmet that lets him control minds. When the time arrives and Wiz-Ra comes through the portal, Mumm-Ra steals the helmet. Cheetara helps Wiz-Ra get the helmet back and free the ThunderCats from its spell.

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La reina de 8 patas

7 novembre 198522m

Mumm-Ra finds out that the Kingdom of Webs has a new Queen, Spidera. Mumm-Ra thinks he can lure Lion-O into her lair. He transforms into a diamond fairy and casts a spell on Lion-O. Snarf follows them and gets trapped in the Kingdom of Webs. Lion-O tries to save him but ends up having to call the other Thundercats. Eventually they confront and beat Spidera.

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La espada en el hoyo

8 novembre 198522m

Mumm-Ra hires Captain Shiner no send a fake distress signal to the Thundercats. With their new vehicle, the Feliner, the Thundercats set out into deep space to help the "ship in distress". When they arrive, Shiner captures Lion-O and the Sword of Omens. He gives the Sword to Mumm-Ra, and Mumm-Ra throws it into a black hole. Cheetara returns to Third Earth to get Panthro. They rescue Lion-O, and seize Shiner's ship. Panthro sets a course into the black hole to recover the Sword. They enter, and must battle the robotic city of lost space ships to recover the Sword of Omens and escape.

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El arpa maligna de Charr-Nin

11 novembre 198522m

Wilykit and Kat find an ancient harp that has a genie in it. His name is Charr-Nin. Mumm-Ra appears to the genie and tells him that if he destroys the Thundercats, he will be freed from his eternal prison in the harp. Foolishly, Char-Nin agrees, and begins trapping the Thundercats in his harp one by one. Mumm-Ra's plan works, and he betrays Charr-Nin. During their arguing, the Thundercats manage to escape, leaving Mumm-Ra and Charr-Nin battling beneath the earth

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Prueba de fuerza

12 novembre 198522m

On Lion-O's 20th birthday, he must pass a set of trials to become the true Lord of the ThunderCats. Even though he is the hereditary Lord of the ThunderCats, he must prove himself to be worthy of that title. His first test is to beat Panthro in a duel to test his strength.

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El demoledor

13 novembre 198522m

A vagabond space traveler lands on Third Earth to challenge Mumm-Ra to a fight. The Demolisher is victorious against Mumm-Ra and sends him running back to his tomb. Mumm-Ra acknowledges the power of the Demolisher, and convinces him to seek and destroy Lion-O. The Demolisher, searching for another fight, gladly accepts Mumm-Ra's advice. He battles with Lion-O only to face defeat.

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El trato con Mandrilo

14 novembre 198522m

Monkian goes to Mumm-Ra and agrees to give him anything if Mumm-Ra will make him powerful enough to rule Third Earth. Mumm-Ra agrees, and gives him Power Spheres which make him super strong and give him super weapons. He freezes all the Thundercats, then defeats Lion-O and takes the Sword of Omens back to Mumm-Ra. Mumm-Ra takes it, and then says that Monkian's part of the bargain will be that he can keep the spheres, but he has to stay in Mumm-Ra's pyramid for all eternity. Walls surround Monkian, and every time he breaks them down, a new set of walls shows up. While Monkian and Mumm-Ra are arguing, Lion-O retrieves the Sword and frees the other Thundercats. Monkian gives up his power to be free again.

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Situación apretada

15 novembre 198522m

After the Mutants fail to ambush and defeat the Thundercats with Vultureman's new Thundrainium cannon, Vultureman, furious about the failed attempt and the loss of his weapon, activates a self-destruct built into each of his inventions or repaired machinery, and all the Mutant technology disintegrates. To even the odds, Slithe asks Mumm-Ra to send an electrical energy creature to destroy all the equipment in Cats' Lair, which also seals up the door to the Sword Chamber, trapping the Sword of Omens inside along with all the Thundercats' weapons. The Mutants attack, and manage to capture Cheetara and Panthro. Snarf must climb into the ventilation shafts to reach the Sword Chamber from within, but Jackalman follows him, trying to capture him. Outside, Lion-O is attacked by Slithe and Monkian, and later Mumm-Ra. After Snarf successfully gets the Sword back to Lion-O, Lion-O frees Panthro and Cheetara and they defeat Mumm-Ra and the Mutants.

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Los micro-seres

18 novembre 198522m

Micrits, a tiny race of human-like figures, happen to live right outside Cats' Lair. Unaware of their existence, Lion-O manages to continuously step on their village and destroy their homes. Upset at this disrespect, the Micrits decide to take a stand and manage to trap Lion-O. With the Thundercat Lord in trouble, the Mutants attack Cats' Lair. After much talk, Lion-O manages to convince the Micrits that he is a "good guy" and convinces them to let him go to help save his friends. Once again, Lion-O saves the day, and befriends the Micrits.

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On the second day of his trials, Lion-O must race Cheetara through the dangerous lands of Third Earth. Although Cheetara is by far the fastest among the Thundercats, her speed can only last for a short time period. Lion-O takes a shorter but more dangerous route to make up for Cheetara's advantage.

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El gigante de roca

20 novembre 198522m

Mumm-Ra awakens the Rock Giant, an ancient monster made of stone which looked like a mountain to the TCats. When it wakes up, Mumm-Ra sends it to destroy Cats Lair. The TCats try and defeat it using the Thundertank, and eventually with the help of the Sword, the giant is beaten.

