讨论 ThunderCats

Item: Season 1

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: I suspect there might be something not right with the S01 list of episodes and would like an experienced moderator to take a look please.

Starting with the Lion-O's Anointment ... set of episodes at S01E37 you will see in the list that there is no S01E42 and the list goes from E41 straight to E43.

I'm not sure this is correct and if possible would a moderator please take a look and see if its accurate.

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Adding some extra info to this. I've been adding imdb ids to these episodes and I noticed that on April 15, 2021 a user renamed a number of episode titles incorrectly starting with S01E37 so I'm going to attempt my best efforts to revert these back to what they where before. The user only renamed the title and did not change any summaries etc... so I'll leave all that alone and just fixup the titles.

Okay -- final update on this. The person who made the changes on April 15, 2021 moved the titles of the Lion-O's Anointment episodes and once I fixed them up it was apparent that Lion-O's Anointment Second Day: The Trial of Speed was missing which was the S01E42 I had reported initially on this thread. I have done my best to just only rename the title for the ones which where changes and have added the missing E42. When a MOD comes across this thread please check my work but I did believe its now fixed but hopefully someone like @Banana could confirm its okay.

Might also be worth locking the titles once a MOD confirms all is approved so this does not happen again.

Thanks dokuro! I locked the first season, reverted the changes the user made to the Portuguese Brazilian translation and locked the English titles. I'll contact the contributor to make sure they know how to deal with incorrect episodes. cat



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