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La rebelión de Chacal-lo

21 novembre 198522m

The normally submissive JackalMan decides to start his own army in hopes of conquering Third Earth by himself. He does manage to give the Thundercats trouble, but soon he is defeated and ends up crawling back to the other mutants at Castle Plundarr, who weren't very happy that he rebelled in the first place.

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Turmagar el Tuska

22 novembre 198522m

An evil robot monster is attacking the Tuska Village, in an area unexplored by the Thundercats. Turmagar, the leader of the Tuskas, travels to the Cat's Lair to ask for aid in defeating the Techno-Pede robot which is destroying his village. The Thundercats agree to help Turmagar, and set out to the Tuska Village.

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La prueba de la astucia

25 novembre 198522m

Wily Kit and Kat stand in Lion-O's way on the third day of his trials. Lion-O must beat them through the maze of infinity. Attempting to stop Lion-O and slow him down, the kids set traps in the maze. He manages however to avoid their traps. In order to beat them through the maze, Lion-O plays their own tricks on them, and tricks them into losing the race through the maze.

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El falso Berbil

26 novembre 198522m

Mumm-ra transforms himself into a ro-bear berbil (a Thundercat ally). He acts hurt and the Thundercats let him stay at Cats Lair. One night, Mumm-ra(the berbil) puts all the Thundercats under his spell, except Snarf, because Tygra held off Mumm-ra just long enough for Snarf to escape. Lion-O was sleeping out in the woods, and Snarf ran to him and told him what happened. Lion-O came back and fought Mumm-ra, who was actually beating Lion-O. Mumm-ra was wearing special glasses so he couldn't see his reflection. Eventually, Lion-O used the Thundercat signal, broke Mumm-ra's spell and his glasses, and finally defeated him with his reflection.

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La plaga mecánica

27 novembre 198522m

Panthro invents flying video cameras which are suppose to record the events that take place on third-earth so they could create their own holographic time capsule. Mumm-Ra, in hope of destroying the Thundercats once more, revives the great mechanical monsters which the Thundercats have destroyed in the past to attack them. He revives the Mutant War robot, The Driller, The Giant Insect, and the Techno-Pede.

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28 novembre 198522m

When a big storm hits Third Earth, the Thunderkittens are trapped in an old space capsule. Meanwhile, Tygra and Cheetra almost crash the Feliner, but Lion-O guides them in for a safe landing with the eye of Thundera. The kittens are captured by Mumm-ra, but end up saving the day by showing him his reflection in the window of the capsule.

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La competencia del poder mental

29 novembre 198522m

Lion-O undergoes the fourth task in his Anointment Trial.

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El duelo de las espadas

2 décembre 198522m

The story of Excalibur, the greatest sword in history, is revealed to Mumm-Ra, who is then determined to find the Excalibur and defeat Lion-O and the Sword of Omens.

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El secreto del rey de hielo

3 décembre 198522m

A giant Ice King is accidentally released from his glacial prison and attacks the Castle of the Snowmen.

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Bueno y feo

4 décembre 198522m

A Terator Starship, an extremely ugly spaceship, is pursued by a Kymera Craft, a visually appealing spaceship. The Terator Spaceship escapes and lands at the Cats' Lair

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El traslado

5 décembre 198522m

A spaceship freighted with a lethal radioactive sphere is on a collision course for Third Earth.

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Divide y vencerás

6 décembre 198522m

Vultureman invents a voice imitator that imitates the ThunderCats' voices. He uses it to lure the ThunderCats into perilous situations.

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El amo de los sueños

9 décembre 198522m

Mumm-Ra transforms into Mumm-Ra the Dream Master and summons spectral Dream Selves from the sleeping Panthro, Cheetara, Tygra, Wilykat, and Wilykit.

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La desaparición de Willa

10 décembre 198522m

Willa is practicing her long-bow skills when a warning device alerts her to a Mutant attack. Willa is captured and the ThunderCats rush to rescue her.

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La montaña

11 décembre 198522m

Mumm-Ra summons the Mutants and threatens to banish them from Third Earth unless they bring him the Sword of Omens.

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La pócima de los súper-poderes

12 décembre 198522m

Vultureman invents a Super Power Potion which give him magical powers, enabling him to mesmerize and defeat Tygra.

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La falsa espada del augurio

13 décembre 198522m

Jackalman ambushes Snark and attempts to steal the Sword of Omens. This gives Panthro the idea to make a duplicate sword as bait for the Mutants.

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La prueba del mal

16 décembre 198522m

The concluding trial in Lion-O's Anointment Trials pits him alone and weaponless against the evil Mumm-Ra.

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El problema con los felinos

17 décembre 198522m

To prove themselves worthy of being ThunderCats, the ThunderKittens borrow the other ThunderCats' weapons and practice with them. They are ambushed by Mutants, who take their weapons.

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18 décembre 198522m

The Feliner is attacked by the RatStar, manned by the Mutants. Jackalman, Monikan, and S-S-Slithe are ejected and saved by Mumm-Rana, a female mirror image of Mumm-Ra, who is a force for good.

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El transmutador

19 décembre 198522m

Vultureman invents the Shifter, a device that can switch personalities, and uses it on Panthro's personality and Snarf's body.

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Un afectuoso recuerdo

20 décembre 198522m

Mumm-Ra creates a museum where painting and statues come alive to oppose the ThunderCats.

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